To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0321 Newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0321 Newsletter (open document file)
Hello FAA Friends,
Here we are heading into March. We are halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox and heading in the right direction. People are starting to get their vaccines for Covid-19, hospitalizations are down, we will soon be able to have more activities outside – it feels like we are moving from a dark place into the light. I hope all of you are feeling your spirits being lifted.
Our March meeting will be on Tuesday, March 2 at 7:00 p.m. The Board meets from 5:30 to 6:30 in the meeting space, so please plan to arrive after 6:30. (If you do arrive early, you will get to see what the Board does, which isn’t such a bad thing. You may even get recruited to fill a position. ?) Our speaker is Amy Gantt, artist and owner of Lula Bell in Oakwood, who will be talking about her art in creating cards.
We are in need of someone to take over the Facebook page of the Sweet Corn Festival. This is one of the many jobs that Lori Luckner did, and will be pretty active for the next few months. Contact Warren Brown to let him know you are interested. The Sweet Corn Festival is planned for August 21 and 22, and we are hopeful for a successful festival this year.
As usual, you will need to reserve your space to attend the meeting. Please email Debbie Cosenza to do that. Our space will be cleaned prior to the meeting. Masks are required. There will be no refreshments, and if you bring a snack for yourself, please remove everything you bring in when you leave. Chairs will be spaced 6 feet apart. We still need to practice keeping everyone safe.
Cheap Joe says, “Enthusiasm is the single most important element in your talent bag.”
Billie Dickson, President
We are starting the planning for the 39th Fairborn Sweetcorn Festival, which will be held August 21-22, 2021. We need a person who is knowledgeable in Facebook page maintenance to take over the sweetcorn festival Facebook page and keep it up to date-so if you have interest and the ability, get in touch with Warren Brown and he can get you started. Warren has attempted to update the page but he feels we need to have a person who is familiar with this type of activity!
Keep the August 21 & 22 sweetcorn festival weekend in your plans to be available to help us pull this off—remember, this is our fundraising activity to keep our association going!! Thank you in advance for your consideration.
March 2nd Amy Gantt, Design artist Lula Bell
April 6th Tim Langenderfer, oil painting
May 4th Workshop with Misuk Goltz
June 1st Social
July 6th No meeting
August 3rd No meeting
September 7th Nita Leland, collage
October 5th Shirley DeLaet, watercolor
November 2nd Workshop with Liam Quan Zhen
December 7th Christmas Party
MARCH FEATURED ARTIST —Amy M. Gantt, artist and owner of Lula Bell in Oakwood
Amy Gantt began designing and drawing at a very young age and went on to graduate from Miami University and took classes at Columbus College of Art and design as well as the Cincinnati Art Academy. After being a family therapist and seeing children in crisis, she started her business with a goal to create a positive smile for your soul’s influence into the world. Her experiences lead her to a creative journey of painting positive images for greeting cards and the gift industry. Amy’s work can be found throughout the United States in many gift shops. In addition to creating her designs for cards her own successful store is located in Oakwood Ohio. Amy illustrates children’s books as well as designs for cards and gifts. She teaches classes in watercolor pencil and the creative process. She continues to create with the passion of creating art and designs that are smile for your soul.
Attachment: Amy Gantt Bio
Misuk Goltz grew up in South Korea and moved to the US in 1980. She studied art history and psychology along with art therapy. After her studies, she worked as a psychiatric counselor in hospitals until she retired in 2008. When she retired she began to paint. Using watercolors, she mostly paints people, trying to capture the unique and intriguing story that each individual carries within them. Misuk has studied with many nationally known artists, mostly watercolor painters. And she particularly enjoyed taking classes from local artists in the Dayton area. She is a signature member of the Ohio Watercolor Society and her works have been accepted into the National Watercolor Society International and Member’s juried shows, the Ohio Watercolor Society and the California Watercolor Association. She has also participated in many other juried art shows and has won numerous awards for her watercolor paintings. She has been teaching watercolor painting classes and workshops since 2011. She was involved with Fairborn Art Association artists for many years until she moved to California in 2016. Since 2015 Misuk has been keeping illustrated journals. In her journals, she has expanded her subjects to include landscapes, animals and everything else that she comes in contact with as she journeys through her life. She has traveled worldwide and recently returned from an 8-month trip to Mongolia and other countries in the Far East. Her experiences during her travels inspire her art journaling. Misuk has been teaching watercolor painting classes, workshops and art journaling workshops in California. She is happy and excited to come back to her former hometown and help others discover the joy of sketching and painting in a journal book; keeping a diary with sketches and paintings on a daily basis.
For registration information, contact Pat Dunker or go to the Fairborn Art Association website at to print out a copy of the registration form.
Attachment: Misuk Goltz Registration May 2021
If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 6, 2021. As in the past the safety of our members and guests is a priority. Prior to all meetings common areas will be sanitized. Attendance at the demo is limited to maintain distancing. Anyone wishing to attend must email Debbie Cosenza at to reserve a seat. Masks must be worn at all times and only bring in, take out your own food/ drink. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the April Newsletter is Thursday, March 18, 2021. Please email your articles to or call Kenny Moore at 937-313-1040.