Hello Fellow Artists!
As I begin writing this letter, Easter is on the horizon, a season of hope and rebirth. Despite the snowy weather we’ve been experiencing, flowers will soon be blooming, trees will be budding, baby birds will be peeping, and baby bunnies will be hidden in little nests in our yards. My wish is to make this a time of revitalization and passion and to put these dreary months behind us.
Speaking of flowers, Louise Jackson is our demo artist for April, and she is a remarkable floral painter. I took one of her workshops and it was very informative and fun so please join us at our FAA meeting on Tuesday, April 4, at 7:00 pm.
As most of you know, we had to cancel our show at the Spark venue for April, which was very disappointing, but hopefully something will work out in the future with Blue Bike Bakery. Thanks again to everyone who was willing to participate and to those who were a huge help in the planning of this event.
We do have a Members’ Fine Art Show in May, so be sure that your FAA membership is up to date. This is always an exciting event with so many beautiful pieces! The drop-off date is April 27 from noon to five, and members are allowed to enter two pieces at $10 each, based upon the prospectus requirements.
That’s all I have for now, so don’t forget the June Social, the B-W Greenway show in July, and of course, WE NEED A SWEET CORN FESTIVAL CHAIRPERSON!! (too subtle?)
Keep creating!
Linda Brandenburg, President
April 4 Louise Jackson, watercolor & acrylic
May 2 Keiko Tanabe, watercolor (Workshop May 1–3)
June 6 Social
July No meeting
August No meeting
September 5 Catherine Bishop Green, watercolor
October 3 Alicia Ferris, watercolor (Workshop TBD)
November 7 Sarah Maxwell, watercolor
December 5 Christmas Party

Fairborn Art Association will feature guest artist Louise Jackson on April 4, at 7:00 pm at their gallery at 221 N. Central Ave., Fairborn. Louise is a multi-media artist working on watercolor, acrylic, oil and ink. She has been an influence in the art community since 1965. She is a signature member of the Dayton Painters and Sculptors, the Western Ohio Watercolor Society, and is a master decorative artist with the Society of Decorative Painters. In addition she has authored multiple painting instruction books and served as a judge of multiple juried art shows. Her works are included in many private and corporate collections including the Decorative Arts Collection Museum and the Smithsonian. She has continued her teaching with online classes.
…Submitted by Carol Edsall
FAA membership renewal forms for 2023–24 will be emailed to you this month. Annual dues are due prior to June 1 (or the meeting in June) to be included in the FAA Membership Directory.
…Submitted by Debbie Cosenza, Membership Chair
The following FAA Members participated in the 2023 Greene County Senior Artisan Show: Elizabeth Beecher, Warren Brown, Lucy Burns, Carol Collett, Billie Dickson, Linda Perry, Sue Seitz, Teresa Stoddart, and Connie Weber
Congratulations to Teresa Stoddart, a new member, who sold a painting. This is her first art show as she just started painting during the Covid lockdown.
…Submitted by Carol Collett
Debbie Cosenza, along with her friend Brenda Holtzman, will be exhibiting at the Beavercreek Lofino Art Gallery the month of May 2023. Debbie’s pieces are mixed media with Encaustic and Brenda’s are cyanotypes. There will be an artist reception on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 (Time TBD). The Gallery at Lofino Plaza is located inside the Beavercreek Senior Center, 3868 Dayton Xenia Road, Beavercreek, OH 45432. The Gallery hours are 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Fridays and 9:00 am to Noon Saturdays.
Longtime FAA member Deborah “Debbie” Suter passed away on March 22 after battling serious illness. Debbie was a very giving, talented and creative person. She served as Chair of the Sweet Corn Festival from 1995–1997 and also served as Sunshine Chair. Our sincere condolences go out to Debbie’s family and friends.
…Submitted by Jane Trame
FAA Members’ Show artwork will be accepted on Thursday, April 27, 2023, from noon to 5:00 pm. The show opens on Sunday, May 7, 2023.
Prizes awarded on Tuesday, May 2, at the FAA meeting.
Please bring your art ready to hang, and we do not accept saw-tooth hangers or ring hangers. The prospectus has all the information needed to prepare your art for the show. The prospectus is available in our gallery and on our website under Announcements.
Note New Changes: Photography will now be included in the show. There is a maximum of two entries per member. Entry fee for each piece of artwork is $10. Size not to exceed 30 x 40 inches.
Registration: Thursday, April 27, 2023, from Noon to 5:00 pm
Show Opening: Sunday May 7, 2023, from 1:00 pm till 4:00 pm
Prizes Awarded: Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 7:00 pm at our May meeting
Gallery Hours: Sundays, May 7, 14, and 21 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Note: The Members’ Show will end at the June 6, 2023, meeting and is now included with the People’s Choice. Paintings will be removed after the meeting.
Pick Up: Tuesday, June 6, 2023, after the FAA meeting and on Thursday, June 8 from 10:00 am till 1:00 pm
If you signed up to sit with the FAA gallery, please bring only food/drink for yourself because we will not furnish anything for the guests due to COVID-19. We will assign one person in your group to have access to the gallery so you can get in and lock up when you leave.
Please check with us when you register your art to make sure who will have gallery access. Feel free to bring your artwork to work on while you are there.
Please invite your friends and family to come see the show and hopefully find a piece of art they would like to hang in their home or office. Remember to share this information with your friends on social media such as Facebook.
If you have questions or if you need to deliver or pick up your work at a different time, contact Connie Gifford at or (937) 270-7359 or Carol Edsall at .
Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful artwork!
…Submitted by Connie S. Gifford and Carol Edsall
Sign up soon for the May Workshop with Keiko Tanabe! This artist is very well-known and, due to her popularity, artists from outside our area are already registering for this workshop. Seating is limited. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to learn from this artist and teacher.
Mostly self-taught, Keiko embarked on a professional art career in 2005 and started exhibiting publicly. In the same year she took a workshop from Alvaro Castagnet and discovered the joy of plein-air painting. Since that year her paintings have been juried into many exhibitions across Americas and in Asia and Europe. Her work has been purchased by private and corporate collectors from all around the world. She also had her paintings published in leading art magazines in the U.S., Europe and Japan. Additionally, she self-publishes her art books and nine books have been completed to date. She’s also a sought-after workshop instructor. She has served as a juror in a number of art exhibitions including some major watercolor shows around the world. The registration form for the May 2023 Workshop is available in the Gallery and on our website.
Once again, this is your reminder that all entries for the B-W Greenway Community Land Trust & the Fairborn Art Association’s Landscape 2023 juried art competition will be received at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, 221 North Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH (in the rear of the building) on Saturday, June 24,and Sunday, June 25, from 1:00–3:00 pm. The Opening Reception will be held at the Fairborn Art Gallery on Sunday, July 9, from 1:00–3:00 pm. The art will be on display at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery and open to the public on July 9, 16 and 23. For additional information visit the B-W Greenway webpage: or contact co-chairs: Pat Higgins at or Karen Nagafuchi at .
Our next meeting will be on May 2. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the May Newsletter is Monday, April 17, 2023. Please email your articles to April Coppess.
Please note that, for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will not post personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website unless we have the respective member’s permission. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.