Rob Weingartner Demo

Rob Weingartner’s demo on March 7, 2017, continued our education in the use of color. Rob demonstrated a painting in acrylic using a different concept on how to use color from Nita Leland’s demo on February 7, 2017, on the use of triads in selecting colors. He primarily emphasizes the use of complementary colors to create dynamic abstracts and impressionistic artwork. His demo of a water lily pond started out in brilliant colors of orange and ultramarine blue.

Rob’ painting was fairly small, but appeared large to the audience on our new media screen.

As Rob continued with his painting, he chose colors totally unexpected in a lily pond painting.

A larger view of this stage of the painting.

Rob now added colors more familiar to water lily painting. The entire concept was to use the complement of the final color in the first layer. This created a glowing final image as the color of the first  layer shines through the final layer of blue over orange, yellow over purple, etc.

Rob had several paintings on display in addition to the one on which he was working.

A glowing red sky highlights and complements the blue of this heron.

Nita Leland Sparked an Epiphany

I’m an FAA member and was quite inspired by Nita Leland’s presentation at our February meeting.

A little background:  I’m a relatively new watercolorist (5-ish years), and my color palette has been mostly driven by the most recent workshop, or another artist whose work I admire.  As a result, I have a substantial box of watercolor tubes, most of which languish in the box.  I was “other driven” and found myself stuck in a rut using the same colors, and not being totally happy with that.

Last summer, I took my way-too-many watercolor tubes and made color charts – a page for each primary, one for greens, another for earth tones (color, brand, pigment, transparent/opaque, staining, lifting, etc).   What surprised me most was that different brands with same name and/or pigment can appear differently on paper.  OK, that was enlightening.  Now what?

Nita’s approach to playing and experimenting inspired me to sort through my primaries and work through her handout (the Compatible Harmony Triads) (Attachment 1), make color charts with different triads (Attachment 2), and use those to paint a scene using each.  I’m embarrassed to say I had most of the primaries for her eight studies!

I picked a simple scene, one that wouldn’t bore me.  After #5, I was re-e-e-e-ally tired of the scene, but, the colors kept me inspired.  The one painting that surprised me the most was the bold palette.  I “washed them out” to depict bright noon sun on my birdhouse; colors were totally different from the full strength (yogurt!) application on my color wheel.

I am taking Yuki Hall’s workshop, and played with “her” colors to become more familiar with them; I plan to do that before any future workshops.  Knowing how the colors play together ahead of time will, I hope allow me to focus on learning new techniques.

Now, I’m reading Nita’s latest book, Exploring Color Workshop (30th Anniversary Edition) and preparing to do the exercises.  Just reading the book has connected so many dots, and clarified terms and concepts that other instructors merely glaze over (no pun intended!).

I have great incentive to learn to make colors express what I want.  My husband and I travel often.  I want the sketches in my travel journals to reflect the differences between blinding Grand Canyon light and colors and the fog-draped silence of Alaska’s Inside Passage.  That’s my goal!

So, I am thankful to Nita Leland for sharing her gift and passion with us, for jump-starting my adventure into playing with color, and for laying out a clear learning path for this journey.  Many thanks to the FAA folks who invited Nita to speak to us, and to whoever drew my name for the door prize – the Arches watercolor paper tablet will be the perfect color study journal.                                                               …..Submitted by Peggy Bowman

To print these attachments, right-click on the attachment, then click on Save Image As, then right-click on the image where you saved it, then click on Print.

Attachment 1: 

Attachment 2: 



March 2017 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0317 Newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0317 Newsletter (Word file)

Dear FAA Members, Patrons, and Friends,

Why is it so difficult for an artist to select colors for walls in their house. It takes me months to make a decision and I end up with lots of painted poster boards and little sample jars of paint. Perhaps it is because we want every painting we have to look perfect on the color. Therefore I end up with pretty neutral colors. After having 8 rooms painted, my husband and I feel like we just moved again for the 16th time. Some people go to Florida in the winter. It really is a better choice. Hopefully you have been painting on anything except walls and are getting ready for our spring show. We hope to see you all at our March meeting on March 7 at 7:00. Board meeting will be at 6:00.

Louise Jackson


MARCH SPEAKER—Intuitive Interpretations by Rob Weingartner

Rob will show how he uses a photo, then interprets it into a painting using acrylics and other mediums.

