To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0518 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0518 Newsletter (open document file)

 Dear Members, Patrons, and Friends,

Spring has not sprung yet. Today we had snow again. Maybe by our May meeting we will have spring weather so we can get rid of our winter clothes and ice scrapers and enjoy the evening. Our speaker that night will be the artist who will be the instructor for the spring workshop, Lian Quan Zhen. Hope to see you all there on May 1, 2018, at 7 pm. The Board will meet at 6 pm. I am still looking for replacement for me to mark fields for the Sweet Corn Festival. Please volunteer if you can.

Loren Red



Lian Quan Zhen, a very popular watercolorist and Chinese Painting artist will be the featured artist at a workshop at Fairborn Art Association. He will also be the demo artist for the May 1st FAA meeting and be the judge for our Spring Members’ Show. Lian Quan Zhen is a sought-after watercolor and Chinese painting artist and teacher in the US and abroad. He is one of the most popular authors of North Light Books. He started sketching and painting in his childhood and continued as a hobby while practicing medicine as a family physician in Canton Province, China. After immigrating to the US in 1985, he obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree from University of California at Berkeley in 1992 and a Master of Architecture Degree from MIT in 1996. He has had many shows in the US, Hong Kong and China and developed an international following. His paintings hang in numerous institutional and private collections including the MIT Museum which has collected 14 of his paintings. His art teaching credentials include at the University of California at Berkeley where he taught watercolor outdoor sketching for 8 years; watercolor and Chinese painting workshops nationwide in the US, and other countries in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, China, South Africa and Australia Also, Lian has been an invited juror for California, Colorado, New Mexico, Georgia, Arizona and Kentucky Watercolor Societies’ exhibitions and other local shows. His paintings have been featured in magazines such as Watercolor 94 Spring, Splash4, Collectors (Hong Kong) and books of Landscape on Watercolor (UK), Finding Your Visual Voice, and Painter’s Quick Reference books by North Light Books: Flowers and Blooms, Dogs and Cats, Birds and Butterflies, Landscapes, and Drawing and Painting Animals – the Essential Guide.


One of the reasons Fairborn Art Association exists is to bring nationally known artists to present workshops for our members to improve or begin their watercolor skills. May’s workshop from May 2 to May 4 features Lian Quan Zhen, an internationally known artist. I’ve never seen any of his workshops not be overbooked; however we still have some openings. Lian will be doing two paintings with the class: one a landscape and one an animal. His supplies list is on his website (use the list for regular watercolor painting, not Chinese painting). This is a must if you enjoy watercolor painting. For additional information on his workshops and a list of art supplies, see . Please send your deposit of $40 and registration soon.  The workshop costs only $250 for members and $275 for non-members.  Full payment is due April 23rd. A flyer/registration form is available in our Gallery and on our website Please contact Pat Dunker at for registration and more information.

Attachment: Lian Zhen Workshop Registration (pdf file)

Attachment: Lian Zhen Workshop Registration (open document file)


Just a reminder that entries for the Spring Show will be accepted on Wednesday, April 25, from noon to 5 pm. The show opens at our meeting on Tuesday, May 1, where prizes will be awarded. Please bring your art ready to hang. The prospectus has all the information needed to prepare your art for the show. The prospectus is available in our Gallery and on our website at

Registration:  Wednesday, April 25 from 12 noon to 5 pm

Show Opening and Prizes Awarded:  Tuesday, May 1, 7 pm at our May meeting

Gallery Hours:  Sundays, May 6, 13, and 20 from 1 pm to 4 pm

Pick Up:  Sunday, May 20 from 4 to 6 pm

If you signed up to sit with the FAA gallery and bring light snacks, I will see that one person in your group has a key to the gallery so you can get in and lock up when you leave. Please check with me when you register your art to make sure who has the key. Light snacks could be cookies or cheese & crackers, or chips & salsa, and a punch or lemonade or something similar. Feel free to bring your artwork to work on while you are there.

Please invite your friends and family to come see the show, and hopefully find a piece of art they would like to hang in their home or office. If you have questions or if you need to deliver or pick up your work at a different time, please contact Billie Dickson, Show Chair, by e-mail at, or by text or phone at 937-902-6410. Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful art work!                                    …Submitted by Billie Dickson

Attachment:  Spring prospectus 2018 (pdf file)


Election of Board Members will be held at the May 2018 meeting. Please again think about the leadership of our Art Association. These are all volunteer positions. If you are interested in running for a position, please contact Cheryl Miracle at 937-751-9442 or email to A vote will be held at the May meeting to confirm these officers.

