To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0220 Newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0220 Newsletter (open document file)
As I write this in mid-January, we have experienced the mildest winter I can remember (I’m not complaining!). I keep wondering what this foretells for February and March. This prompts me to remind you that if we have bad winter weather on a meeting day, we follow Fairborn school closings. If they are closed, so are we. We will try to reschedule for the following week, and will communicate that by e-mail and by posting on our Facebook page.
Our February speaker is our own Yuki Hall. She will be talking about sketching during her recent trip to Europe. She is always a very dynamic and popular speaker, so it should be an exciting program.
For those who enjoyed the Christmas decorations at our holiday party, please thank the Thursday painting group who decorated, and the Friday painting group who carefully packed them away for next year.
If you enjoy painting and sharing with other members, please remember we have the Thursday group which focuses on watercolor and the Friday group which is open to a variety of media, and we have recently added a group on Wednesday which paints “en plein air” during the warmer months and paints inside the gallery in the winter months. To get more information about the groups, contact Carol Collett at for Wednesday, Connie Gifford at for Thursday, and Billie Dickson at for Friday. The cost is $1 per visit and the group sharing is priceless.
Please welcome Debbie Cosenza, who has agreed to be our Meeting Greeter going forward.
I’ve been made aware of several members who have had a variety of health problems since we last met. Please look out for each other and let us know if we can help these folks out. Some are still ill and others are healing and others have family members who are ill, but I know Warren Brown, Shirlee Bauer, Lois Kuck, Connie Weber, Anita Wilson, Jackie Albright, and Sheryl Scott would all appreciate a card or an email of encouragement and comfort. Please let someone on our Board know if others need us to reach out. I’m going to try to include a list in each newsletter going forward.
We are very sorry to report that Maggie Vance lost her battle with cancer this weekend. Information for arrangements should be available Tuesday or Wednesday. Our condolences to her family and friends.
Billie Dickson
The Fairborn Art Association (FAA) is hosting a demonstration with artist Ms. Yuki Hall Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 7 pm at its regular monthly meeting. Yuki Hall is an award winning watercolor artist known for her loose style and impressionistic approach to working with the medium. After earning a degree in Mechanical Engineering, she had a career as an engineer in the automotive industry until 2006, when she decided to leave the workforce and start an artistic journey. Yuki’s journey with watercolor painting started when she took a beginner’s watercolor class at a local art center in 2006. She then further studied the medium with nationally and internationally acclaimed artists such as David Taylor, Eric Wiegardt, and Alvaro Castagnet.
Yuki is a signature member of Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Ohio Watercolor Society and Whiskey Painters of America. In addition to having won numerous awards including eight Best of Show awards from regional juried art/watercolor exhibitions, Yuki’s work has been accepted into various prestigious national & international level watercolor juried competitions including the National Watercolor Society, Annual Member’s Exhibition, San Pedro, CA, 2018, National Juried Exhibition of Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Kenosha, WI (2014, 2017 & 2019), and the Watercolor West International Juried Exhibition, Brea, CA (2014), where she won the Founders Award. Her works also have been published by highly competitive national art/watercolor publications: three consecutive years (April 2014, April 2015 & April 2016 issues) in Watercolor Artist Magazine Watermedia Showcase Winners; and The Best of Watercolor “Splash 16” – Exploring Texture (June 2015) and “Splash 20” – Creative Composition (July 2019) both from North Light Books.
Yuki is also an avid teacher and she teaches watercolor painting workshops both nationally and internationally. She lives in Beavercreek, OH with her husband and two daughters.
A complete biography for Yuki Hall is attached.
…Submitted by James Gifford
Attachment: Yuki Hall Bio
May 4-6, 2020, Fairborn Art Association will welcome Misuk Goltz back to teach a 3-day watercolor workshop. Misuk has won many awards for her watercolor paintings and is an outstanding teacher. For beginners to more advanced. Misuk has planned a fabulous, informative workshop.
This workshop will be at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery from 9:30-4 with an hour for lunch. The cost will be $200 member or $225 non-member, including a $40 nonrefundable deposit which will hold your place for the workshop. Because Misuk has so many followers, get your deposit in soon. Send it to Pat Dunker, 30 Innisbrook Close, Xenia, Ohio 45385. Contact Pat at 937-562-3014 or cell 937-271-4798, or email .
This workshop is currently filled up and has a waiting list. See news below about the new workshop Misuk is offering.
…Submitted by Pat Dunker
Misuk Goltz’s 3-day Journaling workshop is full but the GOOD NEWS is that she has graciously agreed to teach a 2-day Portraiture Workshop on the 2 days following the Journaling Workshop – May 7 and 8. The Workshop will cost $140 for the 2 days and the supply list, if you need to bring anything special, will be in next month’s newsletter.
If anyone who is registered in the Journaling Workshop wishes to switch to the Portraiture Workshop, let Pat Dunker know ASAP and your deposit will be transferred to the new Workshop, but only until the Workshop is full. If you wish to take both workshops, that is also possible but the people on the “waiting list” will be the first members of the new workshop if they wish. A registration form for this Workshop is attached.
…Submitted by Pat Dunker
Attached: MISUK GOLZ Registration-Portraiture
February 4, 2020 Yuki Hall, European Trip, Sketching
March 3, 2020 Kate Santucci, Encaustic
April 7, 2020 Donna Schwarz, Colored Pencil
May 5, 2020 Misuk Goltz, and Workshop
June 2, 2020 Social
July 7, 2020 No meeting
August 4, 2020 No meeting
September 1, 2020 Amy Kollar Anderson, Mixed Media
October 6, 2020 Bruce Neville, and Workshop
November 3, 2020 Tim Langenderfer, Drawing
December 1, 2020 Christmas Party
Yuki Hall will be conducting a workshop titled “Painting & Sketching the Spirit of Spain” from May 11 to May 21, 2020. The workshop will take place in Barcelona, Girona and Costa Brava, Spain with abundant excursions with private tour guides and private transportations. For more information, contact Yuki at, (937) 679-2464. All level of painters and non-painting companions are also welcome. Workshop brochure and enrollment form are attached.
Attachment: Painting & Sketching the Spirit of Spain[1160]
Attachment: Painting & Sketching the spirit of Spain Enrollment form[1161]
Brochure and other information are attached. Paint this winter!
Attachment: Landscapes 2020 Flyer 2pg
If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.
The following members signed up to bring refreshments for the February meeting: Barbara Arnold, Jim and Margaret Brooks, Esther Wilson, Esther MLone, Evelyn LaMers, Sue Seitz, Clarice Moore, Evvie Moore. Thank you for volunteering.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the March Newsletter is Monday, February 17, 2020. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.