Background:  A graduate of Central Academy of Commercial Art, for over 30 years I have been an Art Director, Graphic Designer and Illustrator. I’ve developed sales collateral, product and package design, characters and rendered illustrations from concept to finish mostly for the children and tween markets. As an illustrator I painted on demand for a variety of products and clients. I also spent a lot of time fixing and making revisions on other artists work, but as time went on most of the work was designed and illustrated on the computer. At first I loved the computer and what it could do for illustration and the production of packaging and products. Then as time went by I began to miss what I became an artist for. I missed the craftsmanship by hand, the feel of a brush. To pursue that need or want, I began silversmithing and stone cutting. For the past 20 years I have worked as a jeweler/silversmith and lapidary artist doing fine art shows and selling my work to galleries. I still did a few paintings a year and some freelance illustration and design, but the metalsmithing had been all consuming for over 20 years. Three years ago my wife and I had a life changing experience. There was a fire, we got out, but lost everything except our vehicles and garage. I found an old box of acrylic paints stored in our garage, so I started to paint.

Interpretations:  For the first time in my career as an artist I decided to paint what I wanted to paint. Most of my paintings and portfolios were burned in the fire, what did I really have left to lose. The new paintings were meant to be direct. I started with a brush and black paint. I love Impressionism and Abstract Expressionism, I painted birds, landscapes, and flowers working on the play of light and color with direct techniques and spontaneity. These paintings are what I wanted to paint, what I saw around me and in my neighbor’s gardens. After a long time of not really painting, I wanted to see if something unique would happen. One painting evolving from the last. I have a lot of paintings to go, this is the start.                                              …Submitted by Rob Weingartner

For a more extensive biography and photos of Rob and his artwork, click on the attachment.

Attachment:  Weingartner Bio (pdf document)


Start planning for our spring workshop. Suzanna Winton will be the instructor for our spring workshop to be held May 1–4, 2017 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. For more than 18 years, Suzanna Winton has captured the essence of the human soul through her watercolor portraits. She is the recipient of over 30 awards and has been featured in many national publications. These publications include Splash 6, The Artist’s Magazine, American Artist, Watercolor Magic, Watercolor Basics, and Watercolor Artist. The staff of The Artist’s Magazine lists her as “an artist on the rise and one of 20 artists who we believe are destined to be master painters of the future” (01/04). Suzanna is a signature member of the Florida Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, and Watercolor West. Suzanna has become nationally known for her informative watercolor portrait workshops. Through these workshops and encouragement from her students, colleagues, friends, and family, Suzanna was lead to write Realistic Watercolor Portraits. It is her desire that this book will help all artists paint portraits with ease by unlocking the secrets to portrait painting. Suzanna Winton’s watercolor paintings capture the personality and “Human” history of each of her carefully chosen subjects. Children’s portrait commissions are also one of Suzanna’s specialties. Visit her website at www.suzannawintonwatercolors.com.  Additional information and a registration form for Suzanna’s workshop is available in the Gallery and is attached.

…Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment:  suzanna-winton-registration-form (pdf document)

 SAVE THE DATES!  Our FAA Members Fine Art Show is coming up in May. We will need all hands on deck to help take in artwork, hang the show, sit with the Gallery and provide refreshments on Sundays, and be available on pick up dates, as well as someone to place our signs around Fairborn advertising the show. We’ll pass around sign-up sheets to help out at the March and April meetings. The Prospectus will be available in the Gallery and is attached. Some dates to be kept in mind:

Registration:  Tuesday, April 25, 10 am to 2 pm and Wednesday, April 26 from 1 to 3 pm

Show Opening and Prizes Awarded:  Tuesday, May 2, 7 pm at our May meeting

Gallery Hours:  Sundays, May 7, 14, and 21 from 1 pm to 4 pm

Pick Up:  Sunday, May 21 from 4 to 5 pm and Monday, May 22 from noon to 1:30 pm

Time to get your artwork ready and let your family and friends know to come on Sundays in May to see the beautiful artwork.  May 14 is Mother’s Day. Take your mother to lunch or dinner and stop in so she can see your art work!                                                                                                                       …Submitted by Billie Dickson

Attachment:  Spring prospectus 2017 (pdf document)


We have a new video system in our Gallery. It was first used for last month’s demo by Nita Leland and she had nothing but praise for it. No more straining to see the old mirror. The camera can be aimed on the demonstrator’s hand and artwork and it electronically sends the picture to the enormous TV screen which can be seen by everyone in the main Gallery room. Instructors can also use the system. But please do not try to use the system unless you have been trained. Thanks to Roger Browning for his diligent search and setup of this great new tool.


