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Dear Members and Patrons,
It is hard to believe that this is my last letter to you all after serving 3 years. It is bittersweet. I want to thank our Board members, committee members, and all the extra volunteers for your dedication to this wonderful organization. It has been a joy to serve you.
One of my favorite duties has been contacting the Senior High School Scholarship winners and this year is no exception. As was announced last month, we had 15 applications. We are awarding two $1000 scholarships and you will be pleased to know there are more than two scholarships being given due to the generosity of members. These young adults are mature beyond their years and you won’t want to miss this wonderful opportunity to honor them at our June meeting. It is indeed a very special year!
The outgoing board members and chairpersons will be recognized and the incoming officers for 2014-2015 will be introduced at the June Meeting.
This is our Social for the last meeting of the year with a very full schedule. You may arrive at 5:30 with one or two painting or other artwork for the Popular Choice Awards. Our gracious host, Larry Hawkins, will register you at the door. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm.
Please bring an appetizer or snack to share with everyone. Drinks provided. There is no Board meeting, so come early, socialize and have fun. Enjoy the great music with our returning entertainer, Skip Hoyt.
Thank you all for your kindness. It has been good.
Sue Brezine
Each member may bring one or two paintings or other artwork for the POPULAR CHOICE JUDGING. Registration begins at 5:30. As members arrive, each piece of artwork will be given a number. At break time, everyone present may vote on his/her favorite three pieces of artwork. Ribbons and cash prizes will be awarded for the artwork receiving the most votes. Awards to be given for First Place – $50.00, Second Place – $40.00, Third Place – $30.00, Six Honorable Mention Awards at $20.00 and Six Merit Awards at $10.00. You must be present to win a Popular Choice award. Please take your artwork home with you after the meeting; there will be a show in the gallery in July and classes as well.
The following officers were elected at the May meeting to serve on the 2014/2015 Board of Directors of the Fairborn Art Association:
President: Sandy Kinnamon
Vice President: Louise Jackson
Treasurer: Sue Red
Recording Secretary: Sheryl Scott
Corresponding Secretary: Jackie Albright
Robert and I would like to say “Thank You!” to everyone who helped with the Members Spring Fine Art Show of 2014. We could not do it without you. Every year I think how I’m I going to get all of this done and you all come out and help, and somehow get it done. The show was a very good show and the artwork was beautiful. I would like to especially thank Clarice for running an errand for me on that really rainy day. Thanks also to Larry for those wonderful flowers you put out. …..Submitted by gayle Beireis
This year’s winners:
Judges Merit: Rose Shultz, “Wading”; M.J. White, “Too Many Choices”; Connie Weber, “Consuelo”; Pat Ostroganai, “Algerian Woman on Paris Street”; Evelyn LaMers, “The Birch House”; gayle Beireis, “Peggy’s Cove”; Susan Bertke, “Merced Creek”; Jim Moore, “Hannah.”
Honorable Mention: Barb Olekas, “Pompous Purple Iris”; Diana Hoke, “The Pink Hat”; Tom Kinarney, “Debbie”; Sandy Kinnamon, “Colorful Boats”; Elizabeth Martin, “Purple Onions”; Linda Owens, “Mom & Peter in the Morning”; Clarice Moore, “Ayriel”; Carolyn Armstrong, “50 Shades of Grey.”
Third Place: Billie Dickson, “A Dogs Life”; Second place: Yuki Hall, “Rainy Day Street”; First Place: Jim Moore, “Music Man”; Best of Show: Misuk Goltz, “Old Quarter of Hanoi.”
The FAA will once again have a members’ booth at the Sweet Corn Festival August 16-17. Due to lack of sales of fine art during recent years, it has been decided to offer items priced $50 and under for sale. Therefore we will not offer framed artwork – only matted originals, reproductions, and craft items for sale. Preregistration will be necessary to allot equal space to all participants. Sign up for your space at the June meeting or by contacting Dora Lawson before August 15. Intake will be at the Community Park in the FAA members’ tent on Friday, August 15, 3-5 pm or Saturday, August 16, 9-11 am. An inventory sheet will be needed. Pick up of all unsold items will be Sunday, August 17, 6-7. …..Submitted by Dora Lawson
Membership fees are due June 1 for 2014/2015. A membership form is attached to this newsletter and we request that you fill out the form completely so that we can update your information if necessary. You may bring the membership form and your check (or cash) to the June meeting and submit them as you sign in at the door. Or you may send them to Fairborn Art Association, P.O. Box 1231, Fairborn, OH 45324. The cost is $25 for Individual membership; $15 for Seniors; $30 for Family membership; and there is an optional donation line if you choose to contribute to FAA as a tax exempt organization. You may also want to check on the form to have your email address printed in the members’ directory. All members who pay by the June 3rd meeting will be included in the new Directory.
