On Tuesday evening, December 2, the membership of F.A.A. gathered in our annual Holiday Party. We shopped for the Holidays from the items displayed from our fellow artists for the Holiday Fine Art and Craft Sale, enjoyed good food and the fellowship of our friends, and had a fun time playing our “game” of giving (and stealing!) holiday ornaments and gifts brought by each of the members. A jolly time was had by all. The evening’s festivities were overseen by President Sandy Kinnamon and “Santa” Warren Brown, ably assisted by head elf Dallas Red.
In addition, Treasurer Sue Red read a letter from Dayton History thanking F.A.A. for our generous donation in memory of former F.A.A. President, the late Gerald Page. The donation was made to Dayton History, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, to support their Art of Manufacturing exhibit at Dayton Carillon Park. The exhibit is set to open in 2015. This donation is an example of F.A.A.’s mission of encouraging art appreciation.
Photos and text by Robert Beireis.