As you may have noticed, Fairborn Art Association has a new look! The website has all the same features, but in a new package that should be easier for everyone. Here is what’s going on:

  • New Articles and News: will continue to show up on the home page. If you are on another page, just click the header image and you’ll be taken to the home page!
  • New Calendar: An easier to use Events Calendar that you can print out! If you already use Google Calendar, you can also subscribe to it.
  • About Us: Same great info as ever. Send your friends to this page if they want to know more about the FAA.
  • Newsletters: Just what it sounds like, all the recent newsletters with the same content as the ones you get by mail.
  • Member Galleries: Currently being worked on, we have all your artwork and information saved, so don’t worry that it has gone away, it’s safe and sound.
  • Join FAA: Access to the membership form and all the great benefits of membership.
  • Help: Frequently Asked Questions about the Newsletter, lots of great information on how copyrights work and how social media works, as well as resources to protect your computer from viruses.
  • Search Bar: Just what it sounds like, you can use the Search bar in the top right side to look for specific articles, key words, or artists on the website.

This new site is designed to be as close to the old one  as possible. You no longer have to sign in for any reason, so no more passwords! 

Please remember, this website is being worked on all the time, so you’ll see more and more content arriving, especially with the Member Galleries. Please check your email soon for updates concerning your gallery. All artwork that is posted is now being stamped with a Copyright watermark that has YOUR name on it, so the world will never have any doubt about whose art they are looking at!

If you have any questions about this website, please email