To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1219 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1219 Newsletter (open document file)

 Holiday Greetings!

FAA is kicking off the season with our 2019 Holiday Party. We meet at 7 pm on Tuesday, December 3. Please bring a refreshment to share, and if you wish to participate in our gift exchange, please bring a small seasonal item ($10 – $15), wrapped but with no names on it. We will have some fun with it for sure.

Please be sure to like our new beautiful Facebook page (the colorful one) and if you have already liked or followed our old page please unlike or unfollow that one so we can discard it. FB search Fairborn Art Association.

We will take a short winter break in January, but we will be back to our regular meeting schedule in February, 2020. Our speaker will be the ever-popular Yuki Hall and she will talk about her recent European painting trip and sketching. Meeting is Tuesday, February 4 at 7 pm.

Now that winter weather is upon us, please remember if Fairborn schools are closed due to weather, we will not meet that night. If weather worsens during the day, we will attempt to send an e-mail blast out to you. Of course, we want everyone to be safe, so if the meeting has not been officially cancelled but you are not comfortable driving, then please stay home.

Cheap Joe (Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff) says, “When we paint to create a masterpiece, we set ourselves up for failure. So instead, set out to have fun and enjoy the journey.  Then you’ve set yourself up for success.”

Billie Dickson



FEBRUARY 2020 – Yuki Hall, European trip, sketching

MARCH 2020 – Kate Santucci, encaustic art

APRIL 2020 – Donna Schwartz, colored pencil


May 4-7, 2020, Fairborn Art Association will welcome Misuk Goltz back to teach a 4-day watercolor workshop.  Misuk has won many awards for her watercolor paintings and is an outstanding teacher. For beginners to more advanced. Misuk has planned a fabulous, informative workshop.

Watercolor Painting for Art Journaling

Your Travels in Sketches and Paintings

with Misuk Goltz

May 4 – 6, 2020

Why Journaling?  Your journal can become a sanctuary where you contemplate, reflect or resolve matters in your life; it’s just like keeping a diary.  Or simply giving you the pleasure of recording the moments in your life you want to remember. If you are an artist, you already have the tools you need to create imaginative journal pages.  Moreover, journaling will allow you to grow your skills as an observer, creator, and painter.  For watercolor painters who want to bring their work to a different level, come and learn different painting methods and practice them with guidance and feedback from the instructor.

Workshop Agenda:

Introduction to Journaling

Brainstorm: “What do I want my journal to be?”  Medium to practice sketching and painting?   Keepsake? Diary?  Travelogue?

Page Design Exercise: Play with different formats: horizontal, vertical, square or your own creation

Journaling Exercise: Demos on painting/sketching (people, landscapes, urban scenes, animals) showing methods and strategies to construct journal pages

Start your journal! Start your painting

Individual discussion (5 minutes for each participant) on each one’s progress

Informal showing of student journals to share ideas

Book Binding: Make your own journal book

This workshop will be at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery from 9:30-4 with an hour for lunch. The cost will be $200 member or $225 non-member, including a $40 nonrefundable deposit which will hold your place for the workshop. Because Misuk has so many followers, get your deposit in soon. Send it to Pat Dunker, 30 Innisbrook Close, Xenia, Ohio 45385. Contact Pat at 937-562-3014 or cell 937-271-4798, or email .

…Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment: Misuk Goltz 2020 May FAA Workshop Agenda

Attachment: Misuk Goltz Registration


Thursdays, 9:00 am – 11:30 am, December 12 – January 23, with a skip date of December 26. Shirley is currently working on the Winter Schedule. The Winter Schedule begins in February, 2020 and will be available once it is approved and booked at the Hayner Center in Troy, Ohio.                                                                   …Submitted by Shirley DeLaet

Attachment: Oil Painter’s Study Group_FAA[1393]


You can now paint along with Louise Jackson while in your pajamas. There’s no need to travel to take a class because you can now watch video lessons online. Louise has taken her 50 years of teaching experience and created a library of amazing painting lessons that you can view from your computer, television, or tablet. You can  paint on your own schedule in your home, re-watching the video and fast forwarding and rewinding as needed. Check out the free tutorial video on Painting Waterdrops on Louise’s website. Learn more at .


Connie and Jim Gifford along with their daughter and son-in-law, Brandi Harris and Brock Harris, and introducing their daughter, Raven Harris, will have artwork (watercolor, acrylic, and photography) on display in Kettering’s Lathrem Senior Center Hallway Art Gallery from November 1, to December 15, 2019. Lathrem is located at 2900 Glengarry Drive, Kettering.  Hours Monday-Thursday 8-8, Friday 8-5, Saturday 9-12 noon and Sunday 12:30-4:30.  Phone 937-296-2480.                                                                                                                                                 …Submitted by Jim Gifford


It’s time to get into the Holiday Spirit Sunday, December 1 at the annual Holiday Open House at the 1854 Hertzler House in George Rogers Clark Park from 1–3 pm. The Christmas Tree, a tradition brought to the US from German immigrants, is featured. Guests are encouraged to count all the trees and win a sweet treat. Savory and sweet refreshments are served in the dining room and Leslie Arendt and sisters will be playing holiday music in the parlor. The event is free but donations are appreciated.                                                                                     …Submitted by Barb Arnold 937-864-1046


Judy Betts was the juror for the WOWS show that included a total of 20 artists. “Judi took 3 to 3.5 hours judging”. In addition to the four main Excellent awards, Ms. Betts gave five honorable mentions. Some of our FAA members received awards. Award of Excellence in Watercolor: Elizabeth Martin, Rose Schultz. Honorable Mention: Shirlee Bauer, Patricia Dunker, Connie Gifford, Mary Jo White, Linnae Wilson.


Yuki Hall will be conducting a workshop titled “Painting & Sketching the Spirit of Spain” from May 11 to May 21, 2020.  The workshop will take place in Barcelona, Girona and Costa Brava, Spain with abundant excursions with private tour guides and private transportations.  For more information, contact Yuki at, (937) 679-2464.  All level of painters and non-painting companions are also welcome. Workshop brochure and enrollment form are available in the Gallery and on our website at

Attachment: Painting & Sketching the Spirit of Spain[1160]

Attachment: Painting & Sketching the spirit of Spain Enrollment form[1161]


Brochure and other information are available on our website at Paint this winter!

Attachment: Landscapes 2020 Flyer 2pg


Everyone please bring your favorite holiday refreshment to our Holiday Celebration at our meeting on 3 December at 7 pm.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the February Newsletter is Monday, January 20, 2020. Please email your articles to or call Jackie at 937-233-7532.