To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1120 Newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1120 Newsletter (open document file)
Hello all,
And just like that, the weather has turned cool, the leaves are on the ground, and Halloween and Thanksgiving are upon us.
If you missed our October meeting, there was important information for all to be aware of.
- We have had to cash in a CD in order to meet our normal expenses (rent, phones, speakers, etc.) for the year. Without the Sweet Corn Festival, we lost $13,000 income. Our current dues do not begin to cover even our rent, so there was no choice. We are now operating at a deficit, and spending our assets. That is not a sustainable way to continue providing the wonderful things you have come to expect from FAA.
- Sue and Loren Red, and Lori Luckner have resigned their positions with FAA and the Sweet Corn Festival. No monetary amount could be put on the time and energy they have devoted to both organizations over the years. We need volunteers in place next month (November) if the Sweet Corn Festival can be held in 2021. Along with Warren Brown and a committee of volunteers, they have been the driving force behind the Sweet Corn Festival, and Sue has been FAA Treasurer for as long as I can remember. Please, please, please consider taking a leadership role in this festival that is so important to the Fairborn community and to FAA. Call Warren Brown and he can fill you in how YOU can help.
- Roger Browning has agreed to take over the Treasurer role, but can only commit for a year. We NEED someone to take over this critical role for our organization (and to work with Roger ahead of time). Please call Roger or me if you are willing to take on this role. I’m sure Sue Red would be happy to answer questions as well. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Because of the restrictions placed on us by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are unable to have our annual Holiday and Christmas party this year. Therefore, there will not be a meeting in December.
We had a successful Members’ Show in October. There were 75 entries, and if you were unable to get out to see the show you missed some absolutely compelling pieces of art. We are planning a spring show for May 2021, and crossing our fingers! Hopefully, photos of the prize-winning entries will be on our Facebook page and our Website soon.
Jim Gifford has taken on the role of Sunshine Chair from Deb Suter. If you know of a member who needs some love from FAA, please let Jim know and he will send a card.
Our November meeting is Tuesday, November 3. Our speaker is Tim Langenderfer, Artist-in-Residence and instructor at MOSA Academy of Art. He will be talking about and demonstrating drawing techniques. Please reserve your space by emailing or calling Debi Cosenza. Only 40 seats are available because of social distancing requirements. Meeting begins at 7 pm. Remember there are no refreshments provided, so if you need to bring something for yourself only you may do so, but are required to take your trash out with you.
We will have a special recognition of the service of Sue and Loren Red, and Lori Luckner at our November meeting as well.
Cheap Joe shared this quote attributed to Dan White. “To belong is perhaps the most important and yet least recognized need of the human soul.”
Billie Dickson, President
Tim Langenderfer is our November demo artist Tuesday, November 3rd, at 7 pm. He will be sharing his teaching skills in drawing. Mr. Langenderfer is lead instructor and Artist-in-Residence at MOSA, Museum of Spiritual Art in Franklin, Ohio. His career began in illustration for various well-known clients. To reserve your seat at the demo, email Debbie Cosenza at, as our maximum seating for distancing is 40 members. No refreshments, you may bring a snack and beverage as long as you remove your own trash. Masks MUST be worn. Our Board will be meeting from 5:30-6:30 in the gallery, so please do not arrive prior to 6:30. As always all common areas will be cleaned prior to your arrival. We hope to see you there! …Submitted by Carol Edsall
FEBRUARY 2 – Connie Gifford – Yupo
MARCH 2 – Amy Gantt-Design artist Lula Bell
APRIL 6 – Jacqueline Sullivan-Abstract landscapes, multimedia
Juror Statement: I commend all of you for showing your work. Wonderful show!!! Good values on many. Like the strong values and interesting brush strokes, tonal values and variety of media make this an interesting show! Thank you for having me here. …Bruce Neville
Jane Trame – Best of show Carol Edsall – 2nd place
Connie S. Gifford – 1st place Tom Kinarney – 3rd place
Honorable Mention:
Peggy Bowman, Esther Wilson, Shirlee Bauer, Shirley Harbaugh, Linda Brandenburg, Rose Schultz, Doriann Fusco, Patricia Dunker.
Judges Merit Award:
Linda Keller, Billie Dickson, Sheryl Scott, Patricia Tallman, Lisa Becker, Joann Davenport, Carol Collett, Marsha Elliott
Connecting Art & Spirit: Mindful Markmaking. 3-Day Mini Art Retreat Online, November 13, 14, 15, 11 am – 1 pm EST. This is a 3-day online (2 hours each day for a total of 6 hours) ZOOM class. The cost is $95 US dollars for all 3-day classes. Register by clicking this link . Detailed instructions for art techniques, poetry readings, Zoom info, and source of suppliers will be emailed before the retreat.
Middletown Arts Center presents the Annual Area Art Exhibition. This juried competition is open to adult artists working in 2D & 3D media. See the best work from artists within a 50 mile radius of Middletown! You may view entry information and the prospectus here: . Work to be accepted Monday, November 16 through Thursday, November 19 during business hours. Check business hours on prospectus. A copy of the prospectus is attached.
Attachment: MAC Area Art Exhibition Prospectus 2020 NEW REVISED_1_
If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.
The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the December Newsletter is Monday, November 16, 2020. Please email your articles to or call Kenny Moore at 937-313-1040.