Nita Leland Sparked an Epiphany

I’m an FAA member and was quite inspired by Nita Leland’s presentation at our February meeting. A little background:  I’m a relatively new watercolorist (5-ish years), and my color palette has been mostly driven by the most recent workshop, or another artist whose...

Paint All Day with Louise Jackson

Louise Jackson is offering her watercolor classes from 10 am to 3:30 pm on three Mondays, March 13, 20, and 27, 2017. All skill levels are welcome. All of your paints will be provided. All paintings new. Supply list to come Each day you will watch a demonstration on...

Members’ Art Supply Sale

Your home or studio is awash in art supplies – paints, pencils, pens, brushes, sketchbooks, papers, brayers, easels, books, DVDs, framing materials, etc. – that you don’t use and are unlikely to use in this lifetime – or they make you pause and ask,...