Our FAA Board has voted to CANCEL our April and May meetings and our Misuk Goltz workshop. Our Member Show is postponed. We are looking at October as a new month for the show. Any deposits for the workshop will be returned and you should hear from our Workshop Chair in the next couple of weeks. We are working through taking care of business that was scheduled to be addressed at the meetings. Please check out our April newsletter for further information.
In addition, the Fairborn Senior Apartment building is under self quarantine. Therefore, ALL activities at the FAA Gallery are cancelled until further notice.
Hopefully we all will follow the guidelines to self isolate in our country and that will help us get through this time of danger from this serious illness quickly. I hope you are all healthy, and that you stay that way.
…Submitted by Billie Dickson, President
The deadline for the April newsletter is Monday, March 30, 2020. The newsletter will be published on paper and on this website by the end of next week. Please send your articles – awards, shows, interesting classes, videos, etc. We need to keep in touch with each other. Please send articles to me at [email protected] or call 937-233-7532.
Jackie Albright
Corresponding Secretary