Yuki Hall will be teaching an 8-week long watercolor class Painting Atmosphere in Watercolor at FAA Gallery starting March 1. The class will meet every Wednesday from 9:30–12:30 until April 26. In this 8-week course, you will learn how to transform an ordinary scene into an atmospheric watercolor painting which will deliver an emotional impact to the viewers. Yuki will guide you through the way to paint boldly, bringing out the true quality of watercolor, such as spontaneity, freshness, and fluidity. The fundamental concepts and techniques of watercolor will also be covered. Strong emphasis will be placed on the importance of a pre-planning stage as well as effective use of strong tonal value pattern and edge qualities. Yuki Hall is an impressionistic watercolor artist known for her spontaneous and loose approach to working with the medium by emphasizing simplified compositions and economy of brush strokes. The cost for this 8-week session is $105. To learn more about Yuki, visit her website at www.yukihallfineart.com.  A registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached.  For any questions regarding this course, contact Yuki at [email protected], or call 937- 426-7229.

Attachment:  Painting Atmosphere in Watercolor (pdf document)


Decorative Artists Guild of Southwest Ohio (DAGSO) will be hosting a 1-day watercolor workshop with Yuki Hall on March 18th at We Care Arts in Kettering. By completing an impressionistic Venice scene, students will learn how to simplify a complex subject matter and work with an effective tonal values pattern. The importance of expressive edge quality and various techniques for creating depth will also be covered. To register or for more information regarding this workshop, please contact Barbara Olekas at 937-855-6590,  [email protected].

PAINT ALL DAY with Louise Jackson

Louise will be offering her watercolor class on Mondays, March 13, 20, and 27, 2017, from 10 am to 3:30 pm. All skill levels are welcome. All of your paints will be provided. All paintings are new. Each day you will watch a demonstration on each step of the painting process. Then you will be given time to paint these steps on your paper. The $115 cost for all 3 days includes your paints, a photo for each painting, and written instructions. Supply List to come.  Classes will be held at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery at 221 North Central Ave., Fairborn, OH 45324 (in rear of senior housing). Louise has been painting since 1965. She has written 23 painting books and has taught extensively in the U.S. and Canada, as well as Italy, Argentina, Japan, and Hawaii. She is a signature member of WOWS, DSPS, and is a Master Decorative Artist. A deposit of $25 is required. Please send it to: Louise Jackson, 68 Scarborough Village Dr., Centerville, OH 45458. For additional information, please call Louise at 937-886-5238. A registration form is attached.

Attachment:  Paint all Day 10 (Word document)


Western Ohio Watercolor Society will be hosting its 43rd Annual Members show, “Watercolor Works” from March 4 through September 24 at Springfield Museum of Art in Springfield, OH.  Artist reception will be held on March 12, from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm with award ceremony at 3 pm.

Yuki Hall had her painting “Rainy Day in Kyoto” accepted into 41st National Exhibition of Transparent Watercolor Society of America (TWSA).  Exhibition will run from May 6 to August 6 at Kenosha Public Museum in Kenosha, WI. Congratulations to Yuki.


Libby will have watercolor paintings on display from December through March at Wheat Penny Oven and Bar. She will be showing scenes from nature and town and imagination. Location of Wheat Penny Oven and Bar is 515 Wayne Ave., Dayton, OH 937-496-5208. For additional information, contact Libby Rudolf at 937-767-1068 or email [email protected].


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter. Be sure we have your written permission (check boxes on membership form) to display your artwork and/or any photo of you (individually or in a group) on the website.


The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the March 2017 meeting:  Nancy Draves, Carol Collett, Anna Mae Brown, Irene Ferriman, Barbara Arnold, Tom Kinarney, Theresa Mayer, Cheryl Miracle, Judy Belvo, Clarice Moore, Ed Vance. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 4, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the April Newsletter is Monday, March 20, 2017. Please email your articles to  [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.




Paint All Day with Louise Jackson

Louise Jackson is offering her watercolor classes from 10 am to 3:30 pm on three Mondays, March 13, 20, and 27, 2017.

All skill levels are welcome. All of your paints will be provided. All paintings new. Supply list to come

Each day you will watch a demonstration on each step of the painting process. Then you will be given time to paint these steps on your paper. The $115 cost of all 3 days includes your paints, a photo for each painting and written instructions. 

Louise has been painting since 1965. She has written 23 painting books and has taught extensively in the U.S. and Canada as well as Italy, Argentina, Japan and Hawaii. She is a signature member of W.O.W.S., D.S.P.S., and is a Master Decorative Artist. 

Classes held at the Fairborn Central Bldg., Home of F.A.A., 221 North Central Ave., Fairborn, OH 45324 (In rear of senior center)

Deposit of $25 required. Send to: Louise Jackson, 68 Scarborough Village Dr., Centerville, Oh. 45458, Ph. 937-886-5238.

