Remember this article from the June 2014 Newsletter? Well, the Prospectus is now attached.

NOT YOUR PRETTY PORTRAIT SHOW—Portraits, Self-Portraits, and Caricatures

Many of us have portraits, self portraits, and/or caricatures that are not the normal pretty painting or drawing. We would like to get your “Not Quite Right” portraits out of your studios, basements, closets, attics, and garages and onto the walls of our gallery in September. Up to three framed pieces may be entered by members free of charge. Non-members may pay $5 per piece, or they are welcome to become members. The show will not be judged and no prizes will be awarded so that the creativity of each piece can be appreciated. Participating artists are invited to tell about their work at the September meeting when discussion about the show will be the topic of the evening instead of an artist demo. Please pick up an entry form at the social on June 3, or at the gallery or Sweet Corn Festival during the summer. Intake will be in the FAA gallery on Wednesday. August 20, 3–7 pm, and Thursday, August 21, 10 am–2 pm. Show dates are Tuesday, September 2, 6:30–9 pm, and Sundays, September 7, 14, and 21, 1–4 pm. Pick up will be Sunday, September 21, 4–5, and Monday, September 22, 1–3.

Questions can be directed to                                    …..Submitted by Dora Lawson

Attachment:  2014 NYPP Show Prospectus (Revised)