To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1119 Newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1119 Newsletter (open document file)
Happy Halloween,
Hope you all are getting your goodies in for all your neighborhood kids (and haven’t eaten them yourselves already). Halloween seems to kick off the holiday season each year. How fun!
Wanted to make you aware of a benefit of membership we have not promoted lately. YOU can have a show in the Gallery at no charge. It can be a one-person member show or a group show (all must be members in a group show), and it can be for two weeks or up to a month. You are responsible for hanging, having the gallery open for visitors, promoting the show, refreshments, etc. You keep all the proceeds from your sales. To get further information and inquire about available dates, please contact our Gallery Coordinator, Lori Luckner. The more shows we have, the more people are exposed to what a wonderful little Gallery we have.
Reminder that our December meeting is our Holiday Party. There will be no speaker, but there will be lots of fun. Everyone brings refreshments that night so start planning.
Our November speaker is pastel artist Kathryn Smithson. Meeting is November 5, 2019 at 7 p.m.
Joe Miller, aka Cheap Joe, says, “Don’t paint things the way they are, paint them the way you want them to look.”
Billie Dickson
Pastel artist, Kathryn Smithson, will be the featured demonstration artist at the November 5 monthly meeting. The public is invited to attend. Smithson, who is from Columbus, Ohio, started drawing in high school using graphite. She was coached by her mother, also an artist, and switched to colored pencil and pastels in 2003. Currently Smithson prefers pastels and has painted many beautiful paintings of birds, pets, various other animals, landscapes, and flowers. Examples of her art may be viewed at: . Smithson is treasurer of the Westerville Art League, and served as its president in 2007-2008. She is also a member of the Ohio Pastel Artists League (OPAL) and is a member of the Arts Council of Westerville. Her artwork currently hangs in Gallery 202 in Westerville, Ohio, and Serindip Gallery in Powell, Ohio.
Anne Paris, PhD, author of Standing at Water’s Edge: Moving Past Fear, Blocks, and Pitfalls to Discover the Power of Creative Immersion, said, “Kathryn’s paintings capture the spirit of whatever she is portraying–whether it be a bird, or chimpanzee, or flower, her use of color and form carry the presence onto the page and into your heart.” Smithson has received several awards for her artwork, including Best of Show in Westerville Art League Spring show; three first-place awards at The Ohio State University College of Medicine shows; a first place, a second place, and four honorable mentions in Westerville Art League Spring shows. …Submitted by Jim Gifford, Publicity Chair
MARCH 2020 – Kate Santucci, encaustic art
FEBRUARY 2020 – Yuki Hall, European trip, sketching
APRIL 2020 – Donna Schwartz, colored pencil
June 4-7, 2020, Fairborn Art Association will welcome Misuk Goltz back to teach a 4-day watercolor workshop. Misuk has won many awards for her watercolor paintings and is an outstanding teacher. For beginners to more advanced. Not all the details have been received, but it promises to be a fabulous, informative workshop. This workshop will be at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery from 9:30-4 with an hour for lunch. The cost will tentatively be $225 or $250 including a $40 nonrefundable deposit which will hold your place for the workshop. Because Misuk has so many followers, get your deposit in soon. Send it to Pat Dunker, 30 Innisbrook Close, Xenia, Ohio 45385.
Thank you to all my friends at Fairborn Art Association for their expressions of sympathy and visitation in the loss of my husband, Jim, the love of my life and my hero. I really appreciated your kindness and caring. Sincerely, Jane Trame
Connie and Jim Gifford along with their daughter and son-in-law, Brandi Harris and Brock Harris, and introducing their daughter, Raven Harris, will have artwork (watercolor, acrylic, and photography) on display in Kettering’s Lathrem Senior Center Hallway Art Gallery from November 1 to December 15, 2019. Lathrem is located at 2900 Glengarry Drive, Kettering. Hours Monday-Thursday 8-8, Friday 8-5, Saturday 9-12 noon and Sunday 12:30-4:30. Phone 937-296-2480. …Submitted by Jim Gifford
It’s time to get into the Holiday Spirit Sunday, December 1 at the annual Holiday Open House at the 1854 Hertzler House in George Rogers Clark Park from 1–3 pm. The Christmas Tree, a tradition brought to the US from German immigrants, is featured. Guests are encouraged to count all the trees and win a sweet treat. Savory and sweet refreshments are served in the dining room and Leslie Arendt and sisters will be playing holiday music in the parlor. The event is free but donations are appreciated. …Submitted by Barb Arnold 937-864-1046
Judy Betts was the juror for the show that included a total of 20 artists. “Judi took 3 to 3.5 hours judging”. In addition to the four main Excellent awards, Ms. Betts gave five honorable mentions. Some of our FAA members received awards. Award of Excellence in Watercolor: Elizabeth Martin, Rose Schultz. Honorable Mention: Shirlee Bauer, Patricia Dunker, Connie Gifford, Mary Jo White, Linnae Wilson. …Submitted by Connie Gifford
Yuki Hall will be conducting a workshop titled “Painting & Sketching the Spirit of Spain” from May 11 to May 21, 2020. The workshop will take place in Barcelona, Girona and Costa Brava, Spain with abundant excursions with private tour guides and private transportations. For more information, contact Yuki at, (937) 679-2464. All level of painters and non-painting companions are also welcome.
Attachment: Painting & Sketching the Spirit of Spain[1160]
Attachment: Painting & Sketching the spirit of Spain Enrollment form[1161]
Go to the Activities tab on our website for the Landscapes2020 brochure and the addresses of Fairborn Garden Club homeowners who will welcome artists to their garden. …Submitted by Pat Higgins, Volunteer, B-W Greenway
Attachment: Landscapes 2020 Flyer 2pg
Attachment: OHGC flyer with gardener addresses
This is a hands on painting group for intermediate to advanced oil painters who wish to join with other artists in a creative atmosphere at the Troy-Hayner Center in Troy, Ohio. A first session is scheduled for Thursdays, 9:00 am – 11:30 am, December 12 – January 23, with a skip date of December 26.
Attachment: Oil Painter’s Study Group_FAA[1393]
The following members signed up to bring refreshments for the November meeting: Linda Brandenburg, April Coppess, Yuki Hall, Kenny Moore, Carol Williams, Lucy Burns, Louise Jackson, Shirlee Bauer, Nyeon Woo, Ruth Fulmer, Evvie Moore, Clarice Moore. Thank you for volunteering.
Our next meeting will be our Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, at 7:00 pm. Everyone who wants to participate in the gift exchange should bring a gift. And everyone will bring refreshments. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the December Newsletter is Monday, November 18, 2019. Please email your articles to or call Jackie at 937-233-7532.