Dear Members and Patrons,

You’ll want to be at our May meeting for sure!!! Not only will we present our Members’ Spring Show, but you will see a demonstration by our juror; delightful, nationally known artist, Joseph Fettingis, NWS. The show winners, chosen by Mr. Fettingis, will be announced during the meeting. He is also conducting our May workshop, which, as with past experience, is always full of wonderful lessons.

Election of Officers will be held at our May meeting. See the article in this Newsletter for the nominees.

This is also the time when the high school senior FAA scholarship winners are chosen. This year we have six talented students who have applied for our two $500 scholarships, with the winners to be announced at our June meeting.

We are having such wonderful Spring weather, an opportunity to see beauty surrounding us and birds singing of hope and new life. With that in mind, come celebrate with us this very exciting time with lots of joyful happenings for our members and one of our very favorite visiting guest artist, Joseph Fettingis. Board meeting at 6:00, members gather at 6:30 sign in, Tuesday, May 7, 7:00 meeting time, then some nourishment, and then the fun begins! Come bring a friend or two, or more!!!

Sue Brezine

Joe Fettingis is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society and his articles have been published in the cover story of the American Artist Magazine, International Artist, and Palette Talk magazines. He has been featured in the books Splash 6, Painting Color, and The Best of Watercolors 2 as well as many articles throughout the USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico. In his watercolor painting demo, Joe will show us how to understand and work with colors and values; how to control the moisture on paint brush and paper; how to glaze the colors; and how to move the colors to create balance and movement.

Our Nominating Committee will present the slate of Board officers for the coming year:
President: Sue Brezine
Vice President: Dora Lawson
Recording Secretary:
Corresponding Secretary: Jacqueline Albright
Committee Chairpersons:
Greeting Host: Larry Hawkins
Refreshments: Rose Schultz
Workshops: Yuki Hall
Sunshine: Debbie Suter
Corn Festival:
Facility Manager:
Historian and Publicity: Robert Beireis
Gallery Coordinator: Gayle Beireis
Photographer: James Scherer

We need nominations from the floor for Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Facility Manager, and the Sweet Corn Chairperson. We thank those who have or will volunteer to continue working for our incredible group to further the arts in our community.

I would like to say a very big Thank You to Jim McCoy for donating $150.00 for the Best of Show in honor of his late wife, Joan McCoy. This prize is a very nice one and very much appreciated. We would also like to remind everyone of the Popular Choice award at the June social. You may leave two entries from the May Show, or you may bring in two new entries to the June social. You may start bringing things in at 5:30 pm, prior to the June meeting.

Members: Robert and I would like to thank everyone who has signed up to set up and sit the Gallery for our F.A.A. Members’ Show. It is because of you we always put on a good show. We also would like to remind you that the Members’ Photography Show will be in October this year and every year after that. We did a good job last year with the show. We are hoping for an even better Photography Show this year. We are able to offer better prizes this year, and hopefully that as the Show grows, so will the prizes. We will be asking you to help set up the show and sit the gallery, so please be watching for the signup sheets to go around. Also watch for information about the show. …Submitted by Gayle Beireis

As May approaches, it is time to renew your club membership. Membership fees are due June 1 for 2013/2014. A membership form is attached to this newsletter and we request that you fill out the form completely so that we can update your information if necessary. You may bring the membership form and your check (or cash) to the May or June meeting and submit them as you sign in at the door, or send them to Fairborn Art Association, P.O. Box 1231, Fairborn, OH 45324. The cost is $25 for Individual membership; $15 for Seniors; $30 for Family membership; and there is an optional additional donation line if you choose to contribute to FAA as a tax exempt organization. Your may also want to check on the form to have your email address printed in the members’ directory. This is a great organization, please consider renewing your membership. All members who pay by the June 4th meeting will be included in the new Directory.
At the present time, our website is not working properly, making it impossible to assign user names and passwords. If you encounter a problem when you go to the website, please let Jackie Albright know. You can add pictures to your member gallery, but Jim Scherer has to put them on. Otherwise, you can view anything on the website and download information without logging on. We are going to redesign the whole website in the near future, hopefully making it easier to use. Your present member gallery should not be affected. We will consider any suggestions you may have.

The Fairborn Art Association is helping to raise funds for the area’s needy children by helping the Church of God with their Backpack4kids program. Mayumi Kieffer and Clarice Moore are spearheading a fundraiser for the FAA called “Soup and an Art Show” scheduled for October. We are asking for volunteers to help with publicity, contacting sponsors, artists, servers, and helping hands in general. We’re planning to get the cafeteria at the Senior Apartments for the event and the program will run from 5:00-8:00 pm with us offering delicious bowls of various soups served in artist donated ceramic bowls. Artists can sell their wares, donating a small portion of sales (20%) to the cause. We also hope to have tee shirts that members can purchase and wear throughout the summer for advertising. Look for sign-up sheets at the next meeting!

Yuki Hall will be offering a Thursday evening class (6 pm–9 pm) starting May 2 at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. This course is identical to the course taught in March and April, but is offered in the evening hours. In this 8-week course, Yuki will teach you how to inject mood and atmosphere in your watercolor painting, reducing the subject matter into your personal visual language without being bogged down with unnecessary details. Strong emphasis will be placed on many key concepts such as tonal value patterns, wetness ratio of paper and paint brush, as well as effective use of various edge qualities. All levels are welcome.

