To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0420 Newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0420 Newsletter (open document file)
Hello All,
Many of you already know that the Fairborn Senior Housing Building has self-quarantined, and so we have closed our Gallery to any meetings, classes, paint outs, etc. until further notice. As a result, our Board has voted to cancel our April meeting, our May meeting, our May workshop, and our Member Show originally scheduled for May. We are working to reschedule the Member Show for possibly October. We hope to reschedule the Misuk Goltz workshop in the future. Pat Dunker, our workshop chair, is working on contacting all participants within the next two weeks. You will not lose your deposits.
We had hoped to announce candidates for Board positions in April, and vote in May. Carol Edsall is working on that and may still have a slate of candidates to announce in this newsletter.
The Board and the Sweet Corn Festival Committee are working on possibly having meetings electronically so the business of Fairborn Art Association can continue. As of now, the June social and the Sweet Corn Festival are still on, but of course that depends on the directives of our Governor. I have not heard from the BW Greenway regarding the Landscape Show scheduled for July, but we will announce any changes through an e-mail blast and our Facebook page.
This reminds me that it is critical for you to share your e-mail address with us. We use it to let you know of changes as quickly as possible, and to send notifications of the newsletter. Of course if you do not have e-mail, we will still continue to mail you the newsletter, but it may not be as timely as an e-mail would be.
I am reminded by Jackie Albright that she is receiving information for the newsletter that is not written as an article but as a personal note. The Corresponding Secretary’s job is not to write the article, it is basically to copy and paste what you have written into the newsletter format. Since we will be voting in a new Corresponding Secretary in May, I am saying now that any future information submitted will not appear in the newsletter if it is not written as an article. Sorry for any inconvenience to you, but it is causing a great inconvenience for the Corresponding Secretary.
Some positive things happening at FAA are Roger Browning has installed two smaller TVs in the Gallery so those sitting in the back can still view demos, and he has installed under cabinet lighting in the kitchen. It makes a huge difference in being able to use the kitchen and to clean up after meetings and other events. Loren Red will be working on repairing the flower boxes flanking the front door so they will continue to hold our beautiful flower gardens. We will be working with our web designer to improve and update our web site, so it will be more appealing and also easier to use. Jackie Albright will take on that task, as she has resigned as Corresponding Secretary after many years of service.
We still have some members who need love and support from us. I’m not getting much information from you all to share, but these are the people I do know about: Loren Red, Lois Kuck, the family of Anita Wilson (who passed away on March 14), and Sheryl Scott. As far as I know our members have been spared from the Covid-19 virus, and I certainly hope that continues.
Stay home, practice social distancing, and wash your hands frequently!
Henry Moore (1898-1986), Sculptor, said, “One never knows what each day is going to bring. The important thing is to be open and ready for it.”
Billie Dickson
Our slate of Officers for the Board are as follows: President, Billie Dickson; Vice President, Carol Edsall; Treasurer, Sue Red; Recording Secretary, Sheryl Scott; Corresponding Secretary, Kenny Moore, who has expressed interest in this position. The Corresponding Secretary will be producing the annual Directory and the monthly newsletter. Jackie Albright will continue administrating our website as Social Media Administrator. If anyone is interested in running for any of these positions please contact the Nominating Committee chair, Carol Edsall, prior to our membership voting in May. Details on voting procedures will be published in the May 2020 newsletter.
…Submitted by Carol Edsall, 2020 Nominating Committee Chair
I hope that you are safe and healthy. I just wanted to make you aware that I will be mailing out membership dues notices in late April or early May for the 2020/2021 year. Please keep a watch in your mail for the renewal form and continue supporting the Fairborn Art Association by renewing your membership.
…Submitted by Lori Luckner, Membership Chair
Warren Brown has submitted a form for members to indicate their willingness to volunteer to help out at the Sweet Corn Festival in August. So far as we know right now the festival will be held as planned for the third weekend in August 2020. Please email Warren at to let him know what you want to sign up for.
