gayle Beireis demonstrates her creative process – pointillism – at the Greene County Council on Aging Expo. She uses micro-pens and a magnifying glass to add detail to her work.

Sheryl Scott at the Greene County Council on Aging Expo. Sheryl did a quilling demonstration. Quilling uses yarn to create craft items such as cards.

Linda Keller’s work is called Zentangle. Starting with a square, the artist adds shapes to build a pattern. Using straight lines, zigzags, circles, flowers, whatever one’s heart desires to create an abstract work of art.
Three members represented F.A.A. at the Greene County Council on Aging Exposition on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, Ohio. Gayle Beireis, Sheryl Scott, and Linda Keller did demonstrations of their respective works for the public at the Expo. This is the third consecutive year that F.A.A. has had a booth at the expo.