Yuki will also be offering a new Monday morning class (9:30–12:30) starting June 10. In this 8-week course, Yuki will teach you how to break away from a coloring-in painting style and start painting with confident brush strokes for a more spontaneous and impressionistic appearance, full of atmosphere. Strong emphasis will be placed on tonal value pattern, edge quality, and color temperature dominance, as well as the roles of lead-in and effective use of perspective tools to create sense of depth in your painting. This class is designed to help you gain insight in discovering the true quality of watercolor so that you can create paintings with maximum visual and emotional impact. All levels are welcome.

The cost for each of these 8-week courses is $85. To register, please send the payment and the attached registration form to Yuki Hall, 4136 Fox Fern Ct. Beavercreek, OH 45432. For any questions regarding this class, call or e-mail Yuki at 937-426-7229, or email

Susan Bertke will be teaching an 8-week acrylics class on Tuesday afternoons (1:00-4:00 pm) from May 21 to July 9, 2013, at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. The class will focus on the sheer versatility of acrylics, with each week exploring a different subject, application technique, and/or support. For example: Supports – canvas, paper, cardboard, illustration or mat board; Techniques – glazing, impasto, scumbling, drybrush, wet-in-wet, collage, blending, painting with a knife; Subjects – portraiture, animals, landscape, floral, still life, abstracts; Multimedia – acrylic as an under-painting for oils, pastels, pencils; acrylic as an over-painting for watercolors or ink; collage. Actual projects may be tailored to the previous experience and interests of the students. See more of Susan’s work at: The cost of the 8-week course is $85. If you have any questions, please call Susan at 937-429-5653 or e-mail her at To register for Susan’s class, please send a check for $85 and the attached registration form to: Susan Bertke, 327 Tanglewood Drive, Beavercreek, OH 45440

Rosie Huart is offering a 2-day workshop learning the basics of Japanese papermaking. Soaking, cooking, rinsing, hand beating will be part of this process. The workshop will take place at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and June 9, 2013, from 9-4 pm. Participants will be limited. Register early. $150 for workshop, plus material fee for fibers, dye and additives and a $3-4 charge for each person for studio space. Material fee will be announced. Supply list will be sent after registration. Submit a non-refundable deposit of $50 by April 30. Balance due May 15. Mail to: Rosie Huart, 4876 Harlou Dr., Dayton, OH 45432. For additional information, call Rosie at 937-256-6050. (Note: Dates changed after initial publication of newsletter)

En Plein Air is a juried painting exhibition presented as a collaboration between B-W Greenway Community Land Trust & Fairborn Art Association. It was established in 2009 to heighten public awareness of our local greenspaces and the need to preserve them, as well as to foster an interest in painting from nature. Each year a different location in the Fairborn, OH, area has been chosen as the subject of the paintings. The 2013 location is Downtown Fairborn. See the attached prospectus for complete information. (Please note: There are two pages to this prospectus; page 2 contains entry information and form, and a map and description of area for painting.) This year’s juror is Sally A. Struthers, Ph.D. Struthers earned a BA in Classics and Art History from Wright State University, and Master’s and Doctoral degrees from The Ohio State University in the History of Art. Struthers has taught Art History at Sinclair Community College for 25 years, where she has also served as Department Chair of Art, Interim Chair of Academic Foundations, Dean of Fine and performing Arts, and Dean of Liberal Arts, Communication and Social Sciences. An exhibiting photographer, Struthers has exhibited her work extensively in the region. A prospectus for this event can be found on our website www.fairbornart,com For more information, please contact: Marti Riddle 937-879-0725
Bob Coates 937-689-4855

En Plein Air TIMELINE for 2013 Exhibition
Until June 29, 2013 – Painting in Downtown Fairborn, OH
June 30, 1-3 pm & 5-7 pm – Work accepted at Fairborn Art Assn.
July 7, 1-4 pm – Opening Reception with prizes awarded at 2pm – Cash prizes total $600
July 28 – Final day of Exhibition
July 28, 4-5 pm – Artists to pick up work at Fairborn Art Association

The Fairborn Art Association is sponsoring a 5-day watercolor workshop with Sterling Edwards from September 30 to October 4, 2013. The workshop will be held in the Fairborn Art Association Gallery located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N. Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH. Sterling Edwards is a contemporary watermedia master. He is a signature member of Transparent Watercolor Society of America, as well as Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor, an international organization based in Toronto. He is also an author of the North Light Book, Creating Luminous Watercolor Landscapes, a Four Step Process. He is also a contributing artist to numerous other magazines and books. His instructional DVDs are marketed worldwide. The cost for this workshop is $260 for a FAA member, $280 for a non-member. To register, send a registration form (available at the Gallery), along with a non-refundable deposit of $40, to Yuki Hall, 4136 Fox Fern Court, Beavercreek, OH 45432. Make check payable to the Fairborn Art Association. The balance of payment is due by August 1, 2013. For additional information, contact Yuki Hall at 937-426-7229 or email

The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the May meeting: Mimi Caraway, Jim and Margaret Brooks, Larry Hawkins, Misuk Goltz, Yuki Hall, Ellie Ditmer, Jan Lendino, Bonnie Rashilla, and Sandy Kinnamon. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be June 4, 2013. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the June Newsletter is Monday, May 20, 2013. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.


2012 Membership Form

Exploring Acrylics_0

Yuki Hall ‘Creating Mood & Atmosphere in Watercolor’ May – June 2013

Yuki Hall Monday mornin Paint More with Less