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FAA 0913 Newsletter (Word Document)

FAA 0913 Newsletter (Pdf File)

Dear Fellow Members and Patrons:

Here we go again!! Our September 3rd Meeting is just around the corner. I hope you all have had beautiful summer and will be joining us to celebrate the beginning of another exciting year. Our first Guest Demonstrator is Don Franklin, woodcarver of duck decoys. It is amazing how lifelike these creations are, even the ducks are fooled! Don’t miss this!! More information about this marvelous craft follows below.

A huge SHOUT OUT THANK YOU to all our incredible volunteers who pulled off another very successful Sweet Corn Festival. It takes many, many hours of planning and then more hours and hours of constant work to make it happen. This year was no exception, as Dora stated, “The Corn Festival Board works like a well-oiled wheel!” There were some last minute switches and our members stepped in and now they are professional parking experts! The crowd was in the thousands, as were the cars! A special thank you to Gayle and Robert Beireis and son, Kyle and his friends, who worked so hard parking folks. And WATERMELON!! Did we ever sell Watermelon! Just ask Jane about that! The music and dancing entertainers were beautiful as was the weather. We were blessed indeed.

SCF Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Another huge project has been in the works all summer. Look for our new website and get acquainted with it. The website is being worked on all the time, so you’ll see more and more content arriving.

At the September meeting, we will be having the used art supplies sale: frames, paper, brushes, paint, etc. Bring whatever you want to sell and come early to browse and buy.

So remember: Tuesday, September 3rd, 6:00 board meeting; 6:30 sign-in, get acquainted and; 7:00 the meeting begins. Come, bring a friend or two for a fun-filled evening.

Sue Brezine



My name is Don Franklin. I have been carving since 1991. I live in Kettering, Ohio. I learned the basics of carving from a master carver and I have been a self taught carver since 1996. I started out carving only duck decoys. I now consider myself a wildfowl wood carver. I carve songbirds and waterfowl, and I am starting to do birds of prey. I do several styles from folk art to life like decorative carvings.

I plan on bringing some of my carvings, some finished and some works in progress, to pass through the crowd as I am working on the demo. I will show the tools that I use and talk about shows and competitions held across the country.  For my demo I wanted to show some carving but most of it is so detailed I didn’t think anyone would be able to see clearly. So I have planned on doing a demo on painting a feather grouping from a side pocket on a female Pin Tail Duck. I will also use examples I bring to explain how I go about working on a carving. I will enjoy talking about and showing my art of wood carving.


The Fairborn Art Association is sponsoring a 5-day watercolor workshop with Sterling Edwards from September 30 to October 4, 2013. The workshop will be held in the Fairborn Art Association Gallery located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N. Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH.  Sterling Edwards is a contemporary watermedia master. He is a signature member of Transparent Watercolor Society of America, as well as Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor, an international organization based in Toronto. He is also an author of the North Light Book, Creating Luminous Watercolor Landscapes, a Four Step Process. He is also a contributing artist to numerous other magazines and books. His instructional DVDs are marketed worldwide. The cost for this workshop is $260 for a FAA member, $280 for a non-member. This is a bargain compared to charges at other workshops taught by Sterling Edwards. There are several places left in the workshop. To register, send a registration form (available at the Gallery and attached below), along with a check, to Yuki Hall, 4136 Fox Fern Court, Beavercreek, OH 45432. Make check payable to the Fairborn Art Association. For additional information, contact Yuki Hall at 937-426-7229 or email


The Fairborn Art Association is helping to raise funds for the area’s needy children by helping the Church of God with their Backpack4kids program. Mayumi Kieffer and Clarice Moore are spearheading a fundraiser for the FAA called “Soup and an Art Show” scheduled for October. We are asking for volunteers to help with publicity, contacting sponsors, artists, servers, and helping hands in general. The program will run from 5:00-8:00 pm with us offering delicious bowls of various soups served in artist donated ceramic bowls. Artists can sell their wares, donating a small portion of sales (20%) to the cause. Look for sign-up sheets at the next meeting!