Attachment:  Paint all Day 10

February 2017 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0217 Newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0217 Newsletter (Word file)

Dear FAA Member and Patrons,

As we finish out January, I am grateful for very little snow. I hope you have had some time to paint even without being snowed in. Keep your cameras handy because February may change all of that. We are looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting on February 7th. Our presenter will be Nita Leland. I am sure you will find her to be informative and motivating. We also hope you will come early to shop or sell your extra art supplies. Read more about this below. Meeting is at 7:00 on Feb. 7th. Sale starts at 5:30. Board meets at 6:30. Stay warm.

Your President,

Louise Jackson


We will follow recommendations of the media weather reports. When they say travel would be dangerous, we will cancel our scheduled meeting. The Board will communicate with each other by phone and you will be notified by email as soon as a decision is reached. Be sure to check your email before starting out if the weather is bad. If you do not have email access, please call one of the Board members or a member you know who has email access.


Nita Leland will be presenting a slide show to illustrate her use of color and her own color wheel designs. Nita is a native of Dayton and a graduate of Fairview High School. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree from Otterbein College and has continued her studies in “more than 70 classes and workshops in watercolor, drawing, design, and applied arts.  …”  Nita started her art career in 1970 in a YMCA watercolor painting class, and now she travels throughout the United States and Canada as a professional artist, teacher, author, lecturer, and juror. Locally, she was an instructor at Riverbend Art Center from 1973-1995 and has been teaching at Hithergreen Center from 2002 to the present. She was an advisor to the North Light Art School home study course from 1986-1992. She was an instructor in Watercolor Painting at Sinclair Community College from 1991-1993. She has been a consultant to manufacturers of art materials and schools from 1983 to the present.

Designer and manufacturer of Nita Leland™ Color Scheme Selector and a featured artist in Exploring Color Workshop videos, Nita is the author of or contributor to more than 13 books and videos. Her latest book, Exploring Color Workshop, 30th Anniversary Edition, with New Exercises, Lessons and Step-by-Step Demonstrations, was published by North Light Books in 2016. She is also the author of many articles on color and collage which have been published in artists’ magazines and newsletters. Nita has had numerous solo shows as well as small group shows for over 20 years. She has had more than 200 paintings accepted in juried shows since 1973 and won more than 40 awards. Her work is in many hospitals and private homes and in several corporations throughout the U.S. and abroad. An expanded biography for Nita is attached.

Attachment:  Nita Leland Biography


Your home or studio is awash in art supplies – paints, pencils, pens, brushes, sketchbooks, papers, brayers, easels, books, DVDs, framing materials, etc. – that you don’t use and are unlikely to use in this lifetime – or they make you pause and ask, “Why did I buy this?!” – or you’ve advanced beyond them – or used them and thought, “Yuck. What was I thinking?!”  If this sounds familiar, a remedy awaits.  FAA is scheduling an “art supply sale” for February 7, starting at 5:30 and ending just before the FAA meeting.  If weather forces cancellation of the February meeting, the sale will move to March’s meeting date, same time.  So, gather all the art supplies you can bear to part with, price them, and bring them to the sale. We’ll have tables set up for your stash – please RSVP if you plan to sell, so we have enough tables.  You are responsible for selling your own stash – bring small change – and decide whether you will accept checks!  Art (framed, unframed, card sets, etc) is not part of this sale. Questions?  Contact Peggy Bowman, [email protected] or 937-427-2191 (home) or 937-654-6313 (cell).


Start planning for our spring workshop. Suzanna Winton will be the instructor for our spring workshop to be held May 1–4, 2017 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. For more than 18 years, Suzanna Winton has captured the essence of the human soul through her watercolor portraits. She is the recipient of over 30 awards and has been featured in many national publications. These publications include Splash 6, The Artist’s Magazine, American Artist, Watercolor Magic, Watercolor Basics, and Watercolor Artist. The staff of The Artist’s Magazine lists her as “an artist on the rise and one of 20 artists who we believe are destined to be master painters of the future” (01/04). Suzanna is a signature member of the Florida Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, and Watercolor West. Suzanna has become nationally known for her informative watercolor portrait workshops. Through these workshops and encouragement from her students, colleagues, friends, and family, Suzanna was lead to write Realistic Watercolor Portraits. It is her desire that this book will help all artists paint portraits with ease by unlocking the secrets to portrait painting. Suzanna Winton’s watercolor paintings capture the personality and “Human” history of each of her carefully chosen subjects. Children’s portrait commissions are also one of Suzanna’s specialties. Visit her website at www.suzannawintonwatercolors.com.  Additional information and a registration form for Suzanna’s workshop is available in the Gallery and is attached.    …Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment: suzanna-winton-registration-form (pdf file)

