To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0919 Newsletter (pdf file)
To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0919 Newsletter (open document file)
Wow, our summer, which had such a late start, is already winding down. September seems to usher in the “busyness” of fall before we are ready.
We have had a busy summer at FAA. The Landscape show was a huge success for the BW Greenway in July, the annual Sweet Corn Festival was in August, and you will notice a freshly painted Gallery, kitchen, and office when you arrive. The restroom was renovated and painted in the spring.
Please help us keep our space looking fresh and new as long as possible. Protect all surfaces by covering art tables, promptly wiping up spills and spatters, picking up chairs and tables when moving them (rather than dragging them), and emptying out the refrigerator and trash cans when you leave. The office has been cleaned out and we want to keep it looking that way, so please put things away rather than leaving them on the table or counter for someone else to deal with. Same goes for the kitchen (please, no food left on the counter)!
Our first meeting is on Tuesday, September 3, with Sharon Stolzenberger as our speaker. She is an art instructor as Sinclair Community College and is best known for her mixed media pieces.
We will have our annual used art supply sale prior to the meeting, so plan to come early and shop. If you want to set up a table to sell your used but still usable art supplies please contact Connie Gifford ( and she can give you the details. You are responsible for your own sales and you get to keep all your proceeds.
We’ve had several new donations to our library, and books are awaiting cataloging and shelving. We have made several attempts in the past to handle this but no continuity. So, if someone would like to be our Librarian, we would welcome your service (this can even be a group effort). There is a database (out of date) to get you started, and it would be a longer-term commitment, but worth the effort if we are to continue having the library available. Contact me ( or Jackie Albright ( and we will talk.
Meeting begins at 7 pm, but come 45 to 60 minutes early to shop. Board meeting begins at 6 pm.
Hope to see you there.
Billie Dickson
At the September 3, 2019, 7:00 pm, Fairborn Art Association (FAA) meeting, members and guests will enjoy a mixed media demo, including samples of watercolors, by Dayton-area artist, Sharon Stolzenberger.
Stolzenberger is an adjunct professor at Sinclair Community College where she teaches watercolor classes. Her sensitive watercolors exemplify a passion for both subject matter and medium. She loves the spontaneity of watercolor and prefers the loose, wet-in-wet technique for expressing the essence of her wildlife subjects. Stolzenberger has begun experimenting with collage, image transfers, combined with acrylic, watercolor and drawing to explore new ways of interpreting nature themes. Her paintings are the result of field study, life drawings, and photography necessary for reference and inspiration. Travel has also provided inspiration. She has traveled to Peru, Africa, Nepal and India. Sharon is also a Volunteer Educator at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens.
Stolzenberger has the following selected exhibits and awards: Ohio Watercolor Society, Silver Medal (three times), Awards of Excellence; Awards of Distinction. Society of Animal Artists Annual Exhibitions and Travel Shows National Geographic Society Explorers Gallery, Washington, DC Southeastern Wildlife Exposition, Charleston, SC The National Zoo Wildlife Show Pacific Rim Wildlife Show, Seattle, Washington Easton Waterfowl Show, MD Middletown Art Center Regional Exhibitions, Best of Show, First Place, President’s Award.
She is featured in several publications: The Creative Artist, by Nita Leland, North Light Books; Exploring Color, by Nita Leland, North Light Books; Drawing and Painting from Nature, by Cathy Johnson, Design Press; The Best of Wildlife Painting II, North Light Books; The New Creative Artist, by Nita Leland, North Light Books; Confident Color, Nita Leland, North Light; and New Creative Collage Techniques, Nita Leland, North Light Books.
Stolzenberger is a signature member of the Ohio Watercolor Society, currently serving on the Board of Trustees. She is involved in several special projects, including, “It Takes Two” A Dayton Visual Arts Center-initiated collaborative project for The Dayton Children’s Hospital that involved teams of children paired with adults for the creation of various pieces of art for the hospital. She is also a selected artist for the Dayton Visual Art Center’s 25th Anniversary exhibition whereby 25 artists met at the Printmakers’ Co-op to join in collaboration of creating two-dimensional, and other works, for the year-long celebration of DVAC’s anniversary. …Submitted byJames M. Gifford, Publicity Chair
Our Fall workshop with Judi Betts as our featured instructor. Judi Betts AWS, NWS has attained an international reputation for her transparent watercolor paintings. Her paintings have won over 100 awards in major competitions. Paintings by Judi appear on national TV, wine labels (5 International Awards in label competition), CDs, DVDs and in over 35 books. Judi is the author of the award winning books WATERCOLOR…Let’s Think About It! (5th printing) and PAINTING…a QUEST toward XTRAORD!NARY (5 awards) and is also a contributor to many prominent art magazines. Over her career, she has been juror/judge for over 150 national/international and regional competitions. In 2009, she served on the Awards Jury for the American Watercolor Society’s 142nd International Competition. More than 425 workshops have been presented by Judi; and she has given invitational sessions for watercolor societies in Norway, Puerto Rico, Sweden and Canada. A more extensive biography for Judi is available on our website at Judi Betts Workshop presented by the FAA October 1-4, 2019, 9:30-4:00 pm, located in the Gallery in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N Central Ave. Fairborn, Oh 45434. To Register: Please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the following form to:
Pat Dunker
30 Innisbrook Close
Xenia, Ohio 45385
Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. Final payment must be made by 9/14/19. After that date, tuition is non-refundable. For questions; Call Pat Dunker 937-562-3014 or cell 937-271-4798 or email
Attachment: JUDI BETTS Registration
Following are the demo artists/speakers for the next season through April of 2020.
