Happy Holidays! By the time you receive this newsletter, I will have all my fall decorations put away and the Christmas ones will once again be adorning every surface in our household. I enjoy this time of year so much and I hope you do too. Speaking of Christmas, we will be having our annual party on Saturday, December 9, from 3:00–5:00 pm, with a catered meal of soups, salad, cheese and crackers, dessert and beverages provided. Please let Debbie Cosenza know by Tuesday, December 5, at the latest, if you plan to attend. Also, if you want to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a $15 gift to put under the tree and Warren Brown will once again be our Santa Claus and head up the festivities.
I can’t believe we’ll be wrapping up another calendar year and I’ve enjoyed every one of our meetings, which included such interesting artists and demos. I’d like to thank Carol Edsall, who does such a fabulous job of contacting and booking these artists, coordinating all the details of everything they need, and helping them unload and load their materials. It’s quite a responsibility and I know we all appreciate what she does. Her last year as vice-president ends in June. I’ve truly enjoyed working with her and will miss it very much.
Remember, there is no meeting in January, and I’m looking forward to seeing you all on December 9! Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years!!!
Linda Brandenburg, President
December 9 Christmas Party
January No meeting
February 6 Gary Blevins, acrylic/multi-media demo
March 5 Peggy Bowman, journaling demo
April 2 Charmaine Boggs, acrylic/mixed-media demo
May 7 Demo TBD
May Workshop TBD
June 4 Social
July No meeting
August No meeting
September 3 Shirlee Bauer, watercolor demo
October 1 David R. Smith, watercolor demo
October 1–3 Watercolor Workshop David R. Smith
November 5 Rosemary Nick, collage demo
December 3 Christmas Party (subject to change)
Please join us for our annual Christmas Party on December 9 from 3:00–5:00 pm. FAA will cater the food but you MUST make a reservation for yourself and your guest with our greeter, Debbie Cosenza, by December 5. If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped item, $15 value. We hope to see you there!
Jim and Connie Gifford, plus son-in-law, Brock Harris, daughter, Brandi Harris, and granddaughter, Addison Harris, have a show at the Lathrem Senior Center, attached to the Kettering Recreation Complex, 2900 Glengarry Drive, Dayton, OH 45420. The art includes watercolor, pencil, and photography and runs until almost the end of December.
Clarice Moore had a piece accepted in a juried art exhibition celebrating the 220th anniversary of the Golden Lamb Inn at the Harmon Museum in Lebanon Ohio. It runs until January 6, 2024. Clarice also did a demo on dirty pouring for the African American Artist Guild at Central State on October 28, 2023. (see photo).

Congratulations to the following FAA members who were accepted into the Middletown Arts Center 2023 Area Art Exhibition:
Darci Salinas – “River Canyon Jasper”, “White Agate” and “Sodalite w/ Agate Bead”
Mixed Media
Debbie Cosenza – “Beneath the Surface III” and “Contemplation I”
Billie Dickson – “Tourists En Habana”
Bonnie Kuntz – “Outer Banks”
Karen Livingston – “On Boulder Pond II”
Rose Schultz – “Madrilena”
Julie Shuman – “Harvest”
The following FAA members each received an Honorable Mention in the MAC 2023 Area Art Exhibition:
Darci Salinas – “White Agate”
Mixed Media
Debbie Cosenza – “Contemplation I”
Rose Schultz – “Madrilena”
This exhibition will be open to the public through December 13, 2023 at 130 N. Verity Pkwy., Middletown, OH 45042. For more information, call the MAC at 513-424-2417.
Our next meeting will be on February 6, 2024. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the February Newsletter is Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Please call or email your articles to April Coppess.
Please note that, for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will not post personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website unless we have the respective member’s permission. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.