Greetings Fellow Artists!
After having my second cataract surgery, I’m singing, “I Can See Clearly Now” and “Where Have All the Clouds Gone” instead of “Invisible Touch” and “Doctor My Eyes.” I must say it has made quite a difference, but I’m having trouble with putting on reading glasses all the time. I guess every season of life has its ups and downs, doesn’t it?
I’m excited about our May meeting with our guest demo artist, Trish McKinney, on Tuesday, May 7, at 7:00 pm. She will be judging all of our beautiful Members’ Fine Art Show artwork, which needs to be dropped off on Tuesday, April 30, 11:00 am–6:00 pm at the gallery. I can’t wait to see what everyone enters (including myself!). I’d like to thank Cindy Sayeedi and Linda Perry for doing such a great job organizing this event, as this is their first year. Connie Gifford and Carol Edsall did an excellent job for many years and have now turned over the reins to these two fine ladies, so kudos, Cindy and Linda!
Progress on the 2024 Sweet Corn Festival is moving along with the addition of more vendor spaces, which is a plus for our organization and the community. We still need someone to train with Roger and Jan Browning to take over the watermelon booth and a Facebook administrator, so please consider volunteering for these FAA positions.
Looking forward to seeing everyone (literally!) in May! Keep Creating!
Linda Brandenburg, President
May 6–8 Workshop with Trish McKinney
May 7 Trish McKinney, liquid acrylics demo
June 4 Social (6:30 pm)
July No meeting
August No meeting
September 3 Shirlee Bauer, watercolor demo
October 1 TBD
October Workshop TBD
November 5 Rosemary Nick, collage demo
December 7 Christmas Party

Fairborn Art Association is pleased to welcome Trish McKinney as our guest artist for May. Trish will serve as our judge for the Members’ Fine Art Show, as the instructor for the May 6–8 Workshop, and as the guest demo artist for our meeting on May 7.
Being aware of wonder – that moment when you pause for beauty, for sparkling, incandescent light – and the magical awareness of emotion which wells up inside – these are the things I savor and adore. I love weaving a story through the use of color, words, shapes, lines, and texture – inspiring the viewer to tell their own story.
Trish McKinney is a national and international award-winning artist, instructor, graphic designer, and published author and illustrator. Her unique mixed watermedia paintings are about being aware of a moment then sharing her wonder by telling the story. The passion that drives it all for this artist is to inspire – both through paintings, writing, and teaching. Trish especially loves the unpredictable surprise and spontaneous nature of watercolor and combining layers of meaning in her painting through words and unexpected shapes. She loves to ask “what if” when working in her studio because that always leads her to a new discovery.
Trish McKinney is a Signature member of the Ohio Watercolor Society and has juried multiple exhibits. Her paintings have been juried into several international and national exhibitions – National Watercolor Society, Pikes Peak International Watermedia Exhibition, Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Exhibition, Kentucky Watercolor Society, International Society of Experimental Artists, and Ohio Watercolor Society – to name a few. She has consistently won numerous awards in several national exhibitions since 2011.
Trish is a published author, illustrator, and artist and has been featured in Confident Color by Nita Leland, Splash 12 – Celebrating Artistic Vision, The Artistic Touch 4, Do Trees Nap? Children’s Book, and Art Journaling Magazine.
She is also a StencilGirl Artist Designer, a GOLDEN Artist Educator, and a member of the Gel Press Creative Team.
Trish finds joy teaching and sharing her experience through giving programs, demonstrations, workshops and retreats for all ages both locally and abroad. She has been teaching and traveling since 1991 in Italy, Greece, Croatia, Ephesus, France, and throughout the United States.
One of her favorite quotes is – “Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” By Mary Oliver – because this perfectly conveys all that is required to be an artist.
We will be voting for Officers of the Fairborn Art Association at our May 7, 2024, meeting. The slate presented by our Nominating Committee is as follows:
President – Linda Brandenburg
Vice President – Julie Shuman
Recording Secretary – Sheryl Scott
Corresponding Secretary – April Coppess
Treasurer – Roger Browning
If anyone wishes to run for one of the above offices or if you wish to nominate someone else for one of the offices, please contact Carol Collett prior to our May 7, 2024, meeting so a ballot with that name can be prepared. If no one else chooses to run, the election will be held by voice vote.
Because we cancelled the April meeting, we are well behind in sign-ups for the Sweet Corn Festival Watermelon Booth. Shifts available are: Saturday, August 17, 10:30 AM–1:30 PM, 1:30–4:30, and 4:30–7:00; and Sunday, August 18, 10:30 AM–1:00 PM, 1:00–3:30, and 3:30–6:00. Please pick the shift you would like to volunteer for and send that to Roger Browning at [email protected] , or text him at 937-760-5222.
