The FAA Members’ Spring Fine Art Show is coming up in May, so get busy and paint! It is time to get ready for the Members’ Spring Show. Registration for the show will be held on Monday, April 27 from 9 am-12 pm and from 1-3 pm; and on Wednesday, April 29 from 10 am-12:00 pm. We need your help for registration, setting up for the show, and sitting the show. The Show will be open to the public the first three Sundays in May. Please contact gayle or Robert Beireis at 937-390-1992 or [email protected] if you are willing to help. Your help is very much appreciated to make this show a success. We are looking forward to working with all of you this spring. The Prospectus for the Show is attached or is available in the gallery or from gayle.
Click here for a 2015 Spring Prospectus.