To print, click here FAA 0615 Newsletter

Dear Members and Patrons,

This will be our last meeting for this year. That means Party Time – a time when we can rejoice and have fun. We will get to see some artwork from our two scholarship winners and will get to meet the 2015 Sweet Corn Festival King and Queen. I feel that this has been a great year. I would personally like to thank the Board for being easy to work with and for getting a lot accomplished. All the members of the Board are staying on the Board for next year. That makes my job easier. Anything I needed or didn’t know how to do, the Board pitched in and we got the job done. Let’s all paint this summer or try something different that we have not tried in the arts. I feel that is what makes art so interesting. There is so much to learn and we never get bored. Have fun, enjoy the summer, and paint, paint, paint. Our next meeting is our June Social starting at 7 pm. There will be no Board meeting.

Sandy Kinnamon, AWS



The June meeting is always our Social with lots of food and entertainment. We will have artwork on display for the Popular Choice Judging and the newly elected Board members will be installed. We ask for everyone to bring one of their favorite dishes for attendees to enjoy. We expect a full house so please be generous with your food.


Each member may bring one or two paintings or other artwork for the POPULAR CHOICE JUDGING. Registration will be from 6 to 7 pm. As members arrive, each piece of artwork will be given a number. At break time, everyone present may vote for his/her favorite three pieces of artwork. Ribbons and cash prizes will be awarded for the artwork receiving the most votes. Awards to be given for First Place – $50, Second Place – $40, Third Place – $30, Six Honorable Mention Awards at $20 and Six Merit Awards at $10. You must be present to win a Popular Choice award. Please take your artwork home with you after the meeting; there will be a show in the gallery in July and classes as well.


The following officers were elected at the May meeting to serve on the 2015/2016 Board of Directors of the Fairborn Art Association:

President:  Sandy Kinnamon               Vice President:  Louise Jackson

Treasurer:  Sue Red                            Recording Secretary:  Sheryl Scott

Corresponding Secretary:  Jackie Albright


I would like to say thank you to all who worked on setting up and sitting the gallery for the Members Spring Fine  Art Show. We could not do it without you. You do not know just how important this is to us and other members. Robert and I would like to also thank those who did our jobs for us while we were taking care of family. Sorry that we missed you at the meeting in May.                                                                       Submitted by gayle Beireis

Congratulations to all the winners.

Judge’s Merit:
“Fly Fishing Lesson” Pat Dunker, “Says Who” Larry Hawkins, “Frog” Sue Seitz, “Snow Day” Babs Ney, “Lilac” Walter Murch, “Buffalo Soldier” Bonnie Kuntz, “Little Pond” Sherry Li Cai, “Do Dogs Dream in Color?” M.J. White

Honorable Mention, $25:
“Red” Nan Draves, “The Four Sentinels” Rose Schultz, “Cat Nap” Linda Owens, “Remembrance” Rebecca Graves, “A Splash of Daisies” Connie Gifford, “Connie in Summer Light” Sheryl Scott, “Little Boy Blue” Elizabeth Martin, “Peach and Grapes” Jean Lutz

Third Place, $50:  “Too Many Directions” Sandy Kinnamon
Second Place, $75:  “Hannah” Misuk Goltz
First Place, $100:  “Winter Day Detroit” Yuki Hall
Best of Show, The Joan McCoy Award, $150:  “Ebony” Jim Moore


FAA members and the community at large are invited to place a business ad in the 2015 Sweet Corn Festival Booklet. Ads range in size from a full page (5 inches by 8 inches) for $135, a half page, a quarter page, to an eighth of a page (2 by 2-1/2) for $35. Thousands of people attend the festival each year and will have access to your ad. This could be especially effective for you if you do commission work. Your artwork or business card can be used as the text and/or graphic. Please see Dora Lawson at the June Social or contact her for more information.


En Plein Air is a juried painting exhibition presented as a collaboration between B-W Greenway Community Land Trust & Fairborn Art Association, which will occur in July. This year B-W Greenway will be sponsoring three painting events to assist artists, who would like to gather and paint with other artists. Please see the article on En Plein Air on our website for additional information.