Those of you that ordered tees for our fund-raiser, “Soup and an Art Show” will be getting them at our meeting in September. Once again, thank you for all your support. Any Artists wishing to set up and sell, please feel free and let Mayumi or Clarice know you’re coming and what items will be for sale. Doors open at  4:00 for set-up. Event is Saturday, October 26, 2013 in the cafeteria of the Fairborn Senior Apartments.


In the Gallery for September will be Billie Dickson with her wonderful watercolors, along with Robert Beireis, photography, and gayle Beireis, pen & ink, pointillism, color pencil, and water color. Also I’m now looking for members to show their work in our gallery for 2014. The months of February and  April are currently available. —Submitted by gayle Beireis


The show will be in October this year. We will be passing around sign-up sheets at the meeting in September for setting up the show, as well as members to sit the show during its run. We need your help in order to have a successful show. Please volunteer. The prospectus will be available at the September meeting. It is also attached below. Registration will be on Monday, September 23, from 10–12 and from 1–3, and also on Wednesday September 25, from 1–3. The show will be on Sundays, October  6, 13, and 20, from 1–4. Pickup will be on the 20th from 4–5 pm and Monday the 21st from 10–12. The judge this year is Sterling Edwards who will be doing our October workshop also. Awards will include Best of Show $100, 1st Place $75, 2nd Place $50, 3rd Place $35, 4 Honorable Mentions at $25 each, and 4 Judges Merit Ribbons. We have added more and larger amounts of prizes this year.


Krista Harding set the following message about the Art Show at the Summit:  “To all of you wonderful artists, who took time out of your schedules to share your beautiful artwork, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!  I was so excited to have so many of you bring your art for our residents to enjoy.  I was amazed by the beauty of your work and the amount of talent you all have.  Thank you once again for participating.”

Tom Kinarney recently won First & Third Place ribbons at the Miamisburg show in August.

Misuk Goltz’s watercolor painting, “Medlyn, All American Girl,” won the Second Place at the Miamisburg Art League Annual Show

Patricia Tallman will be hanging an Exhibit at the Dayton Women’s Club this Wednesday (August 14) and will be there for a month. She will have 10 pieces at this time, mostly watercolor and oil.


COLORED PENCIL/PEN & INK with Tom Kinarney

Need a change of pace? Explore a couple of mediums that might surprise you with their ease of use & dramatic, beautiful results. This 8-week session at the FAA gallery begins Tuesday, Sept. 24 thru Nov. 26 (no class Oct. 1 & 15) from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $70 for the session. Tom also has classes Wed. mornings & Thur. nights at Rosewood Art Ctr. in Kettering & Fri. mornings in Vandalia.  If  interested in any of these you may contact him at 236-1959 or at

FUN WITH WATERCOLOR with Sandy Kinnamon

Sandy will be teaching a watercolor class for Fairborn Art Association beginning Wednesday September 11, 2013, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. The class will run for 8 weeks (no class on Oct. 2) ending on Nov. 6th and is geared for beginning and intermediate students. Kinnamon has a B.A. in art and is a signature member of both Ohio and PA Watercolor Societies. She is the author of the books, Watercolor Creations and Watercolor: Step by Step, and has published many magazine articles on watercolor. She also is a national travel teacher for watercolor workshops. The classes will focus on individual attention and demonstrations. Techniques, values, and composition will be explored. She is an excellent teacher. A variety of subject matter will be taught. Call Sandy at 543-9990 to register or for more information.


Yuki will be teaching an 8-week class from September 16 to November 25, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (class will not meet on Sep 23, 30 and Nov 4) at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. In this 8-week course, you will gain fundamental knowledge and techniques about watercolor painting such as variegated wash, graduated wash, granulation, glazing, etc. You will also learn basic drawing skills with a main focus on perspective drawing. In addition, various methods of simplifying complex subject matter will be discussed. This course is primarily designed for beginner level and advanced-beginner level students. However, a broad spectrum of subjects will be addressed, enabling strengthening and refinement of skills at all levels. The cost is $85. To register, please send the payment and the registration form to Yuki Hall, 4136 Fox Fern Court, Beavercreek, OH 45432. For questions, call or email Yuki at 937-426-7229,   Go to Classes for the registration form and additional information.


