Yellow Springs Open Studios Tour

The Open Studios Tour in Yellow Springs.is happening Saturday and Sunday, October 21 and 22 from 10-5 each day.  Yellow Springs Open Studios is your chance to see the work of local and guest artists – all at no charge. Many media categories will be represented during the event.  You can download a map at the website.  You will find yellow balloons at each site so we’ll be easy to find once you’re in the area!  Hope to see you!   Here is a link to my studio (Libby Rudolf) and the tour.  https://ysopenstudios.ysartscouncil.org/libby-rudolf/  Libby Rudolf

Louise Jackson Pouring Acrylics Class

You are invited to a very unusual class on Monday, November 27. Louise Jackson will be teaching a class on POURING ACRYLICS on canvas. This technique produces beautiful, colorful paintings that anyone can do and they are highly marketable and make great gifts for Christmas, etc.  She has spent months to find the easiest and safest recipe that creates unique effects. You will do at least three painting in this 5-hour class, maybe more. All paint will be provided. A supply list will be sent to students on registration. The class is limited to 14. Cost is $40.00. No deposits required this time but if cancellation is needed a notification is requested. Class is from 10:00 am till 3:30 pm. Watercolors work with the technique as well and some will be available to try. Register by calling Louise at 937-886-5238.

Students that attended the recent classes voted to do this in November because they will make great Christmas gifts. The class will be limited to 14 people. If you signed up at the class there is no need to respond. There are 8 of you already registered.

Simply email me at [email protected]  if you want to come and I will send a supply list. It will be fun, easy and I must warn you that it is addictive. Sincerely, Louise

October 2017 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 1017 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 1017 Newsletter (open document file)

Dear Members, Patrons, and Friends,

We welcome everyone to our meetings. We have many important issues to discuss and we would like input from all of our members. We have shows coming up and we have need for many Crafts for our Christmas show of which Yuki Hall is in charge. I know that we have many who do crafts other than painting. We encourage you to display those talents also.

Also for a reminder. Sue and I have been involved with the Sweet Corn Festival for 25 years. In the past year I have logged everything that is involved with my job. Many are simple half-hour jobs during the year. Only when it gets time for festival does work really get hectic. Over the years we have refined many processes down to where there is very little work compared to way it was when we took on these jobs.  If you and/or a friend would like to get involved, we are here to help. You must be on board by July. Remember this festival is what keeps the membership rates low. It pays for building rent, scholarships, speakers, entertainment and much more. If this money doesn’t come in, then the membership dues will need to be doubled or more to keep the organization going.

Loren Red



Fairborn Art Association Guest Artist, Nancy Nordloh Neville, from Cincinnati, OH, will demonstrate “Clear Clean Color in Oils and Watercolors,” Tuesday, October 3, 2017.

Original watercolors and oils reflect clean clear color and are portrayed with freshness and spontaneity. She always respects the transparency of the watercolor media and works with the white of the paper. Her oils show years of watercolor experience with the same freshness. Ms. Neville who signs her paintings N. Nordloh is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio.

She is a professional member of the Cincinnati Art Club, The Women’s Art Club and the Lexington Art League. She paints weekly with the Brushettes of Montgomery. She shows in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois and her work can be found in numerous private and corporate collections. Nancy’s painting “Pears and Glades” was recently published in International Artist. 100 Ways to Paint Flowers And Gardens.


