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FAA 0315 Newsletter (Word Document)

Dear Members and Patrons,

Yes, I am still in FL, but my very capable Vice President will be conducting the March meeting. It is rather cool down here, but we keep hearing Ohio has snow, snow, and more snow, and very cold temperatures. Hopefully each of you are staying warm. Just keep thinking, Spring is only three weeks away! Our FAA building is always warm and inviting so make sure you come to the March meeting as Karen Benedetti will warm your heart with a great demo. Our next meeting is March 3 at 7:00 pm. The Board will meet at 6:00 pm.

Sandy Kinnamon, AWS

Karen was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has an Art Education degree from the University of Wisconsin. She has also studied at Milwaukee’s Layton School of Art and at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. She taught elementary art for several years in Milwaukee and has taught workshops and seminars in Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin. At present, her painting is a full-time endeavor. Karen paints with watermedia and mixed media, primarily fluid acrylic, using handmade papers, both imported and those made or embellished by the artist. The paint is applied in layers and built up on the surface of watercolor paper, board, or canvas. While the subject of Karen’s work can be landscape and earth forms, she also has a new series of contemporary urban views and figurative concepts. Karen will be doing a mixed media demo.

WATERCOLOR FAST & LOOSE with Frank Francese, NWS, TWSA-Master

Join us in this exciting workshop with Frank Francese, where Frank will show and teach us his signature way of painting watercolor – Fast & Loose approach. Frank will be demonstrating a variety of subject matter, showing us the time tested method of creating an eye-catching composition with brilliant color and interesting shapes. Plenty of individual help will be provided. All skill levels are welcome. Frank Francese is a signature member of National Watercolor Society as well as Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Master Status. He has been awarded 50+ national awards for his watercolor painting. His recent awards include: Colorado Watercolor Society Annual Exhibition, Best of Show 2013-14; Watercolor West International Watercolor Exhibition, Signature Members Award 2013; Third Invitational Exhibition of Complementary International Water Media Masters, Nanjing, China 2012; Shenzhen Biennial International Exhibition of Watercolors, Shenzhen, China. You can learn more about Frank by visiting his website at This will be a 4-day watercolor workshop from May 4 to May 7 (Monday through Thursday), 9 am to 4 pm. The cost is $260 for a FAA member, $280 for a non-member. Contact Yuki Hall, 937-426-7229, A flyer with application form is attached to this article.

Frank Francese workshop registration form pdf


Watercolor landscape painter from Korea, Buong-Kil Juong, will present a three-day workshop March 9-11, 2015, Monday through Wednesday, 9:30-4:00 pm at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. He will lead the class with his masterly wet-on-wet method to portray his beloved countryside landscape over four seasons. Buong-Kil Juong was born in South Korea and studied art from high school through college. He has been painting watercolor for the past 35 years and serves important positions in the Korean Watercolor Society and various educational associations. He has been teaching and serving as a juror for many art competitions. He also is regarded as a respected watercolor artist in China and he has held many exhibitions in various Chinese cities. He lives in Jae Cheun City, South Korea. Misuk Goltz took a one-week private lesson from him in Jae Cheun City from January 2–8 this year and she will be hosting his stay in the US, translating, and assisting with his presentation. The tuition will be $200 for the three-day workshop for FAA members and $220 for non-members. The workshop needs at least 20 participants to cover the artist’s air fair and lesson fee. If you are interested in this workshop, please register by sending a non-refundable $50 deposit to Misuk. As of today, there are 11 spots available. In the event the workshop is cancelled, you will be fully refunded your deposit. Please send your registration with your name, email address, and phone number to: Misuk Goltz, 2489 Sherbourne Way, Xenia, OH 45385. Contact Misuk,, 937-352-6711, for any questions.

