To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 0617 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 0617 Newsletter (open document file)

Dear Members and Patrons,

It has been my pleasure to serve you for 3 years, 1 year and ½ as Vice President and 1 year and ½ as your President. I want to thank the many volunteers that helped make these 3 years a success. Your Board does a fabulous job to make everything go smoothly. Special thanks to all of the Corn Festival chair people and volunteers which is our great financial support system. Thanks also to the committee chair people that are willing to take on the responsibility of making our art shows and workshops go smoothly. Thanks to the people that keep up with publicity and our web site and archive our photos. Thanks also to the people that set up our room for meetings and serve our snacks and repair and renew our equipment. Thanks also to all of you that help clean up after our events and participate in them. We all serve in one way or another. It does take a village to make FAA what it is. I wish the new Board and committee members a very pleasant and successful year as well as a fun year to all of our members. Our next meeting is June 6th at 7 pm and our board meeting is at 6 pm.

Louise Jackson



Get ready to party–lots of food and fun. Also, lots of last minute business. We will have Skip Hoyt returning to play guitar and sing oldies and goodies, plus anything you request. We will present three scholarships to students this year due to a contribution and fund matching by FAA. Scholarship winners are Callie Smith, Yellow Springs High School;  Elisha Harney, Yellow Springs High School; and Kimberlee Newland, Northwestern/Clark Tech Center. We will have installation of our new Board members, introduction of the King and Queen of the Sweet Corn Festival, and voting and awards for the Popular Choice selections of the paintings on display in the Gallery. Please bring a covered dish, snack, or dessert for the group to enjoy.


Each member may bring one or two paintings or other artwork for the Popular Choice Judging. Registration will be from 6 to 7 pm. As members arrive, each piece of artwork will be given a number. At break time, everyone present may vote for his/her favorite three pieces of artwork. Ribbons and cash prizes will be awarded for the artwork receiving the most votes. Awards to be given for First Place – $50, Second Place – $40, Third Place – $30, Six Honorable Mention Awards at $20 and Six Merit Awards at $10. You must be present to win a Popular Choice award. Please take your artwork home with you after the meeting; there will be a show in the gallery in July and classes as well.


The following officers were elected at the May meeting to serve on the 2017/2018 Board of Directors of the Fairborn Art Association:

President:  Loren Red                        Vice President:  Fran Watson

Treasurer:  Sue Red                            Recording Secretary:  Sheryl Scott

Corresponding Secretary:  Jackie Albright

Installation of Officers will take place at the June meeting.


Fairborn Art Association Membership dues for 2017/2018 are due by June 1, 2017 for you to be able to participate in our activities for the coming year. Our membership year begins on June 1 and runs until May 31 of the following year. Please complete a membership form to allow us to have the latest information about you. This helps us to schedule speakers, workshops, and other activities. We would also like to have your email address to enable us to reach you quickly in case of weather emergencies, etc. Also, someone must hand-stuff regular mail and take it to the post office and this takes a lot of time and effort. Our membership has grown quite a bit since we first started with mailing out newsletters and announcements. Please send your membership form and a check to Fairborn Art Association, P.O. Box 1231, Fairborn, OH 45324. The membership form may be obtained at the Gallery or is attached. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the form. Please go to to download the software. It is free and easy to install. You may need it for many of the websites you visit. You may bring the membership form and your check (or cash) to the June meeting and submit them as you sign in at the door. All members who pay by the June 6th meeting will be included in the new Directory.

Attachment:  FAA Membership Form (pdf file)


Exciting news!!!! Renowned Ohio/Indiana artist, Sandy Maudlin, will be presenting workshops at Fairborn Art Association, Nov. 6–8, Nov. 9–10, and/or all week, Nov. 6–10, 2017. She will be sharing many diverse methods which she uses to achieve great results on Yupo using all water media for all levels, even beginners. Sandy travels around the country and Europe teaching classes and has taught for 25 years. Sandy is also proficient in transparent watercolor and batik. She has a degree in Art Education from Indiana University in Bloomington and owns Greentree Studio where she also teaches classes. In addition, Sandy is a signature member of Ohio Watercolor Society and the Watercolor Society of Indiana. She is also a member of the Cincinnati Art Club, has been President of the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society, and has won many watercolor awards. Her passion is to paint and she loves to share. Cost for 3-day class, Introduction to Yupo, Nov. 6–8, members $250, non-members $275; for 2-day class, Advanced Techniques, member $150, non-member, $175; for 5-day class (3-day and 2-day class combined), member $300, non-member $325. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Pat Dunker, 30 Innisbrook Close, Xenia, OH 45385. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. Final payment must be made by September 25, 2017. For questions, call Pat Dunker at 937-562-3014 or cell 937-271-4798, or email Registration form/flyer is available in our Gallery or on our website

Attachment:  Sandy Maudlin Workshop Registration (pdf file)


Our Members Spring Fine Art Show was so beautiful this year! And our members are showing their great talents as never before. We have all learned so much from our instructors and from each other over the years. Some of the paintings will still be in the Gallery for the June meeting. Don’t miss it!