The Board of Directors voted to make a change to the By-Laws of our Constitution regarding the collection of dues. By-Law #1 will now read as follows:
The FAA membership dues will be a fee set by the Board of Directors at the February board meeting. Memberships will run from June 1st to May 31st of each year. Starting on February 1 of each year, the Fairborn Art Association will prorate membership dues for the current year in the following manner: the membership dues for the current year will be prorated to $2.00 per month for the remaining months of the year, to include the current month through the month of May. The prorated amount will be accepted only if membership fees for the following year are paid at the same time.
Attachment: Membership Form
Time to get outside and do some en plein air painting. The 2014 En Plein Air Juried Art Exhibition is scheduled to start with an Opening Reception July 6, from 1-4 pm. Artwork will be received at the FAA Gallery on June 29 from 1-3 pm and from 5-8 pm. This year the 2-dimensional artwork must be created by painting outdoors at Cemex Reserve, Fairborn, OH, from March 2014 until June 28, 2014. A flyer giving more detailed information about the history, requirements, schedule, and location for painting for this year’s show is available at the Gallery and on our website. Cash prizes totaling $300 will be awarded at the Opening Reception.
The Fairborn Art Association is sponsoring this 4-day watercolor workshop with Janet Rogers, AWS, FWS, October 6 to October 9, 2014 (Monday through Thursday) from 9 am to 4 pm daily. This workshop will be held at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, located at the rear of the Fairborn Senior Building, 221 N. Central Ave., Fairborn OH. In this workshop, Janet will demonstrate her intuitive approach to working with the medium. With series of exercises, you will quickly gain confidence in approaching the floral, portrait, and figure in a more spontaneous and expressive way. The workshop materials will include demonstrations, class instruction, individual assistance, and “show and tell” session. All levels are welcome. Janet Rogers is a signature member of American Watercolor Society, as well as the Florida Watercolor Society. She is a nationally recognized instructor, conducting workshops all over the United States and in Europe. She has produced four instructional DVDS, “Expressive Watercolor Portraits,” “Expressive Watercolor Florals,” “Watercolor Rhythms with Figures,” and “Expressing the Bouquet in Watercolor.” She has been featured in the book The One-Hour Watercolorist, by Patrick Seslar (North Light Books), and was also featured in the July/August 2009 issue of American Artist Magazine. You can learn more about Janet, by visiting her website at . The cost for this workshop is $260 for a FAA member, $280 for a non-member. To register, send non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to: Yuki Hall 4136 Fox Fern Ct., Beavercreek, OH 45432. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. Final payment must be made by August 15, 2014. For any questions about this workshop, please contact Yuki at 937-426-7229, . The registration form is attached and is available at the Gallery.
Attachment: Janet Rogers workshop registration form
NOT YOUR PRETTY PORTRAIT SHOW—Portraits, Self-Portraits, and Caricatures
Many of us have portraits, self portraits, and/or caricatures that are not the normal pretty painting or drawing. We would like to get your “Not Quite Right” portraits out of your studios, basements, closets, attics, and garages and onto the walls of our gallery in September. Up to three framed pieces may be entered by members free of charge. Non-members may pay $5 per piece, or they are welcome to become members. The show will not be judged and no prizes will be awarded so that the creativity of each piece can be appreciated. Participating artists are invited to tell about their work at the September meeting when discussion about the show will be the topic of the evening instead of an artist demo. Please pick up an entry form at the social on June 3, or at the gallery or Sweet Corn Festival during the summer. Intake will be in the FAA gallery on Wednesday. August 20, 3–7 pm, and Thursday, August 21, 10 am–2 pm. Show dates are Tuesday, September 2, 6:30–9 pm, and Sundays, September 7, 14, and 21, 1–4 pm. Pick up will be Sunday, September 21, 4–5, and Monday, September 22, 1–3. Questions can be directed to …..Submitted by Dora Lawson
Sandy Kinnamon will be teaching a summer (5 weeks) watercolor class starting on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 through July 30, 2014 (no classes on June 25 or July 16). The class will be from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. It will be held at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery located at the rear of Fairborn Senior Apartment building, 221 N. Central Ave, Fairborn, Ohio. Sandy’s class will emphasize values, good composition, color mixing, and both positive and negative shapes. She has been teaching for 30 years and has a BA in Art from Wright State University, an AS from Clark State in Architectural Drafting and studied commercial art at Sinclair Community College. She has taken also from many national workshop teachers. All levels are welcome. Sandy has recently received her signature membership in American Watercolor Society. She has just returned from a 2-week trip to Greece and Italy and loves teaching both locally and nationally. Sandy Kinnamon has been in national exhibitions including Alabama WC Society, Pennsylvania WC Society, and in three American Watercolor Society Exhibitions, to name a few. The cost of the 5-week class is $55. If you have any questions, please call Sandy at 937-543-9990 or visit her web site at to view more of her watercolors. To register for Sandy’s class, please send a check to Sandy Kinnamon, 3928 New York Drive, Enon, OH 45323.