Slate of Officers, if no other volunteers appear:

President – Billie Dickson                                              Vice President – Fran Watson

Recording Secretary – Sheryl Scott                                 Corresponding Secretary – Jackie Albright

Treasurer – Sue Red


We will be accepting your membership fee for the 2018-2019 year at the May and June meetings or you may mail it in. The Membership Form is available in our Gallery and on our website  Please use the form to send your dues to Fairborn Art Association, P.O. Box 1231, Fairborn, OH 45324. Please check any of the blocks that apply to you so we can update your record. This helps us in scheduling programs and workshops. Also, please check the blocks regarding inclusion of your email address in the Directory, permission to use pictures of your artwork, and permission to use pictures of you, according to your wishes. It is important to consider these permissions. If you do not give permission and you win a prize, we cannot take a picture of you or your artwork; if you are included in a group photo at a meeting or in a class, we cannot use that photo. Thank you. If you think you have paid your dues, please call Lori Luckner at 937-367-9938 or email her at, or call Sue Red at 937-879-3238.

Attachment: 2018 Membership Form (pdf file)


B-W Greenway has published its flyer for the Landscapes 2018 competition. Copies will be available in our Gallery and on our website The location this year is Oakes Quarry Park, a City of Fairborn park located near the intersection of Interstate 675 on State Route 235. Some guided tours of the park are being planned for our painters. Watch our website for additional information.


Until June 30, 2018, Visit Oakes Quarry Park and produce artwork.

Saturday, June 30, 1-4 pm, Work accepted at Fairborn Art Association Gallery.

Exhibition open to the public, Sundays, July 15, 22, and 29, 2-4 pm.

Opening reception, Sunday, July 15, 2-4 pm, with prizes awarded at 3 pm. Cash prizes total $300.

Sunday, July 29, Final Day of Exhibition. Artists may pick up work at FAA Gallery, 4-5 pm.

For more information, please contact Bob Coates at

Attachment: Landscapes 2018 flyer (pdf file)


Yuki Hall’s painting “Fourth Street” was accepted into the National Watercolor Society, 2018 Annual Member’s Exhibition and will be exhibited in NWS gallery, in San Pedro, CA from May 3 to June 30.


Libby Rudolf and Diana Hoke both love to create watercolor paintings that speak to your soul. They will have their first joint exhibit at the Winds Cafe during the months of May and June with a reception on Sunday, June 3 from 6-8 pm. Libby and Diana met at the Western Ohio Watercolor Society meetings at the Springfield Art Museum, took classes and workshops together, and enjoy being part of the Ohio Plein Air Society. OPAS encourages artists to paint on site, outside in all weathers. They are also each members of Ohio Watercolor Society. Diana has a piece in the traveling exhibit making its way around Ohio currently.  Libby is a member of Village Artisans Gallery in Yellow Springs, a multi-media, co-op gallery with a lovely variety of creations. She has painted several WC commissions, made illustrations for children’s books, co-led project-based-learning projects in the local elementary school. Libby loves to explore nature, near and far, seeking inspiration for paintings. Diana has been painting extensively since her retirement and is currently focusing on portraiture. She paints in oil as well as watercolor. She travels extensively visiting family and loves to paint on site, whenever possible. The Winds Café is located at 215 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Libby has additional artwork on display at the Yellow Springs Senior Center, on display through April 27th. The artwork in “A Family Affair” includes Libby’s Watercolors, Family members – woodwork, metalwork, sculpture, photography and fabric embroidery designs and a Project Based Learning handmade book about gardening and energy from food – Sunshine for Lunch with Mills Lawn Elementary students. The Yellow Springs Senior Center Gallery is located at 227 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs, Ohio.


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


The following people signed up to bring refreshments to our next meeting: Jean Lutz, Libby Rudolph, Theresa Mayer, Evvie Moore, Clarice Moore, Evelyn La Mers, and Lucille Burns. We may need more volunteers for this popular meeting. We usually have 50-60 members in attendance, so please plan accordingly. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 5, at 7:00 pm. It is our Spring Social. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the June Newsletter is Monday, May 21, 2018. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.