2017 FAA Prize Winners, Suzanna Winton, Juror

Best of Show                Yuki Hall – Fourth Street  (Sandy Kinnamon Memorial Award)

First Place                    M J White – Black Dog (Joan McCoy Memorial Award)

Second Place                Jean Lutz – Art From the Past

Third Place                   Patty Dorn – Out on the Town

Honorable Mentions:                                                     Judges Merit Awards:

Rose Schultz – True Colors                                           Louise Jackson – Green Glass and Lace

Sue Seitz – Courage                                                      Sue Brezine – Barn Owl

Carylon Seger – Spring                                                 Deborah Dixon – Alchemy I

Sheryl Scott – The Peaceful Road                                  Babs Ney – Trumpet Flower

Shirlee Bauer – Hello Grandma                                     Dotty Crowley – Out West

Connie Gifford – Circus Fantasy                                    Elizabeth Martin – American Indian

Tom Kinarney – Jenny                                                  Peggy Bowman – Grand Canyon

Patricia Dunker – Keylo Emerging                                 Esther Grimm – Far Beyond Our Vision


Time is getting short! The Sweet Corn Festival is August 19 and 20, 2017. Help is still needed to make a success of this event which provides funding to our Association to pay our rent, award the scholarships, buy needed supplies for the kitchen and repair or replace items in the Gallery. The SCF committee will meet June 13 at 7 pm. If you are interested in helping out, please attend this meeting. Signup sheets will be available for the various jobs that need volunteers:  Information Booth, Watermelon Booth, Vendors Gate, and Setup Field on Thursday.


Accepted entries for Watercolor Ohio 2017 (the Ohio Watercolor Society Show) were announced. Four of the accepted pieces are included in our beautiful FAA show, and another FAA artist had a painting accepted in the OWS show that was not included in our FAA show. The accepted paintings and artists are:  Fourth Street by Yuki Hall (our Best of Show); True Colors by Rose Schultz (our Honorable Mention); Overlooking Brighton Pier by Shirlee Bauer; Point Reyes Lighthouse by Connie Gifford (not in our show); Little Beavercreek by Billie Dickson. Congratulations to all. The OWS show, Watercolor Ohio 2017, runs June 30–September 10, 2017 at the Columbus Museum of Art.  There were 265 entries submitted by 165 artists. Of these, 77 works were selected for the show. Other FAA artists in the OWS show are Aileen Cave and Diana Hoke.    …Submitted by Billie Dickson


Yuki Hall will be offering a series of 1-day workshops in June at the Fairborn Art Association gallery.  The hours are from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm.  Each workshop is independent and will focus on a different concept and different subject matter.  The workshop on June 28 will be FAA benefit workshop and all proceeds from this workshop will go to support FAA.  The cost is $38 for each workshop.  To register or for any questions, please contact Yuki at, (937) 679-2464.

Attachment:  Yuki Hall Summer 2017 Workshops (pdf file)


You are invited to 3 all day watercolor classes taught by Louise Jackson at Fairborn Art Association on three Mondays on September 11, 18 and 25th.. You may pick up a photo and more information in the gallery or contact Louise at 937-886-5238. Day one will be a Dramatic Sunflower. Day two will be Lace, Glass and a Rose. Day three will be a floral painting of Angel Trumpets. Time is 10 till 3:30. Cost is $40 per day or $115 for all three days. This includes photos, paint and written instructions and a drawing. Registration is required.


Thursday Paint-In group meets each Thursday from 9:30 till 12:30 for watercolor painting. Connie Gifford and Shirlee Bauer coordinate the group and send out an email each week confirming the meeting. New members are welcome. Because we are using the FAA Gallery, we collect a fee to pay for the use of the Gallery, but all things considered, a few dollars for each 8-week session is well worth it for gathering together with watercolor to share ideas and get inspired. And the fee also pays for the wonderful brunch we have each week. We all have a wonderful time and enjoy watercolor painting together. If you have questions, please contact Connie Gifford or Shirlee Bauer by phone or email.

Friday Artists meet at 10 am and paint until 1 or 2 pm each week, with a break at noon for lunch. We meet each week continuously unless there is something else scheduled in the FAA Gallery. Billie Dickson coordinates the group and we don’t paint if only two of us will be there, but anyone can contact Billie to find out if we are on schedule for that week. We expect people who come regularly to be FAA members and pay a fee each week (pays for lights, etc.). It is basically an open work session for artists in any medium and we would love to have others join us. If you have questions, you can contact Billie Dickson by email or phone.


The World Organization of China Painters Convention will be held at the Yankee Trace Golf Course in Centerville, OH on August 15, 16, and 17. It is free and open to the public. Stop in and see all the beautiful china paintings. A flyer is available in our Gallery and on our website. For information, call Barb Allen, 937-233-4779.

Attachment:  China Painting 1 (pdf file)

Attachment:  China Painting 2 (pdf file)


I think the Fairborn Art Association members and their friends will enjoy seeing the Airstream Fine Art Invitational, May 30 to June 3, 8 am–4 pm. It’s a gathering of the work of some of the greatest landscape artists in the country.. names that you are used to seeing in all the art collectors magazines and in major galleries. The show is free and open to the public. Make the trip up 75 to exit 102 (Jackson Center, OH) and stop in and view the work. Go to their website for additional information.

…Submitted by Dan Knepper


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter. Be sure we have your written permission (check boxes on membership form) to display your artwork and/or any photo of you (individually or in a group) on the website.


The Fairborn Art Association will not hold meetings in July and August. However, we will be quite busy with plans for and the event of the Sweet Corn Festival the weekend of August 19 and 20. Enjoy your summer!

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 5, 2017, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the September Newsletter is Monday, August 21, 2017. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.