Annual membership dues are due prior to June 1 (or the meeting in June) to be included in the FAA Membership Directory. Membership forms are available in the Gallery and on the FAA website Home page under Forms. Please contact Debbie Cosenza if you have any questions.
The following FAA members participated in the 2024 Greene County Senior Artisan Show held in March at the FAA Gallery: Warren Brown, Lucy Burns, Carol Collett, Debora Hurst, Matt Lammi, Dora Lawson, Theresa Mayer, Linda Perry, Sue Seitz, Barbara Singerman, and Connie Weber. Barbara Singerman won an award. Theresa Mayer and Connie Weber each sold a painting.
Clarice Moore gave a Dirty Pour Workshop through AAVAG at the Five Rivers Health Center, Edgemont Campus, on April 6, 2024.
Debbie Cosenza was the guest artist for the month of April at the Sugarcreek Photography Gallery in Bellbrook, Ohio, which featured her Encaustic paintings.
Congratulations to the following FAA members who were accepted into Watercolor Ohio 2024, the Annual Juried Exhibition of the Ohio Watercolor Society: Shirlee Bauer, Billie Dickson, Yuki Hall, Diana Hoke, Tessa Kalman, and Donna Pierce-Clark.
We are looking forward to seeing all the wonderful entries for the Members’ Fine Art Show this year! Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help! Please contact Linda Perry or myself if you have any questions. Entry paperwork and fees are due at the time you drop your paintings off at the gallery on April 30 from 11:00 am–6:00 pm. Awards will be announced at the May 7 meeting. There are copies of the prospectus at the gallery and a link on the website. Also, there are flyers to hand out to your friends and family. I hope you will consider helping us promote this wonderful show. ~~Cindy Sayeedi and Linda Perry

Best of Show – 2023 FAA Members’ Fine Art Show
“In the Woods” – Tom Kinarney
The Gallery hours for the Members’ Fine Art Show are on Sundays May 5, May 12 and May 19 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Fairborn Art Association, 221 North Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH 45324.
All entries for the B-W Greenway Community Land Trust & the Fairborn Art Association’s Landscapes2024 juried art competition will be received at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, 221 North Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH (in the rear of the building) on Saturday, June 29,and Sunday, June 30, 2024, from 1:00–3:00 pm. The Opening Reception will be held at the Fairborn Art Gallery on Sunday, July 14, from 1:00–3:00 pm. The art will be on display at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery and open to the public on July 14, 21 and 28 from 1:00–3:00 pm. For additional information, visit the B-W Greenway webpage:
The 2024 location for the competition is Valle View Reserve located at 1097 Empire Ct., Fairborn, Ohio. A walking tour of Valle View III Reserve has been scheduled for Thursday, May 2, from 10:00 am–12:00 pm for artists. The tour will be held starting at the cul-de-sac behind TJ Chumps.
Yuki Hall will be offering a 3-day watercolor workshop called “Capturing the light in watercolor” from July 15 to July 17, 2024, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. In this 3-day workshop, students will learn how to transform an ordinary scene into a memorable watercolor painting that speaks the language of light. Students will learn, by focusing on shapes, tonal values, edge qualities and color temperatures, to bring out the true beauty of the watercolor medium such as spontaneity, and fluidity. Strong emphasis will be placed on how to create a powerful yet pleasing composition as well as the economy of brush strokes. Each day will start with a brief discussion of important concepts and a demonstration, followed by students’ own painting time with individual assistance from the instructor.
Yuki Hall is an award-winning watercolor artist known for her loose style and spontaneous approach to working with the medium. She is a signature member of Transparent Watercolor Society of America, as well as Ohio Watercolor Society. Her work has been accepted into prestigious national & international level watercolor juried competitions including the National Juried Exhibition of Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Watercolor West International Juried Exhibition and National Watercolor Society annual all members exhibition. Her works also have been published by highly competitive national art/watercolor publications such as Watercolor Artist Magazine and Splash – the best of watercolor.
The cost for this 3-day workshop is $175. To register, please send the payment along with your name, address, phone number and email address to Yuki Hall, 4136 Fox Fern Ct., Beavercreek, OH 45432. For any questions regarding this workshop, please call, text or e-mail Yuki at (937) 679-2464, [email protected]
Registration for the 19th Annual Colored Pencil Exhibition of the Colored Pencil Society of America’s District Chapter 119 of Greater Cincinnati (CPSA DC119) is now open. Online entries will be accepted through Monday, May 6, 2024. Mailed entry forms must be postmarked no later than Monday, May 6, 2024. The exhibition runs May 17 – June 28, 2024, at the Fairfield Community Arts Center, located at 411 Wessel Dr., Fairfield, OH 45014. More information can be found on their website:
Our next meeting will be our Social on June 4, 2024, beginning at 6:30 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the June Newsletter is Monday, May 20, 2024. Please call or email your articles to April Coppess.
Please note that, for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will not post personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website unless we have the respective member’s permission. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.