Dear Members and Patrons,
Spring has finally arrived in Ohio. It is about time. We could sure use some warm weather. Spring is a time of renewal and new growth. I am hoping we are all refreshed and renewed and that our art work will show it. So go outdoors and start working on a painting, or sketch for the Plain Air show coming up. We will be re-energized with the speaker/demo this month with our own member, Yuki Hall. I know she will be inspiring and you won’t want to miss the meeting. See you there.
Sandy Kinnamon, AWS
Yuki Hall is a watercolor artist who was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. Having spent the first two decades of her life in Japan, it is no surprise that her approach to watercolor painting reflects eastern influences; simplicity and the effective use of tonal value pattern are emphasized and are executed in a spontaneous, fluid manner. Yuki’s journey with watercolor painting started when she took a beginner’s watercolor class at a local art center in 2006. She then further studied the medium with nationally and internationally acclaimed artists such as David Taylor, Mark Mehaffey, and Alvaro Castagnet. She has won numerous awards including Best of Show and been accepted into various prestigious national and international juried competitions. Her work has also been published in the Watercolor Artist Magazine. Yuki is an avid teacher, teaching at various locations including the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. Her highly organized, friendly and non-intimidating teaching style has been well received by students of all levels. Yuki lives in Beavercreek, Ohio with her husband and two daughters. To see samples of her work and her teaching schedule, visit her website at
WATERCOLOR FAST & LOOSE with Frank Francese, NWS, TWSA-Master
Join us in this exciting workshop with Frank Francese, where Frank will show and teach us his signature way of painting watercolor – Fast & Loose approach. Frank will be demonstrating a variety of subject matter, showing us the time tested method of creating an eye-catching composition with brilliant color and interesting shapes. Plenty of individual help will be provided. All skill levels are welcome. Frank Francese is a signature member of National Watercolor Society as well as Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Master Status. He has been awarded 50+ national awards for his watercolor painting. His recent awards include: Colorado Watercolor Society Annual Exhibition, Best of Show 2013-14; Watercolor West International Watercolor Exhibition, Signature Members Award 2013; Third Invitational Exhibition of Complementary International Water Media Masters, Nanjing, China 2012; Shenzhen Biennial International Exhibition of Watercolors, Shenzhen, China. You can learn more about Frank by visiting his website at This will be a 4-day watercolor workshop from May 4 to May 7 (Monday through Thursday), 9 am to 4 pm. The cost is $260 for a FAA member, $280 for a non-member. Contact Yuki Hall, 937-426-7229, A flyer with application form is attached to this article on our website
Attachment: Frank Francese workshop registration form pdf
This watercolor workshop, presented by the Fairborn Art Association, will be Monday through Thursday, November 2 to 5, 2015, from 9 am to 4 pm daily. The workshop will be held at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N. Central Ave., Fairborn, OH. In this 4-day workshop, participants will create paintings using the elements of shape, line, value, and color to simplify subject and use a variety of color plans to create emotion and mood. Discussion of content, the importance of color schemes and line quality will also be discussed. Participants will also work intuitively with shape, color, line and especially texture to produce an abstraction with a personal focus and a representational work based on personal reference choices. All levels are welcome as long as everyone is comfortable with their materials. Nationally and internationally recognized artist Mark Mehaffey is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, DF, National Watercolor Society, Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Master, and the Watercolor West. Mark has won many major awards in juried exhibitions across the world, including Beverly Green Memorial Purchase Award from the National Watercolor Society, the Silver Medal of Honor and the Arches Paper Co. Award from American Watercolor Society. He is also an author of Creative Watercolor Workshop, published by North Light Books, and many instructional DVDs by Creative Catalyst Productions as well as Artists Network Productions. Fees for this workshop are $230 for FAA member; $250 for non-member. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Yuki Hall, 4136 Fox Fern Ct., Beavercreek, OH 45432. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. The final payment must be made by August 20, 2015. For questions or more information, call Yuki at 937-426-7229, or email Flyers with the registration form are available at the Gallery or on our website at
Attachment: Mark Meheffey Workshop Nov 2015
Keep Jackie Albright in your prayers and thoughts as she is recovering from surgery.
The FAA’s Member’s Spring Fine Art Show is coming up in May, so get busy and paint! It is time to get ready for the Member’s Spring Show. Registration for the show will be held on Monday, April 27th from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and from 1:00-3:00 p.m., and Wednesday, April 29th from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. I will again need your help for registration, setting up for the show, and sitting the show. The Show will be open to the public the first three Sundays in May. I will be sending around signup sheets at the April meeting, or member can contact me if they are willing to help. Your help is needed and very much appreciated to make this how a success. I am looking forward to working with all of you this spring. Gayle’s phone number is 937-390-1992. The Prospectus for the Show is available at the meeting, in the gallery, on the FAA website, in this newsletter, or from Gayle.
Click here for a 2015 Spring Prospectus.
The Festival is fast approaching and we will be seeking your help again this year. Keep in mind that this is the only fundraiser for the Fairborn Art Association which helps to keep your membership low, provide low cost workshops, and provide scholarships for high school students. We will be sending around signup sheets at the April and May meetings. Please signup to help.
It is that time of year again to think about the leadership of Art Association. If you are interested in running for a position, please contact Lori Luckner at or 937-367-9938.
Just a reminder that the deadline for the scholarships is April 10th.
The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the April meeting: Lana Kim, Sheryl Scott, Louise Jackson, Margaret Brooks, and Sherry Li Cai. Thank you for volunteering.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the May Newsletter is Monday, April 20, 2015. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.