SAVE THE DATES!  Our FAA Members Fine Art Show is coming up in May. We will need all hands on deck to help take in artwork, hang the show, sit with the Gallery and provide refreshments on Sundays, and be available on pick up dates, as well as someone to place our signs around Fairborn advertising the show. We’ll pass around sign-up sheets to help out at the March and April meetings. The Prospectus will be ready in March, but here are some dates to keep in mind:

  • Registration:  Tuesday, April 25, 10 am to 2 pm and Wednesday, April 26 from 1 to 3 pm
  • Show Opening and Prizes Awarded:  Tuesday, May 2, 7 pm at our May meeting
  • Gallery Hours:  Sundays, May 7, 14, and 21 from 1 pm to 4 pm
  • Pick Up:  Sunday, May 21 from 4 to 5 pm and Monday, May 22 from noon to 1:30 pm

Time to get your artwork ready and let your family and friends know to come on Sundays in May to see the beautiful artwork.  May 14 is Mother’s Day. Take your mother to lunch or dinner and stop in so she can see your art work!   …Submitted by Billie Dickson

COLORED PENCIL/PEN & INK with Tom Kinarney

Need a change of pace? Explore a couple of mediums that might surprise you with their ease of use and dramatic, beautiful results. This 8-week session at the FAA gallery begins Tuesday, February 7 thru March 28 from 9:30 am to 12 noon. Cost is $70 for the session. Tom also has a class Friday mornings in Vandalia. If interested in any of these you may contact him at 236-1959 or at [email protected]


Yuki Hall will be teaching an 8-week long watercolor class Painting Atmosphere in Watercolor at FAA Gallery starting March 1. The class will meet every Wednesday from 9:30–12:30 until April 26. In this 8-week course, you will learn how to transform an ordinary scene into an atmospheric watercolor painting which will deliver an emotional impact to the viewers. Yuki will guide you through the way to paint boldly, bringing out the true quality of watercolor, such as spontaneity, freshness, and fluidity. The fundamental concepts and techniques of watercolor will also be covered. Strong emphasis will be placed on the importance of a pre-planning stage as well as effective use of strong tonal value pattern and edge qualities. Yuki Hall is an impressionistic watercolor artist known for her spontaneous and loose approach to working with the medium by emphasizing simplified compositions and economy of brush strokes. The cost for this 8-week session is $105. To learn more about Yuki, visit her website at www.yukihallfineart.com.  A registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached.  For any questions regarding this course, contact Yuki at [email protected], or call 937- 426-7229.

Attachment:  Painting Atmosphere in Watercolor (Word file)


Decorative Artists Guild of Southwest Ohio (DAGSO) will be hosting a 1-day watercolor workshop with Yuki Hall on March 18th at We Care Arts in Kettering. By completing an impressionistic Venice scene, students will learn how to simplify a complex subject matter and work with an effective tonal values pattern. The importance of expressive edge quality and various techniques for creating depth will also be covered. To register or for more information regarding this workshop, please contact Barbara Olekas at 937-855-6590,  [email protected].


Libby will have watercolor paintings on display from December through March at Wheat Penny Oven and Bar. She will be showing scenes from nature and town and imagination. Location of Wheat Penny Oven and Bar is 515 Wayne Ave., Dayton, OH 937-496-5208. For additional information, contact Libby Rudolf at 937-767-1068 or email [email protected].


Perhaps you all know already, but in case not, Nancy Draves had the reception for her art show at the Miamisburg Art Gallery Saturday, Jan. 21 starting at 1 pm. The show runs through January.


Congratulations to Mary Jo White on the publication of her book of poetry, How the Universe Says Yes to Me. The book (by MJ Wertham White) will be available in April 2017 from Main Street Rag online bookstore. Featured on the cover of the book is a painting on Yupo Mary Jo did in Louise Jackson’s class in June 2016. You can contact Mary Jo at [email protected].  Right now, the book is available for pre-ordering online at quite a savings. Here’s a link directly to the author’s page where, if you wish, you can pre-order (or go to Samples to read a few poems): http://mainstreetragbookstore.com/?product=how-the-universe-says-yes-to-me.