For more information or a prospectus, please contact:  Bob Coates, 937-689-4855, [email protected] or Marti Riddle, 937-879-0725, [email protected]. You may also obtain a prospectus in our Gallery or on our website

Attachment:  PleinAir_flyer_2015_020215_B


This watercolor workshop, presented by the Fairborn Art Association, will be Monday through Thursday,  November 2 to 5, 2015, from 9 am to 4 pm daily. The workshop will be held at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N. Central Ave., Fairborn, OH. In this 4-day workshop, participants will create paintings using the elements of shape, line, value, and color to simplify subject and use a variety of color plans to create emotion and mood.  Discussion of content, the importance of color schemes and line quality will also be discussed. Participants will also work intuitively with shape, color, line and especially texture to produce an abstraction with a personal focus and a representational work based on personal reference choices. All levels are welcome as long as everyone is comfortable with their materials. Nationally and internationally recognized artist Mark Mehaffey is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, DF, National Watercolor Society, Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Master,  and the Watercolor West. Mark has won many major awards in juried exhibitions across the world, including Beverly Green Memorial Purchase Award from the National Watercolor Society, the Silver Medal of Honor and the Arches Paper Co. Award from American Watercolor Society.  He is also an author of Creative Watercolor Workshop, published by North Light Books, and many instructional DVDs by Creative Catalyst Productions as well as Artists Network Productions. Fees for this workshop are $230 for FAA member; $250 for non-member. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Yuki Hall, 4136 Fox Fern Ct., Beavercreek, OH 45432. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. The final payment must be made by August 20, 2015. For questions or more information, call Yuki at 937-426-7229, or email [email protected]. Flyers with the registration form are available at the Gallery or on our website at

Attachment:  Mark Meheffey Workshop Nov 2015


It is time to renew your club membership. Membership fees are due June 1 for 2015/2016. A membership form is attached to this newsletter and is also available on our website We request that you fill out the form completely so that we can update your information if necessary. You may bring the membership form and your check (or cash) to the June meeting and submit them as you sign in at the door. Or you may send them to Fairborn Art Association, P.O. Box 1231, Fairborn, OH 45324. The cost is $25 for Individual membership; $15 for Seniors; $30 for Family membership; and there is an optional donation line if you choose to contribute to FAA as a tax exempt organization. You may also want to check on the form to have your email address printed in the members’ directory. All members who pay by the June 2nd meeting will be included in the new Directory.

Attachment:  2015 Membership Form


Yuki Hall’s painting “Commuters in Detroit” was selected to be published in Splash 16, Exploring Texture, North Light Books. The book will be circulated in June 2015.

Misuk Golt was awarded first place in water media for one of her self portraits at the Sidney Arts Council Annual juried show, and the portrait of Tim from Yellow Springs was awarded for a second place  at the Western Ohio Watercolor Society annual spring show.


Make plans for September – we will have an art supply sale of your art supplies in the Gallery before our September meeting. Start sorting out your unneeded art supplies and bring them to the meeting so someone else can make use of them. No artwork will be permitted in this sale. A reminder of this will be in the September 2015 newsletter.


Jordan Nepper from the Piqua Arts Council recommended that I share this information with you.

The 2015 Art Show will be held at the Maria Stein Shrine, 2291 St. Johns Road, Maria Stein, OH 45860

Saturday, June 27 – Thursday, July 2, 2015. A flyer/poster and a brochure for artists who may be interested in the Show is available in our Gallery and on our website.

Attachment:  2015 Maria Stein Art Show Brochure 3.27.15


The Fairborn  Art Association needs help on several committees, most especially the Refreshment Committee. Rose Schultz has been our Committee Chairperson for 4 years and now wants to turn this position over to someone new. The Board would like to see two volunteers who could work together monthly or take turns. Please talk to any Board member if you are willing to take on this job.

Jackie Albright would also like to relinquish her position as Corresponding Secretary in the next election and is willing to accept a follower to see how it’s done. This involves the monthly Newsletter and maintenance of the website and the database for membership listings. Please call Jackie at 937-233-7532 if you are interested.


The Fairborn  Art Association will not hold meetings in July and August. However, we will be quite busy with plans for and the event of the Sweet Corn Festival the weekend of August 15 and 16. Enjoy your summer!

Our next meeting will be September 1, 2015. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the September Newsletter is Monday, August 17, 2015. Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.