Warren Brown, Festival Chairman, introduces the Festival King and Queen, Leroy Farthing and Ellen Slone Farthing at the opening ceremonies. (L-R): Kernal Shucks, Festival Mascot, Queen Ellen Slone Farthing, Chairman Warren Brown, King Leroy Farthing. Photo by Gayle Beireis.
On August 15 & 16, the 34th Annual Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival was held at Fairborn Community Park. The Festival is the fundraiser for Fairborn Art Association and the Fairborn Lion’s Club. Both non-profit organizations use the proceeds of the Festival to fund their charitable activities. F.A.A. funds scholarships for college bound high school seniors who intend to pursue an art major, as well as its ongoing operations.
The Festival is a highlight for the Fairborn Community. There were 120+ booths from local and regional vendors who brought their handmade craft and art items for sale. A variety of food items were available including fresh cut cold watermelon and fresh sweet corn steamed with steam supplied by a 1918 steam engine. Free admission and free entertainment are among the reasons to attend. Numerous children’s activities including pony rides, face painting, the Big Bounce and games keep kids entertained. A Volksmarch and the Corn Eating Contest are also popular events held during the Festival. The Festival website :www.fairbornsweetcornfestival.org