Interesting article about Vincent van Gogh,”How Van Gogh Saw the Color Wheel,” on Artists Network Week in Review (email dated January 14, 2017). Also, on Artists Network.tv Instruction (email dated January 15, 2017), a new DVD by Anne Abgott, “Watercolor Techniques for Daring Color.”


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter. Be sure we have your permission to display your artwork and/or any photo of you (individually or in a group) on the website.


We need some volunteers to bring snacks to the February meeting. Please call Clarice Moore at 937-879-7640. We usually have 50-60 members in attendance, so please plan accordingly,


Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 7, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the March Newsletter is Monday, February 20, 2017. Please email your articles to  [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.


Colored Pencil, Pen & Ink with Tom Kinarney

Need a change of pace? Explore a couple of mediums that might surprise you with their ease of use & dramatic, beautiful results. This 8-week session at the FAA gallery begins Tuesday, February 7 thru March 28 from 9:30 am to 12 noon. Cost is $70 for the session. Tom also has a class Friday mornings in Vandalia. If interested in any of these, you may contact him at 236-1959 or at [email protected]

Members’ Art Supply Sale

Your home or studio is awash in art supplies – paints, pencils, pens, brushes, sketchbooks, papers, brayers, easels, books, DVDs, framing materials, etc. – that you don’t use and are unlikely to use in this lifetime – or they make you pause and ask, “Why did I buy this?!” – or you’ve advanced beyond them – or used them and thought, “Yuck.  What was I thinking?!”

If this sounds familiar, a remedy awaits.  FAA is scheduling an “art supply sale” for February 7, 2017 starting at 5:30 and ending just before the FAA meeting at 7:00 pm.  If weather forces cancellation of the February meeting, the sale will move to March’s meeting date at the same time.  So gather all the art supplies you can bear to part with, price them, and bring them to the sale.   We’ll have tables set up for your stash; please RSVP if you plan to sell, so we have enough tables.  You are responsible for selling your own stash – bring small change – and decide whether you will accept checks!

Art (framed, unframed, card sets, etc) is not part of this sale.  Questions?  Contact Peggy Bowman, [email protected] or 937-427-2191 (home) or 937-654-6313 (cell).

December 2016 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: faa-1216-newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: faa-1216-newsletter (Word file)

Dear FAA members, patrons and friends,

I am hoping that you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the Christmas season. Do any of you do paintings that are just for the holidays? Years ago I started with some poinsettias and have added angels, Santa’s, a nativity. and a few other things. I love to take down some of the regular paintings and change them out for the holidays. If you need some inspiration, just look around at some of your own decorations. You may find some interesting subjects. I hope you will join us for our annual Christmas party at 7:00 on Dec. 6. There will be no Board meeting this month.

Louise Jackson

Come join us on Tuesday, December 6th for the Annual Holiday Party. Bring a guest if you want. This is a time for food, fun, and fellowship. If you are interested in participating in the Holiday Gift Exchange, please bring a wrapped gift (no more than $10 value) and plan to have a great evening.

The way the Gift Exchange happens is: Each person participating will draw a number available at the desk. The person with number 1 will open a gift; the person with number 2 can either steal the gift or open another one; number 3 can steal or open a gift; etc. After each person gets a choice, 2 steals are allowed and then the third person must go back to the tree. Also, in each round the same gift cannot be stolen more than once. Once everyone is done, the person with number 1 can exchange their gift with anyone they choose. If you plan on participating, plan on staying the entire time because you cannot participate if you need to leave early. It is unfair to the others that you leave with a gift before the game is over.

Also, plan on bringing a food dish to share with everyone. We always have a great time and enjoy watching the items change hands and enjoy the many delicious foods. …Submitted by Lori Luckner

Start planning for our spring workshop. Suzanna Winton will be the instructor for our spring workshop to be held May 1–4, 2017 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. For more than 18 years, Suzanna Winton has captured the essence of the human soul through her watercolor portraits. She is the recipient of over 30 awards and has been featured in many national publications. These publications include Splash 6, The Artist’s Magazine, American Artist, Watercolor Magic, Watercolor Basics, and Watercolor Artist. The staff of The Artist’s Magazine lists her as “an artist on the rise and one of 20 artists who we believe are destined to be master painters of the future” (01/04). Suzanna is a signature member of the Florida Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, and Watercolor West. Suzanna has become nationally known for her informative watercolor portrait workshops. Through these workshops and encouragement from her students, colleagues, friends, and family, Suzanna was lead to write Realistic Watercolor Portraits. It is her desire that this book will help all artists paint portraits with ease by unlocking the secrets to portrait painting. Suzanna Winton’s watercolor paintings capture the personality and “Human” history of each of her carefully chosen subjects. Children’s portrait commissions are also one of Suzanna’s specialties. Visit her website at www.suzannawintonwatercolors.com. Additional information will be forthcoming and a registration form for Suzanna’s workshop is attached.
…Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment: suzanna-winton-registration-form (pdf file)

Attachment: suzanna-winton-registration-form (xps file)

The Sweet Corn Festival Committee will meet Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Gallery. Please come to this meeting to help plan this event. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated to make the Festival a success.

