To Print this newsletter, click here: October 2020 Newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: October 2020 Newsletter (open document file)
Fall is definitely in the air, the leaves are starting to turn, and it is time for our FAA Members Fine Art Show!
Be sure to take your work for the show on October 1 from noon to 4. The prospectus and registration form are available on our website as an attachment to an article on the Members’ Show dated September 15, 2020.. Have your paperwork done BEFORE you show up to register. Show is open October 4, 11, and 18 from 1 to 4 pm. Please pick up your work on Sunday, October 18 from 4 to 6 p.m. Prizes will be announced at the October 6 meeting.
Our meeting is Tuesday, October 6 at 7 pm. The speaker is Bruce Neville, award winning watercolorist from Cincinnati. You must reserve a seat with Debbie Cosenza at as space is limited. Masks must be worn and there will be NO refreshments.
The Bruce Neville workshop is Wednesday, October 7 through 9th. Contact Connie Gifford at if you still want to register. (She is taking this over temporarily from Pat Dunker, who is having surgery that week.)
Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful work at the show!
Cheap Joe says. “Enthusiasm is the single most important element in your talent bag.”
Billie Dickson,
At this time the 2020-2021 artist and workshop schedule is as follows, subject to change:
OCTOBER 6 – 8 – Workshop – Bruce Neville
NOVEMBER 3 – Tim Langenderfer-Drawing
DECEMBER 1 – Christmas Party
JANUARY 5 – No Meeting
FEBRUARY 2 – Connie Gifford- Yupo
MARCH 2 – Amy Gantt-Design artist Lula Bell
APRIL 6 – Jacqueline Sullivan-Abstract landscapes, multimedia
MAY 4 – Workshop – Misuk Goltz
JUNE 1 – Social
JULY 6 – No Meeting – B-W Greenway Landscapes2021 Exhibition*
AUGUST 3 – No Meeting, Sweetcorn Festival
SEPTEMBER 7 – Nita Leland- Collage
OCTOBER 5 – Workshop – TBD
NOVEMBER 2 – Shirley De Laet-Watercolor
DECEMBER 7 – Christmas Party
…Submitted by Carol Edsall
*The brochure for the Landscape2021 Exhibition can be found on our website as an attachment to the article that was published in the September 2020 Newsletter.
Bruce Neville from Cincinnati will be our featured artist for the FAA workshop October 6, 7 and 8. Reservations are now being accepted. Please send a $40 nonrefundable deposit to reserve your place in the workshop. (If FAA has to cancel the workshop due to Covid-19 or any other unusual reason, your deposit will be refunded.) Fees are $200 for members and $250 for nonmembers. The Registration form is on the FAA website at .
Bruce Neville’s workshop will be filled with information to help you process the painting, in developing your own style and adding that freshness to your work. Each day Bruce will start the subject demo and will demonstrate how he will approach the subject and show the processes he goes through. The loose style, the light process, where the values are critical to bring your eye into the focal point of the painting. Drawing and perspective will also be discussed, and he will provide some shortcuts to develop the painting. For additional information, please contact Connie Gifford at .
The annual Fairborn Sweetcorn Festival is the revenue generator that sustains the Fairborn Art Association by paying for the gallery and associated expenses throughout the year and allows us to keep the dues at a reasonable level and provide the level of service that you expect.
Sue Red, Loren Red and Lori Luckner have retired from the Sweetcorn Festival which means we need some dedicated volunteers to take their places.
- One position manages the booth acquisition and associated duties.
- Another position manages the physical activities such as the restroom contract, field layout, tent rental, generator rental, and materials from storage such as chairs and tables and watermelon booth.
- Another position manages the website and works with booth selection and arrangement and orders parade handouts and signs for booth locations and other informational signs.
We have detailed instructions for these positions and as you can well imagine these positions are at the heart of the event so are critical to be filled and accomplished. There can be multiple volunteers for each of these positions as well.
If we cannot find volunteers for these positions by the end of November 2020 the event scheduled for August 21 and 22, 2021 will not occur!
If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.
Our next meeting is scheduled for November 3, 2020. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the November Newsletter is Monday, October 19, 2020. Please email your articles to or call Kenny Moore at 937-313-1040.