Misuk is offering a three-day workshop, “Portrait Painting in Watercolor with Misuk,” at the FAA Gallery June 9, 10, 11 (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. This three-day workshop will cover the basics of portrait painting in watercolor. Different values of color create the illusion of form and space related to form. Misuk will demonstrate mixing colors for skin tone and value that will add depth to capture the essence of the person you want to paint in watercolor. We will focus on the steps of preparing reference materials, sketches, quick value studies, color portrait painting, and finishing up with an interesting background to produce a complete portrait. The cost for the workshop will be $95. You may contact Misuk at A flyer and application form is attached or is available at the Gallery.
Attachment: 2014 June Portrait workshop at FAA
Yuki will be offering a three-day watercolor workshop, titled “Watercolor–Working with Notan” from June 23 to June 25, 2014, at Fairborn Art Association Gallery. Notan is a Japanese word meaning “harmony of dark & light.” In art form, it refers to the arrangement of dark and light patterns in the way it conveys the underlying energy of the composition. In this workshop, students will learn to recognize and utilize the concept of Notan as an essential design element, so that they will be able to take more active role in creating a powerful composition in their painting. The cost of this workshop is $140. To register, contact Yuki at, 937-426-7229. Yuki is also offering a 3-day workshop, “Creating Mood and Atmosphere in Landscapes & Cityscapes,” from June 6 to 8, at the Wonan’s Art Club Cultural Center, “The Barn,” 5980 Cambridge Ave., Mariemont, OH 45227. You can download the attached announcement/registration form for both classes or copies are available at the Gallery.
Attachment: Working with Notan FAA registration
Attachment: Yuki Hall The Barn
The Western Ohio Watercolor Society presents the Bruce Allan Neville, OWS, workshop, Creating Mood and Visual Language in Painting Watercolor, October 14, 15, 16, 2014. The workshop will be held at The Vineyard Church, 4051 Indian Ripple Road, Beavercreek, Ohio, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, with a one hour lunch break. Direct questions to Betty Derrer at: or 330-714-5644 from10:00am to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday.
For details on these events, please see the May 2014 Newsletter on our Website.
The 2014 Grove City Town Center Wine and Arts Festival will be held on Saturday, June 14.
The Troy, Ohio, Bicentennial Adjudicated Art Show will be from August 25 until September 27.
The Dayton Metro Library Library project, “ReImagining Works” is accepting applications for this unique opportunity to display your artwork in one of the local libraries in response to their Call for Artists. Your artwork is to be inspired by a chosen existing work in the Dayton Art Institute’s permanent collection.
A big congratulations goes to SANDY KINNAMON, AWS for receiving her signature membership into the AMERICAN WATERCOLOR SOCIETY. That is extremely difficult to do. She and another FAA member, Pat Sothard, went to the banquet and enjoyed a 5-day adventure in NYC. Paul Melia is the only other person in this area to have that distinction at this time.
The Fairborn Art Association will not hold meetings in July and August. However, we will be quite busy with plans for and the event of the Sweet Corn Festival the weekend of August 16 and 17. Enjoy your summer!
Our next meeting will be September 2, 2014. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the September Newsletter is Monday, August 18, 2014. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.