F.A.A. held its annual Christmas Party on Tuesday December 1, 2015 at the Gallery. A buffet of holiday goodies, drinks and good fellowship was enjoyed by all present. President Sandy Kinnamon invited “Santa” Warren Brown, ably assisted by Head Elf Loren Red in distributing the gifts during the Holiday game and gift exchange during the party. Everyone who attends brings a small holiday gift and places it under the Christmas tree, and takes a number from the greeter. “Santa” calls everyone by their number to the tree to take a gift and open it for all to see. As the game proceeds and each gift is opened, the participants may “steal” a particularly attractive gift from a previious recipient, who is then encouraged to either “steal” another gift, or return to the tree for another package. Lots of laughter and silliness ensue. A fun time was had by all!

“Santa” Warren Brown and his Head Elf distributing gifts from under the Christmas Tree.

Cass Barth displays her gift at the Christmas Party.

F.A.A. President Sandy Kinnamon greets the members at the Christmas Party.

The 2015 F.A.A. Christmas Tree with all the gifts arrayed underneath.

F.A.A. Members gathered to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.