To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0920 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0920 Newsletter (open document file)


Seems like months ago since I’ve seen many of you; wait, I guess it has been months.  The last time we met was in March and we’ve had to cancel everything since then.

Unfortunately, September is more of the same.  Since the Governor has not lifted his limit of 10 people at a gathering, we have had to cancel our September member meeting.

We are hoping to work out a way to still have our October meeting, Member Show (postponed from May), and workshop with Bruce Neville and those are on our Agenda for our September Board meeting.  We will notify you all with an e-mail blast early in the month so you can plan for those activities.

Also on the agenda will be our finances.  As you know, we rely heavily on the Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival for income, and since that didn’t happen that income is gone for this year.  There were also expenses incurred before it was finally cancelled and so we need to deal with that as well.  I expect to have some information to you at our (hopefully) October meeting.  I feel we can “weather the storm” this year if we have our normal “other” income and dip into our savings, but we will not have any of our upgrades we have enjoyed in the past.

The most important item on the agenda is discussing the replacement of Sue Red, Treasurer, and Lori Luckner, Gallery Coordinator and Membership.  Both have said they are resigning their positions and would like to be replaced as soon as possible.  They are also both on the Sweet Corn Festival Committee, but that is separate from their Board positions.  The Treasurer position is especially critical, and Sue is willing to work with her replacement for a couple months, but wants to be gone by January 1.  Lori is willing to work with her replacement also.  So please, FAA members, PLEASE step up to help us.

Please remember that when you do come to the FAA Gallery, you must wear a mask, practice social distancing, and wipe down and disinfect any surfaces you have come into contact with.  If you bring food or drink (we won’t be supplying any at this time), you must take all your trash out with you so others will not be handling it.  No, it isn’t fun, but we want to make sure we provide a safe and healthy environment for our members and guests.

Thank you to all our volunteers who have worked so hard to keep things going throughout this pandemic. Cheap Joe says “To be blessed and not know it is to miss one of life’s greatest treasures.”  We members at FAA are truly blessed to be in the company of our artist friends and their beautiful creations.  Hopefully we will again be able to gather together and enjoy each other’s company.

Billie Dickson,



Unfortunately, our previously announced September meeting with demo artist Amy Kollar Anderson has been cancelled due to continuing Covid restrictions.

At this time the 2020-2021 artist and workshop schedule is as follows, subject to change:

OCTOBER 6 – 8 – Workshop – Bruce Neville
NOVEMBER 3 – Tim Langenderfer-Drawing
DECEMBER 1 – Christmas Party
JANUARY 5 – No Meeting
FEBRUARY 2 – Connie Gifford- Yupo
MARCH 2 – Amy Gantt-Design artist Lula Bell
APRIL 6 – Jacqueline Sullivan-Abstract landscapes, multimedia
MAY 4 – Workshop – Misuk Goltz
JUNE 1 – Social
JULY 6 – No Meeting
AUGUST 3 – No Meeting, Sweetcorn Festival
SEPTEMBER 7 – Nita Leland- Collage
OCTOBER 5 – Workshop – TBD
NOVEMBER 2 – Shirley De Laet-Watercolor
DECEMBER 7 – Christmas Party

Submitted by Carol Edsall


Bruce Neville from Cincinnati will be our featured artist for the FAA workshop October 6, 7 and 8. Reservations are now being accepted. Please send a $40 nonrefundable deposit to reserve your place in the workshop. (If FAA has to cancel the workshop due to Covid-19 or any other unusual reason, your deposit will be refunded.) Fees are $200 for members and $250 for nonmembers. The Registration form is attached.

Bruce Neville’s workshop will be filled with information to help you process the painting, in developing your own style and adding that freshness to your work. Each day Bruce will start the subject demo and will demonstrate how he will approach the subject and show the processes he goes through. The loose style, the light process, where the values are critical to bring your eye into the focal point of the painting. Drawing and perspective will also be discussed and he will provide some shortcuts to develop the painting. For additional information, please contact Pat Dunker at .

Attachment:  BRUCE NEVILLE Registration


This year’s B-W Greenway competition attracted 22 artists and 45 pieces of artwork. The judge for Landscape2020 was Ms. Shayna McConville, Division Manager for Cultural Arts for the City of Kettering, where she oversees Rosewood Arts Centre & CitySites Percent for Art Program.

Awards were made to the following artists:

First Place – Tess Little – Conference Call, Sculpture

Second Place – Brendan Higgins – St Mark, Drawing

Third Place – Warren Brown – Last Bridge, Photography

Honorable Mention, Nine artists received ribbons:  Shirlee Bauer, Elizabeth Beecher, Kim Ceccerali, Gene Fabricatore, Connie Gifford, Susie King, Ed Lehman, Abigail Little, and Clarice Moore.


The B-W Greenway Community Land Trust & the Fairborn Art Association announce the Landscape 2021 juried art exhibition. The 2021 location for the competition is Pearl’s Fen, a Greene County Parks and Trails asset. Pearl’s fen is one of the rarest classes of wetland, containing a very high diversity of plant and animal life.  Pearl’s Fen is located at 4535 Byron Rd, Fairborn, Ohio.

The juried competition is open to all artists 16 years and older, living within 200 miles of Fairborn, OH.

All entries will be received at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, 221 North Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH (in the rear of the building) on Saturday June 26th, from 1-3pm.

A non-refundable entry fee of $20 for a total of 3 works must accompany all entry forms. Artwork may be offered for sale by the artist; 20% of each sale will be taken as a donation to B-W Greenway Community Land Trust.

The judge for Landscapes2021 is Michael R. Roediger, Director & CEO of the Dayton Art Institute.   Directors & serves as the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Citizens for Arts. Michael holds a Master of Science degree in Leadership Development from Wright State University & a Bachelor of Arts from Ohio Northern University with concentrations in Communications, Public Relations & Theatre.

The Opening Reception will be held at the Fairborn Art Gallery on Sunday, July 11, from 1-4pm.  The art will be on display at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery and open to the public on July 18 and July 25.

For additional information visit the B-W Greenway webpage: or please contact Bob Coates at or Pat Higgins at .

Attachment:  Landscapes2021 Flyer


Richard Sneary Workshop – October 7 – 10, 2020

Arts and Ale Festival – Saturday, September 19, 2020

Plein Air Paint-Out – Saturday, September 19, 2020

Urban Sketchers Cincinnati – September Sketch Outing: The Summit Hotel – Saturday, September 19, 2020. See the Facebook page for more information.


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.

The September 2020 meeting has been cancelled. We look forward to our next meeting on October 6, 2020. Any changes to this schedule will be included in the October Newsletter.

The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the October Newsletter is Monday, September 21, 2020. Please email your articles to or call Kenny Moore at 937-313-1040.