The Fairborn Art Association is a nonprofit organization, located in Fairborn, Ohio, designed to promote and encourage the appreciation and development of art in various forms, sponsor art classes, workshops and programs, and provide community service.
Membership is open to all persons interested in the objectives of the Association. General meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm with the exceptions of January, July, and August. Meetings are held in the Fairborn Art Association Gallery located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, at 221 North Central Avenue, Fairborn, Ohio. (See map and photo.)
The membership year is from June 1 to May 31. Annual dues are due prior to June 1 (or the meeting in June) to be included in the membership directory. The following are the different classifications:
Senior Citizen (60 yr+) $15.00
Individual $25.00
Family $30.00
Students and past presidents Free
The membership application is available in the Gallery and on the website. The application and remittance should be mailed to:
Fairborn Art Association
P.O. Box 1231
Fairborn, OH 45324
Email: info@fairbornart.org
Our Board members are always willing to answer your questions about our organization and any questions about upcoming events, announcements, and other general requests. You may contact any of the Board members at the mailing or email address given above.
Our current Elected Board Member Officers are
President Linda Brandenburg
Vice President Julie Shuman
Treasurer Roger Browning
Recording Secretary Sheryl Scott
Corresponding Secretary April Coppess
Ex-Officio President Billie Dickson
Volunteer Committee Chairpersons for FAA Activities and Events include
Sweet Corn Festival Chair Jerry Red
Greeting Host and
Membership Chair Debbie Cosenza
Gallery Coordinator and
Refreshments Chair Carol Collett
Workshops Chair Shirlee Bauer
Facility Manager Roger Browning
Sunshine Chair Evvie Moore
Publicity and
Photography Chair James Gifford
Members Fine Art Show
Co-Chairs Cindy Sayeedi and Linda Perry
Benefits of joining our organization include:
- Our website reflects the endeavors of the Association and the members. We include members’ areas of artistic endeavor so that contact can be made between members having similar interests. To that end, we include a questionnaire on the membership form to allow members to check off their activities. This information will be kept in the private Association database and made available to others only with your permission.
- Members receive a newsletter that corresponds with our regularly scheduled member meetings with up-to-date information about current art events, monthly programs, classes, workshops, shows and exhibitions, special promotions and much more.
- We email the Newsletter to all members who have email accounts. We request your email address on the membership application for this reason and to give us a way to contact members quickly in case of an emergency. We will not publish your name, personal information, or your email address, nor will we give this information to anyone without your permission. We use the regular mailing service for those members who do not have an email account. Please use our email system if possible. We try to spend our funds wisely and email saves us the cost of printing, labeling, and mailing the newsletter.
- Members may display their artwork in the Member Galleries on this website.
- Members receive discounts on registration fees for F.A.A. workshops.
- Workshops and demo programs are conducted in the Gallery by nationally known guest artists.
- Members have an opportunity to paint in the studio or outdoors and to display their artwork in the F.A.A. Gallery, located in the all-purpose room. The Gallery is open to the public during certain F.A.A. events or by special appointment. No commission is taken by the F.A.A. All sales tax is the responsibility of each artist.
- Members may have their own booth, may help with the planning, and/or other needed activities at the Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival held the third full weekend in August each year. The F.A.A is one of two sponsors of the Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival which is the F.A.A.’s main fundraiser. Profits from this festival are used to support programs, activities, and one-time $1,000 scholarships that are awarded each year to deserving senior high school students to help further his/her art education at an accredited college or university.
- Members have the enjoyment of fellowship and sharing with other fine artists in the area.
- You will be a member of one of the BEST art organizations in Ohio!