Sweet Corn Festival Signup Sheet – August 13, 14, 15, 16, 2020
DUTIES: 1. Watermelon; 2. Information; 3. Needed Tasks
Name Phone # Email Available Dates Duty #
April 7, 2020 Meeting Cancelled
May 5, 2020 Meeting Cancelled
June 2, 2020 Social
July 7, 2020 No meeting
August 4, 2020 No meeting
September 1, 2020 Amy Kollar Anderson, Mixed Media
October 6, 2020 Bruce Neville, and Workshop
November 3, 2020 Tim Langenderfer, Drawing
December 1, 2020 Christmas Party
…Submitted by Carol Edsall Program Director
Unfortunately, our May 2020 workshop with Misuk Goltz had to be cancelled and rescheduled for May 2021. If you signed up for Misuk’s workshop, we can tear up your check or send it back. The cancellation is the result of the corona virus outbreak and the concerns of the elderly residents in the senior living center where FAA is housed. Your check could be applied to the October 2020 workshop with Bruce Neville if you so desire. Bruce Neville, an outstanding watercolorist from Cincinnati, will be our guest workshop teacher and demo artist for our October 2020 meeting. More info on the cost, etc. will be published in the May newsletter.
With the current situation and the ongoing spread of the COVID-19virus, Shirlee and I have decided to stop our Thursday meetings until we are assured there is not a thread of the COVID-19 virus. Please everyone, take care of yourselves and follow the guidelines that have been given from our doctors and health authorities. You all can create beautiful art at your home and you can pick an art buddy to share your new masterpieces with by email. When things are better, you can bring that masterpiece and share it with the group. If some of TPI friends in this group do not regularly check their email (and you might know them), please call them so they know we are not meeting. Take care everyone and pray for a cure of the COVID-19 virus.
…Submitted by Connie Gifford and Shirlee Bauer
Learn to paint with Louise Jackson from the comfort of your home! Louise has been busy creating a library of video painting lessons and she’ll be adding new videos each month. New updates to the website – You can now purchase individual video lessons. When you purchase an online painting lesson you’ll get:
- step-by-step instructions so you can paint each brush stroke with Louise;
- lots of helpful tips and techniques;
- lifetime of access to watch the videos;
- plus printed instructions, color swatches; and printable line drawing;
- a complimentary painting packet with a second design (2 for the price of 1).
Save 20% on any video painting lesson. Use coupon code – FAIRBORN20.
Visit for more information.
How are my favorite artists getting along? I think of you every day, hoping you are well and managing to cope with the uncertainty of the times.
Bob and I are doing fine. Our daughter Kathleen in Wilmington has taken over our supply line and all I have to do is message a list to her. She and her husband Tim have us and his parents in Middletown to worry about, so we are trying to cooperate with their directives. (“Think ahead. Don’t let yourself run out of anything. Call if you need anything. Stay home. Etc.) My first reaction was my usual “We can manage just fine,” but she convinced us that we are definitely in the at-risk age group and should follow the protocols. We are behaving. They have been so helpful and we are grateful.
I am still having intermittent computer and Wi-Fi and Internet problems, so I can’t be sure this will go out, but I will keep trying. I’m hoping now we will soon see a downturn in the frequency of new cases. We all need to urge family members and friends to maintain social distancing, isolation, and stay home to avoid contact. Did I mention washing your hands? This is not a joke.
Here is another reference to entertain and teach you while you are housebound: Click on “Potpourri” link on my home page. This is my blog, which I haven’t updated for a while, but it has several years of articles on color, creativity, and watercolor plus some of the exhibits we hung at Hithergreen back in the day. It’s really fun to look at those again!.
Now, I’ll see if a click will send this to you! Love you all. Stay safe.
…Submitted by Nita Leland, ,
Brochure and other information are available on our website at Paint this spring!
If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.
The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the May Newsletter is Monday, April 21, 2020. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532