NOVEMBER – Kathryn Smithson, pastel MARCH 2020-Suzanne Accetta, watercolor
FEBRUARY 2020 – Yuki Hall, European trip, sketching APRIL – Donna Schwartz, colored pencil
The 1854 Hertzler House Museum is sponsoring a Still Life Acrylic Workshop, Wednesday, September 18, from 9 – Noon at the historic house located in George Rogers Clark Park. Gail Eldridge, Teacher. The cost is $25 with all materials furnished. The class is limited to 15 and paid registration is required. For information or to make reservations call Barb Arnold at 937-864-1046 or …Submitted by Barb Arnold
You are invited to the following event: Brush Before The Brain FAA Private Event to be held at the following time, date, and location: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (EDT)
Front Street
1001 East Second St.
BLDG 100 3rd Floor
Dayton, OH 45402
Event registration is by invitation only. Register with your email address to attend this event. Join artists Mike Elsass in an enlightening afternoon as we celebrate the Summer Solstice, an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the longest period of daylight and the shortest night of the year, here in Dayton.Begin your time in Mike’s studio and embrace the energy of his creative space. Here you will paint freely with no handcuffs, allowing your mind to relax further and your creativity flow. Each person will suit up in a tux shirt, man their station, and paint on multiple pieces of steel. You will get to experiment with a range of mediums Mike uses in his art. This workshop is designed to allow you play with a variety of paints, colors, and textures and explore the energy of color. Enjoy a short inspirational break, and tour the studio spaces of the 3rd floor artist, at Front Street. At the end of the day you will bring home your art. NOTE: Please enter in door B-C, and take the elevator to the third floor. We hope you can make it! Cheers, Mike Elsass.
Attachment: Mike Elsass Link
Call for Entries: Area Art Exhibition 2019. Submissions due by September 5, 2019. The Middletown Arts Center’s Annual Area Art Exhibition will be held September 13 through October 17, 2019. Information about this exhibition is available on our website at along with a link to their prospectus and entry form. For more information, contact Kate Dykes, Social Media Coordinator. Middletown Arts Center , 513-424-2417.
Attachment: Middletown Art Center Call for Artists
This event will take place October 3-6, 2019, at the Maria Stein Spiritual Center, in Maria Stein, OH. Cost is $375. Take Time to renew yourself with a creative retreat designed to implement expressive ways of encountering your soul’s journey through art. Music, meditation and sharing will be components utilized to enhance the reflective process. It will be a time to nourish one’s body, mind and spirit through art, prayer and intention. The retreat begins Thursday evening with arrival time at 6:30 PM and ends by noon Sunday. You do not need to be an artist to participate. A basic supply list will be provided after registration. $150 is due August 20, 2019. Send check to: Rosie Huart, 4876 Harlou Dr., Dayton, OH 45432. Remaining balance of $225.00 is due September 20, 2019.
Sponsored by the Piqua Arts Council, November 20-23, 2019. That’s right, our Professional Workshops for Artists are back and we’re bringing in one of the best instructors in the nation. Steven Walker ( will be here November 20-23 to teach a 4-day Oil Painting workshop from
9 am-4 pm daily with lunches provided. This is going to be an outstanding workshop and is already filling up fast!! Registration is open to the first 14 artists and will be $350 for Non-Members and $325 for Piqua Arts
Council members. To Register GO HERE – Professional Workshops for Artists are sponsored by the Ohio Arts Council.
Our mailing address is:
Piqua Arts Council
427 N Main St.
Piqua, OH 45356
Middletown Arts Center announces a vacancy in the position of Executive Director. Please forward the following description to any interested candidates. Thanks!
Kate Dykes, Social Media Coordinator, Middletown Arts Center, 424-2417
If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.
Refreshments for the September meeting will be provided by our Board Members.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 1, 2019, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the October Newsletter is Monday, September 16, 2019. Please email your articles to or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.