Misuk organized some fun “paint-in” meetings in June, July, and one in August for FAA artists and their friends and family. The meetings were bustling with painting, socializing, and enthusiastic critiquing. She plans on continuing these meetings starting in September, every other Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm (as before). Dates of painting are:  September 5, 19, October 10, 17, 31, November 7.  Time of meeting: 10am–2pm. Misuk plans to hire models for us to sketch for a couple of sessions. The total cost for each session is $5 (including the $2 gallery fee, snacks, drinks, and model fee).  Please send your registration with a $30 check (for 6 sessions) to Misuk Goltz, 2489 Sherbourne Way, Xenia, OH 45385. Go to Classes for the registration form and additional information.


gayle reported that Robert Beireis works at Kohl’s and they are going to donate $500.00 because he got five of their employees (including himself) to volunteer at the SCF. They did and now FAA will be getting the money. Kohl’s does that for nonprofit organizations, but Robert had to organize it and do the paperwork.

Robert explained it this way:

Kohl’s donates $500 to charitable organizations in their communities when a minimum of five Kohl’s employees volunteer to work at an event to benefit the charitable organization. The organization must be a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit as described in IRS regulations. FAA is such an organization, and I felt that I could solicit volunteers to work the FSCF. The volunteers were: Teri Wagner (Robert’s supervisor), Teresa White, Cindy Schneider, Tanya, and Robert. I have submitted a completed application to Kohl’s for our grant. We had the required number of Kohl’s employees (including yours truly) work at the Sweet Corn Festival on Saturday. I spoke to them today, and they seemed to have had a good time at the event, and talked of doing it again next year. FAA should be receiving a check for $500 by mail within 4-6 weeks. —Submitted by gayle and Robert Beireis


Kyle Beireis and KeithBrianJohn and Katie

Warren called me on Wednesday night to let me know that he could not find an organization (church group, American Legion, etc.) to do the car parking. It is the only service (I believe) that the Committee pays for. In the past we had paid an honorarium to a church group who parked the cars. My son Kyle said he would try to find some people to help, and he got 4 of his friends, plus himself to do the job. I helped out by taking a place while each of them took a lunch & rest break. It is a very strenuous task, I can tell you. They earned their fee! —Submitted by Robert Beireis


SCF Art BoothAfter a 3- or 4-year absence, the FAA members’ fine arts tent was back at the Sweet Corn Festival this year. Many people came through to look, buy, and learn about our group. I want to thank everyone who helped with the tent in every way, from Clarice Moore who gave us the idea and brought many people to the tent by offering her caricature drawings, to Jane Trame for sharing her notes on running the tent and helping to staff it, to all the members and four husbands who helped set up the artwork and take it down.

SCF Art BoothThanks to all the members who brought in works for sale and sat in the tent to sell our offerings. We did sell a painting, several prints, and many purses! Besides the caricatures, we had two other members demonstrating their painting techniques, Tom Hock and Cass Barth. Other members who offered their work for sale and/or volunteered in the tent were gayle and Robert Beireis, Susan Bertke, Sue Brezine, Misuk Goltz (and Mark), Yuki Hall, Teiko Hawkins (and Jerry), Cora Newell (and Jeff), Mary Peirano, Connie Webber (and Don), and Mayumi Kiefer’s husband, Steve. Thanks to you all. It was a great opportunity and a fun weekend. —Submitted by Dora Lawson


Refreshments for the September meeting will be provided by our Board Members. Enjoy!

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 1, 2013, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the October Newsletter is Monday, September 16, 2013.  Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.


Sterling Edwards workshop registration form (Word Document)

2013 Photo Show Prospectus (Word Document)

2013 Photo Show Prospectus2 (Pdf File)