Hello Fellow Artists,

I hope you have been taking advantage of all the art shows available the last few months. I went to the “Miami County 6” show in Sidney to see Shirley Harbaugh and Jan Lendino’s beautiful work and then April and I went to the WOWS show in Troy, which was fabulous. FAA was well represented with so much talent on display, not to mention prize winners. I also entered and attended the Piqua art show which has 250 pieces of artwork, including oils, photography, watercolors, multimedia, and much more, and is well worth the trip. I believe there are a few more shows around, so please support our local artists.

We are excited to have Alicia Farris as our October Workshop artist and we still have a few openings, so if you’re interested, please contact Shirlee Bauer. Alicia will also be our demo artist for our meeting on Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00 pm, so plan on coming early to get a seat. 

I’d like to recognize Jim and Connie Gifford for doing such a wonderful job keeping our gallery so clean and neat, and ordering and stocking our cleaning and paper products. It can be a thankless job that one can take for granted, so, THANK YOU!

I think that’s it for this month, so everyone take care and keep creating!

Linda Brandenburg, President


October 2–4 Watercolor Workshop with Alicia Farris

October 3 Alicia Farris, watercolor demo

November 7 Sarah Maxwell, acrylic/mixed-media demo (Note change)

December 9 Christmas Party (Note date change)


January No meeting

February 6 Gary Blevins, acrylic/multi-media demo

March 5 Peggy Bowman, , journaling demo

April 2 Charmaine Boggs, acrylic/mixed-media demo

May 7 Demo TBD

May Workshop TBD

June 4 Social

July No meeting

August No meeting

September 3 Shirlee Bauer, watercolor demo

October 1 David R. Smith, watercolor demo

October 1–3 Watercolor Workshop with David R. Smith

November 5 Rosemary Nick, collage demo

December 3 Christmas Party


FAA is pleased to welcome Alicia Farris as our October demo and workshop artist. Alicia is an award-winning artist and instructor whose work has been included and recognized in numerous National and International exhibits. She recently received Honorable Mention in the American Artists Professional League 91st Annual Grand National Exhibit at the Salmagundi Club in New York City. Two of her works were awarded Honorable Mention and Finalist awards in Splash 24, the Best of Watercolor publication. Farris’ work was also included in the Signature American Watercolor International Exhibition, Missouri Watercolor International and International Watermedia Exhibit Watercolor USA, Watercolor West, and Southern Watercolor to date in 2023. Alicia has been published in Missouri Life, Signature, and Watercolor Artist Magazines. Farris won first place in the reader’s competition and was featured with an interview in The Art of Watercolour International magazine published in France and distributed to 36 countries. She is signature member of multiple National and International watercolor societies and is asked to teach workshops and serve as juror for art organizations nation-wide. View her work and more of her story on her website:

In this unique workshop, Alicia Farris will begin by teaching her colorful and expressive style of painting human faces. The second portion of the workshop will focus on her technique using animal subjects. Alicia will provide for registered students, photos of the subjects she’ll be demonstrating so that artists may follow along with the demo if they wish. Alternatively, students may use their own subject matter. Whatever the subject, Alicia teaches and encourages her students to paint from their hearts to communicate emotion about what they are painting.

There are still a few openings left for this October 2–4 Workshop so register soon! The registration form for the workshop is available in the Gallery and on our website Home Page under Forms.


Please send notice of your art awards, exhibits, etc. to the Corresponding Secretary, April Coppess, for publishing in the newsletter. We all enjoy hearing of our members’ accomplishments and attending our members’ shows.


Congratulations to FAA members who won awards in the Western Ohio Watercolor Society (WOWS) Member’s Watercolor Show at the Troy-Hayner Cultural Center. This show runs through November 26.
First Place: Tessa Kalman for Out of the Gate
Third Place: Connie Gifford for My First Wheels No. 2
Honorable Mention: Rose Schultz for Shady Sojourn, Jennifer O’Brien for Twins and Marie Trittschuh for Pollinating
Eric Goltz Portrait Award: Marsha Elliott for Winter of Life

Congratulations to Clarice Moore who received an Honorable Mention in Oil & Acrylic for Halo at the 31st Annual Piqua Fine Art Exhibition in September 2023.

Linda Brandenburg sold a watercolor painting titled Are You Looking at Me at the Piqua show.

Please keep Barb Olekas in your thoughts and prayers as she recovers from major surgery.


Middletown Art Center Annual Area Art Exhibition will be held on November 3–December 13, 2023. Any artist, 18 years of age or older, living within a 50-mile radius of Middletown, OH may enter original works never previously exhibited in a juried exhibition at the MAC. Work will be received October 23–26 with a list of accepted work posted on the website October 30. Visit for more information.


The City of Beavercreek is accepting applications for the 2024 gallery season. The Gallery at Lofino Plaza is inside the Beavercreek Senior Center (3868 Dayton-Xenia Rd.) where local artists can display their work. Artists may display their hanging art work for one month and there is space for just about 35 pieces. If you are interested in submitting an application, please send to Feel free to share with friends or family you think would be interested as well. For more information, contact Kim Farrell, CPRP Park Superintendent, City of Beavercreek Parks, Recreation & Culture, 789 Orchard Lane, Beavercreek, OH 45432, (937) 427-5514 (O), (937) 431-5023 (F),


Six members of the Yellow Springs Textile Art Group are presenting a group fiber art show, their fifth time for this biennial exhibit. The members, Corrine Bayraktaroglu, Carol Culbertson, Pam Geisel, Gayle Gyure, Bette Kelley, and Paula Womacks, are all local fiber and textile artists who create innovative embroidery, weaving, and art quilts. “Stitch By Stitch: A cross-cultural exploration of contemporary textile and fiber art” can be viewed through October 28 at the Winds Café, 215 Xenia Ave. in Yellow Springs.


Our next meeting will be on November 7. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the November Newsletter is Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Please call or email your articles to April Coppess.

Please note that, for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will not post personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website unless we have the respective member’s permission. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.