Due to the holidays, the Thursday Paint-In Group will not meet until after the holidays and is scheduled to resume January 5, 2017 unless weather conditions prevent us from meeting. If the Fairborn schools are closed, we will not meet. Our meetings take place at the FAA Gallery and doors open about 9:00 am with painting from 9:30 am till 12:30 pm. Casual painting time includes all levels of watercolor artists, each working on their own painting. Our group have a wide variety of different skill levels and everyone is happy to help together to provide support for each other. Occasionally a group critique is held in which everyone is asked to participate with one painting or value sketch to receive help. For each 8 weeks, we collect $20 to help pay for the FAA fees for use of the beautiful gallery and the purchase of snacks to help jump start the creative juices. If you are interested in meeting with a watercolor group, please contact Shirlee Bauer or Connie Gifford for more details.
…Submitted by Connie Gifford

Our Friday FAA paint-in group is looking for people who would enjoy working once a week with other artists. Any medium is welcome. We meet at 10:00 am, break for lunch at noon (mostly brown bag), and wind up around 1:30 to 2:00 pm. Fee is $2.00 per week which goes to FAA to pay for heat and lights. Call Rose Schultz at 937-866-8862 or me, Billie Dickson, at 937-427-7525 to verify we are painting on a given Friday. Looking forward to seeing you there. …Submitted by Billie Dickson

The Fairborn Art Association is available to members to exhibit their artwork as Artist of the Month for the months of February, April, September, October, and November during 2017. The show may be a single artist or a group of artists. You must be willing to set up your own show and sit with the show whenever the Gallery is open for the show (usually on Sundays from 1 to 4 pm). Please contact gayle Beireis at [email protected] or 937-390-1992 for information and scheduling a show.

Also, Any teachers planning to have classes in the Gallery, please contact gayle Beireis so she can get you set up.

Someone picked up Anne’s International Artist book with the article about her at our November meeting. We assume they thought it was one of the magazines that they could take, but Anne would like to have it back. Will you please return it to FAA, no questions asked, so we can get it back to her. She’s been very gracious about it but really would like to have it.

If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter. Be sure we have your permission to display your artwork and/or any photo of you (individually or in a group) on the website.


Libby Rudolf Exhibiting in Springfield
Libby Rudolf’s exhibit “Watercolor Delights” continues through December 4, 2016, at the Seasons Bistro and Grill in Springfield, OH. Libby paints primarily watercolors and is especially drawn to nature, light and color, water and townscapes. All are welcome to visit the show which is hung in keeping with the host space. Libby studied art in college and regularly attends watercolor and oil workshops to continue to build skills. She has exhibited paintings in Yellow Springs and surrounds for about 20 years. Libby is a member of FAA.

Special Christmas Open House Sunday, December 4 from 1-3 at the 1854 Hertzler House (located in George Rogers Park). One Starry Night features a clever quiz using angels, lots of holiday decorations, and heavenly refreshments served while listening to beautiful harp music. Come and enjoy – it’s free (but donations are appreciated). …Submitted by Barb Arnold

Dan Knepper is featured in Watercolor Artist magazine’s 2016 “Ones to Watch” in their December 2016 issue. The issue just came out and this is quite an accomplishment. Dan is a local artist; his website is www.danknepperart.weebly.com/ …Submitted by Connie Gifford

For our December party, each person attending is asked to bring a food dish to share with everyone. Please remember that our parties are well attended (about 50-60 members and guests) and plan accordingly.

We do not meet in January. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 7, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the February Newsletter is Monday, January 23, 2016. Meanwhile, if you have any news you would like to announce to our members, it can be posted on our website anytime. Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.

