Our monthly newsletters are featured here.
June 2013 Newsletter
This is our exciting party time and the celebration of our volunteers, awards to our High School Seniors, who will be bringing a sampling of their creativity that made them winners this year. All members are invited to bring two pieces of art for a People’s Choice Award. And it’s the night for all of us to bring a dish to share and enjoy gourmet creations while listening to fun Musical Entertainment. Come as early as 5:30 to bring your artwork and food. This last meeting of the season begins at 7:00 and then the party begins!
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May 2013 Newsletter
You’ll want to be at our May meeting for sure!!! Not only will we present our Members’ Spring Show, but you will see a demonstration by our juror; delightful, nationally known artist, Joseph Fettingis, NWS. The show winners, chosen by Mr. Fettingis, will be announced during the meeting.
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April 2013 Newsletter
Greetings Members and Patrons,
As I write, it is still raining and will continue most of this week. Water is such a blessing for all living things, so necessary for our health, our earth, and for Spring Flowers to pop up and delight us as the weather changes and brings warmth and hope of a beautiful colorful season. I hope this finds you all looking forward to our April 2nd Meeting with our special guest, visual artist and poet, Rosie Huart. Board meeting at 6:00, gathering at 6:30 for sign in and social, and meeting beginning at 7:00. Come, bring along a friend or two, or more, enjoy getting acquainted, be fed, both mentally and physically, and have fun through it all. See you there!!
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March 2013 Newsletter
SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!! And aren’t we looking forward to the beauty that surprises us, no matter how many times we have witnessed the miracles of creation. Let’s hope the weather allows us to have a wonderful March meeting with our guest speaker, Rusty Hardin, whose talents will be valuable to all of us no matter what medium we prefer. So, call your friends, invite them to join you March 5, 6:30 gathering, 7:00 short meeting, followed by hospitality and good nourishment and then Demo begins. You’ll find our faithful greeter, Larry Hawkins there to sign you in. So Come On Along!
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February 2013 Newsletter
It gives me great pleasure to think about getting back soon to our monthly meetings after the busyness of the Holidays. I hope you all had a safe and wonderful time. Our Christmas gift boutique was filled with amazing creativity and very generous volunteers who make it two wonderful weekends in December. Thanks to all who participated.
I am aware that not all of us sailed through the Holidays without a struggle with health problems and I pray that you have had lots of hibernating time along with love and support during these winter months. You have been in our thoughts and prayers during this time…
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December 2012 Newsletter
Our November meeting had a great turnout; Tom Hock did a fine job with his demo and we welcomed new members who will also be participating in our annual Holiday Fine Art and Craft Sale. Hope you are working hard creating wonderful items to fill the gallery. This sale is such a good time to get acquainted with the amazing talents in our membership. And our December Meeting is our Fabulous Fun Christmas Party, always full of laughter and good cheer. Bring along an appetizer or finger food to share. To add to the fun there will be a Christmas ornament gift exchange. Those who would like to participate in the exchange should bring a wrapped ornament either handmade or purchased (value at $5-$10). Every member, friends, patrons, and spouses are invited to attend. Jim Scherer will take a group photograph to post on the FAA website. So don’t miss this perfect opportunity socialize with fellow artists and friends.
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