Yuki Hall is planning a 3-day trip to Cuyahoga Valley, Peninsula, OH for plein aire painting, sketching, sightseeing, and fellowship, July 6 through July 8.

  • If you share a room with another person: $135 for 2 nights. If you do not share a room with another person: $270 for 2 nights.
  • Car-pool, gas money to the driver – approx. $20 – $30, depending on how many people are riding.
  • $10 admission fee if the group decide to paint in Hale Farm.

A flyer attached to this article gives more information.

 To sign up or for more information, please contact;

 Yuki Hall at (937) 426-7229


Attachment:  Yuki Hall Cuyahoga Valley Trip Flyer