To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1019 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1019 Newsletter (open document file)

 Hello All,

With September nearly over it is time to look forward to painting those beautiful fall colors and those long shadows created by the sun as our Earth slowly turns away and prepares for winter.

The vote to revise our Constitution and By-Laws passed at the September meeting. Please ask a Board member if you would like to see them.

We’ve had several volunteers come forward to work on making the Library more accessible.  Already they have cleared out more shelf space for the new books that have come in and are working on cataloging and making the books available for members.  Please remember, you MUST check out the book and put the card in the card box.  There is no set return date but please keep in mind that newer books will want to be read by more people, so return them as soon as you have finished with them.  Place returns in the appropriate box and we will take care of the reshelving.  Thanks to Carole Collett, Lucy Burns and Barb Olekas for working on this project!

Reminder that the Brush Before Brain Event with Mike Elsass is on Tuesday, September 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Mike’s Front Street Gallery.  Cost is $60 and you must preregister.  Contact Fran Watson to get the registration link.

There are a few spaces left in the Judi Betts workshop October 1 through 4.  Judi is a fantastic artist and a wonderful and friendly instructor.  She was invited back by popular demand, so register now to make sure you get in.  Look on our website for a registration link, or contact Pat Dunker.

Judi Betts is our speaker for our October 1 meeting.  She will do a demo for us in watercolor.  Judi is a signature member of several national art organizations, including the prestigious American Watercolor Society.

The art on the wall for October is the fall show of the Western Ohio Watercolor Society.  This is the first time FAA has shown the work of another art organization.  We agreed to sponsor the show, and the timing is a perfect tie in with our watercolor demo for our meeting.

Meeting starts at 7 p.m.  Board meeting begins at 6 p.m.  As always, members are welcome to attend the Board meeting.  Contact me before September 24 if there is something you would like to see on the agenda.

Billie Dickson



Our Fall workshop with Judi Betts as our featured instructor. Judi Betts AWS, NWS has attained an international reputation for her transparent watercolor paintings. Her paintings have won over 100 awards in major competitions. Paintings by Judi appear on national TV, wine labels (5 International Awards in label competition), CDs, DVDs and in over 35 books. Judi is the author of the award winning books WATERCOLOR…Let’s Think About It! (5th printing) and PAINTING…a QUEST toward XTRAORD!NARY (5 awards) and is also a contributor to many prominent art magazines. Over her career, she has been juror/judge for over 150 national/international and regional competitions. In 2009, she served on the Awards Jury for the American Watercolor Society’s 142nd International Competition. More than 425 workshops have been presented by Judi; and she has given invitational sessions for watercolor societies in Norway, Puerto Rico, Sweden and Canada. A more extensive biography for Judi is attached. Judi Betts Workshop presented by the FAA October 1-4, 2019, 9:30-4:00 pm, located in the Gallery in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N Central Ave. Fairborn, Oh 45434. To Register: Please send a non refundable deposit of $40 along with the following form to:

Pat Dunker

30 Innisbrook Close

Xenia, Ohio 45385

Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. Final payment must be made by 9/14/19. After that date, tuition is non-refundable. For questions; Call Pat Dunker 937-562-3014 or cell 937-271-4798 or email

Attachment: Judi Betts Biography

Attachment: JUDI BETTS Registration

Attachment: Judi Betts Supply List


NOVEMBER – Kathryn Smithson, pastel

MARCH 2020-Suzanne Accetta, watercolor

FEBRUARY 2020 – Yuki Hall, European trip, sketching

APRIL 2020 – Donna Schwartz, colored pencil

Rosie Huart is offering her “Connecting Art & Spirit Retreat Weekend,” October 3-6, 2019, at the Maria Stein Spiritual Center in Maria Stein, Ohio. The cost for the weekend is $375. Take time to renew yourself with a creative retreat designed to implement expressive ways of encountering your soul’s journey through art. be a time to nourish one’s body, mind and spirit through art, prayer and intention. The retreat begins Thursday evening with arrival time at 6:30 PM and ends by noon Sunday. You do not need to be an artist to participate. A basic supply list will be provided after registration. $150 is due August 20, 2019 Send check to: Rosie Huart, 4876 Harlou Dr., Dayton, OH 45432. Remaining balance of $225.00 is due September 20, 2019.


Surprise! Here’s an early announcement that we are downsizing, but don’t say goodbye yet. It may take a couple of years, but I am sorting my art book collection that I have cherished and selling many of my books at bargain prices. I am making this first announcement of my book sale to FAA members whose friendship and workshops I have appreciated for so many years. I am inviting FAA members and friends to visit my studio in small groups (near the Dayton Mall) to make their selections. The links to my invitation and the entire book list for you to examine are available in the Gallery and are attached.                                                                                                                                     …Submitted by Nita Leland


The 27th Annual Fine Art Exhibition presented by the Piqua Arts Council is on display from September 6 through September 27. Several of our members have artwork in this show including James and Connie Gifford, Carol Edsall, Shirlee Bauer and Clarice Moore. The show at the Apple Tree Gallery, 405 North Main Street, Piqua, Ohio 45356, is open weekdays from 10:30-5:00, Saturdays from 10:30-4:00


Linda Keller and Fran Watson will have art work on display in the Hallway Art Gallery from October 13-31, 2019, at the City of Kettering’s Lathrem Senior Center, 2900 Glengarry Drive, Kettering.  Hours Mon-Thur 8-8, Fri 8-5, Saturday 9-12 noon and Sunday 12:30-4:30.  Phone 937-296-2480.


Middletown Arts Center presents the annual Area Art Exhibition 2019, September 13 – October 17. Bonnie Kuntz was awarded Second Place for Mixed Media for “The Midnight Run.” The Middletown Art Center is located at 130 N. Verity Parkway, Middletown, OH  45042


Yuki Hall’s paining “ Charleston Rain” won the Fourth Place Award in this year’s Watermedia Showcase competition by Watercolor Artist magazine, and it will be published in March/April 2020 issue.


Yuki Hall will be conducting a workshop titled “Painting & Sketching the Spirit of Spain” from May 11 to May 21, 2020.  The workshop will take place in Barcelona, Girona and Costa Brava, Spain with abundant excursions with private tour guides and private transportations.  For more information, contact Yuki at, (937) 679-2464.  All level of painters and non-painting companions are also welcome. Workshop brochure and enrollment form are available in the Gallery and are attached.

Attachment: Painting & Sketching the Spirit of Spain[1160]

Attachment: Painting & Sketching the spirit of Spain Enrollment form[1161]


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


The following members signed up to bring refreshments for the October meeting:  Barbara Olekas, Terri Caprio, Carole Janning, Shirley Harbaugh, Jason Williams, Connie Weber, Linda Keller, Cheryl Miracle, Clarice Moore, Evvie Moore. Thank you for volunteering.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the November Newsletter is Monday, October 21, 2019. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.