Buong-Kil Juong Workshop (Registration Form)

AN EVENING TALK with Buong-Kil Juong

Watercolor landscape painter from Korea, Boung-Kil Juong, will give a presentation on Thursday, March 12, from 6–8:30 pm at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, 221 N. Central Ave., Fairborn, Ohio. He will talk about his artistic journey and demonstrate the landscapes he so loves to paint. Misuk Goltz took a one week private lesson from him in Jae Cheun City, Korea, from January 2–8 this year and she will be hosting his stay in the US, translating and assisting with his presentation. The lecture is open to anyone who is interested in learning about Juong’s painting. The admission fee for the evening is $10, which includes Korean snacks. If you are planning to attend, or if you have any questions, call or email Misuk Goltz, 937- 352-6711,

Buong-Kil Juong Evening (Registration Form)


Yuki Hall will be offering an 8-week long class titled “Watercolor Fresh & Fluid” starting March 16, 2015, at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. The class is held from 9:30–12:30 on Mondays. The cost for this 8- week course is $95. Yuki will also offer a 3-day watercolor workshop, “Paint More with Less” at Miamisburg Art Guild gallery in Miamisburg from April 9 to 11, 2015 (Thu, Fri & Sat), from 9 am to 4 pm. The cost of this 3-day workshop is $120. For more information or to register for either one, please contact Yuki at 937-426 7229,

Watercolor Fresh & Fluid (Registration Form)


This watercolor workshop, presented by the Fairborn Art Association, will be Monday through Thursday, November 2 to 5, 2015, from 9 am to 4 pm daily. The workshop will be held at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N. Central Ave., Fairborn, OH. In this 4-day workshop, participants will create paintings using the elements of shape, line, value, and color to simplify subject and use a variety of color plans to create emotion and mood. Discussion of content, the importance of color schemes and line quality will also be discussed. Participants will also work intuitively with shape, color, line and especially texture to produce an abstraction with a personal focus and a representational work based on personal reference choices. All levels are welcome as long as everyone is comfortable with their materials. Nationally and internationally recognized artist Mark Mehaffey is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, DF, National Watercolor Society, Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Master, and the Watercolor West. Mark has won many major awards in juried exhibitions across the world, including Beverly Green Memorial Purchase Award from the National Watercolor Society, the Silver Medal of Honor and the Arches Paper Co. Award from American Watercolor Society. He is also an author of Creative Watercolor Workshop, published by North Light Books, and many instructional DVDs by Creative Catalyst Productions as well as Artists Network Productions. Fees for this workshop are $230 for FAA member; $250 for non-member. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Yuki Hall, 4136 Fox Fern Ct., Beavercreek, OH 45432. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. The final payment must be made by August 20, 2015. For questions or more information, call Yuki at 937-426-7229, or email Flyers with the registration form are available at the Gallery or on our website.

Mark Meheffey Workshop Nov 2015 (Registration Form)


Long-time member and past president David B. Addison passed away January 28, 2015 at age 84. David earned a degree in illustration from the Cleveland Institute of Art in 1952, served as an artist and illustrator in the Air Force Orientation Group, and for 20 years was Chief of Exhibits at the Museum of the Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB. Dave was vice president of the Fairborn Art Association during 1964-1965. Dave is survived by his wife, Christina, and many relatives and friends. Dave donated his body for medical research so there was no funeral. Donations in his name can be made to St. Helen’s Educational Endowment Fund.

Yuki Hall’s painting, Rainy Day–Main Street was featured in Watercolor Artist Magazine, April 2015 issue as one of Honorable Mention winners of the Annual Watercolor Showcase competition. This is her 2-years-in-a-row appearance in this prestigious magazine. Congratulations, Yuki.


This is the time of year when FAA solicits applications for its college scholarships. Each year, FAA awards two $1,000 scholarships to area high school seniors who plan to pursue a college level art education. Robert Beireis has mailed applications out to area high schools. If any FAA members know of a high school senior from our area who plans to major in art in college, please have the student complete an application. The deadline for submission is April 10, 2015. For additional information, contact Robert Beireis at or call 937-390-1992.


The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the March meeting: Carole Janning, Lana Kim, Barb Arnold, Irene Ferriman, Jim Brooks, gayle Beireis, Linda Owen, and Cheryl Miracle. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the April Newsletter is Monday, March 23, 2015. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.