November 2016 Meeting – Anne Abgott Demo


After a short business meeting, introduction of guests, and refreshments, we regrouped to watch Anne Abgott demonstrate her watercolor techniques. Anne was the instructor for our fall workshop. She started by showing some of her beautiful artwork and explaining that she does all her watercolor painting by what she calls “mingling” her paint, that is, she drops all the colors on dry paper and allows them to mingle or join together as they flow. Anne works on 300-lb paper, saying she has better luck with it and it is more forgiving than less thick paper. She keeps her paint juicy, and keeps repeating the colors throughout the painting. She emphasizes that the paints are mingling, not mixing on her paper. She also had some quotes for us to remember, specifically how much detail to paint, “If you can’t see it, don’t paint it.” She said to ask ourselves “Where is the reflective color coming from?” She said to change the colors to enhance the painting. To use our own photographs. That “The camera was a tool for the artist years ago; the computer is a tool for us now.” Anne is now using Adobe Photoshop to manipulate her photographs and then paint them. She said that this has sparked a new interest in her artwork for her.

Anne drops color into painting

Anne drops color into painting

Anne finishes a painting

Anne finishes a painting

Anne shows some details

Anne shows some details

Getting a close look

Getting a close look

November 2016 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: faa-1116-newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: faa-1116-newsletter (Word file)

Dear Members, Patrons, and Friends,

As promised, Fall is finally here. I hope you are enjoying the colors. Perhaps you got to some festival or football game or just some walking among the trees. My husband Ken and I have been dealing with a continuous stream of doctors and hospitals for the last 6 weeks. Fortunately we are beginning to see a positive end to all of it so hopefully I will be back to normal soon. Then who knows what normal is, right? For artist’s we are never sure and don’t you love being able to use that as an excuse. Enjoy fall and have a wickedly Happy Halloween. Be sure to come to the November 1, 2016 meeting. Our guest seminar instructor, Anne Abgott, will be delighting us with an exciting demo. The Board will meet at 6:00 pm. Our regular Meeting is at 7:00 pm.

From November 1 to November 3, 2016, the Fairborn Art Association will be hosting Anne Abgott for a 3-day workshop. You are invited to visit her website at www.anneabgott.com for examples of her work and a more extensive resume. For additional information about this workshop, please contact Pat Dunker at [email protected].

Several local artists have been selected to have a watermedia painting in the 39th Annual Juried Ohio Watercolor Society Exhibition, Watercolor Ohio 2016, at the Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. The exhibition will open on October 27, 2016 and run through January 7, 2017. An opening reception by the Ohio Watercolor Society will be held on October 29, 2015 starting at 1 pm. Sponsored by the Ohio Watercolor Society, a non-profit fine arts organization, this highly competitive juried show annually attracts entries from the entire state of Ohio and areas along its boundaries. Congratulations to our members who were among those selected.

Yuki Hall is one of the featured artists at the Middletown Arts Center, Betty Hughes Memorial Reunion Exhibition. A great big congratulations to Yuki! The exhibition continues through Nov 3, 2016 at the Middletown Arts Center. Hope you get the opportunity to go see this exhibit of local OWS artists and get inspired from viewing the wonderful works of art!

The Western Ohio Watercolor Society Fall 2016 WOWS Watercolor Show will be held at the Miamisburg Art Gallery October 16 through November 5, 2016. Hours are Saturdays and Sundays from 2 to 5 pm. Many of our members have artwork in this show. The judge was internationally acclaimed watercolor artist, Vladislav Yeliseyev, NWS, who held a workshop for WOWS October 17-19. The Miamisburg Art Gallery is located at 16 N. Main Street, Miamisburg, OH.

Our December meeting is our annual Christmas Party. We will have food, entertainment (Santa Claus and his elves!) and a lot of fun.

We do not meet in January. Time for recovering from the holidays and starting new projects.

For our February meeting, Tina Hatfield will be our guest speaker with a photography demo. More later.

The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the November meeting: Pat Dunker, Connie Gifford, Shirlee Bauer, Carol Collett, Bette Martin, Evelyn LaMers, Pat Sager, Carolyn Reed, Nyeon Ju Woo, and Mary Cargan. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be our Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 6, 2016, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the December Newsletter is Monday, November 21, 2016. Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.

FAA Calendar of Events 2024

Events are held in the FAA Gallery unless otherwise indicated

July 14 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition (Opening Reception)

July 21 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

July 28 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

August 17–18 Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival (Community Park)

September 3 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist Shirlee Bauer

October 8 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist David R. Smith

October 7–9 9:30 am–4:30 pm Watercolor Workshop with David R. Smith

November 5 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Collage demo by guest artist Rosemary Nick

December 7 3:00 pm5:00 pm Christmas Party

Weekly Paint-Ins (not held during Workshops):

Thursdays 9:00 am–1:00 pm Watercolor only

Fridays 10:00 am–1:00 pm All mediums

Forms (click on printable form below):

FAA 2024-2025 Membership Form (pdf)