Time is getting short!!! Our fall workshop is sneaking up on us quickly. It is time now to get registered if you plan to attend. Renowned Ohio/Indiana artist, Sandy Maudlin, will be presenting workshops at Fairborn Art Association, Nov. 6–8, Nov. 9–10, and/or all week, Nov. 6–10, 2017. She will be sharing many diverse methods which she uses to achieve great results on Yupo using all water media for all levels, even beginners. Sandy travels around the country and Europe teaching classes and has taught for 25 years. Sandy is also proficient in transparent watercolor and batik. She has a degree in Art Education from Indiana University in Bloomington and owns Greentree Studio where she also teaches classes. In addition, Sandy is a signature member of Ohio Watercolor Society and the Watercolor Society of Indiana. She is also a member of the Cincinnati Art Club, has been President of the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society, and has won many watercolor awards. Her passion is to paint and she loves to share. Cost for 3-day class, Introduction to Yupo, Nov. 6–8, member $250, non-member $275; for 2-day class, Advanced Techniques, member $150, non-member, $175; for 5-day class (3-day and 2-day class combined), member $300, non-member $325. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Pat Dunker, 30 Innisbrook Close, Xenia, OH 45385. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. Final payment must be made by September 25, 2017. For questions, call Pat Dunker at 937-562-3014 or cell 937-271-4798, or email [email protected]. Registration form/flyer is available in our Gallery and is attached:

Attachment:  Sandy Maudlin Workshop Registration

Pat Dunker, our Workshop Chair, asked Sandy Maudlin for a breakdown on her plans for the 5-day Yupo workshops. In Sandy’s words:

My plan is to introduce as many techniques and processes as possible in the 5 days. Below I’ve broken the workshop up with pictures to show the processes that I’ll be using during the workshop. I hope this helps give you some idea of what to explain to the artists. (Editor’s note: Pictures are available on our website, www.fairbornart.org. )

Introduction to Yupo – 3-day workshop

We will be working with fluid acrylics and watercolors during this 3-day workshop.  Sandy will demo several of the processes she uses to create colorful paintings on Yupo. Each artist will create their own, one-of-a-kind painting as Sandy guides with suggestions on composition and technique. See examples of the processes to be demoed and taught below (on our website) during the first 3 days.

Advanced techniques on YUPO – 2-day workshop

Excitement prevails as each artist develops paintings using many more advanced techniques on Yupo. Both watercolor and fluid acrylics as well gouache can be used. Sandy’s demos will provide a basis for exploration and development of your own painting, incorporating your style using new approaches. Experience using Yupo is recommended for this level. See examples below of possibilities (on our website).


FAA members will have the opportunity to have their artwork and handicrafts displayed in the Gallery for sale on Dec. 2 (Sat.) from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Dec. 3 (Sun.) from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm and optional Dec. 5 (Tue) from 5:30 to 7:00, right before FAA Christmas party. Items that can be sold at the Bazaar will include paintings, photography, wood worker items, jewelry, sculpture, ceramics, fiber art, etc. No commercially made items or art supplies will be permitted to be sold. If you wish to participate in the Bazaar, you will purchase a table space and/or wall space to display your art. You will be responsible to tend your own table and make sales. It is highly recommended that you will be present at your table during the entire sales hours. However, if it is not possible, you can send in an alternative person to take care of the sales or make a prior arrangement with another artist participating in the bazaar. Neither FAA nor the Bazaar organizer (Yuki Hall) will be responsible for your sales if no one is at your station. If you are only showing 2-D art on the wall and do not have a table, you are not required to be present in the gallery. Instead, you can leave the phone number on the title cards of your paintings so that the potential buyer can contact you to arrange the sale. No inventory sheets are necessary. You set up your own station and you make your own sales!

Pre-registration is necessary to participate in this Bazaar. Please refer to the Registration Form for more details about how to participate. Registration Forms will be available in the Gallery and is attached.   Any questions about the Bazaar, please contact Yuki Hall, at 937-679-2464 or email [email protected]

Attachment:  2017 Christmas Registration Form


Charles and Mary Hart

Charlie had a bad fall in April and fractured his neck. He was in the hospital for quite a while and was eventually released to rehab. After two months in rehab, Charlie returned home last month (August). He is still unable to walk alone, and Mary is providing all his care while she is trying to find someone to come in to help with Charlie’s care from time to time. He does receive therapy at home, but of course that does not give Mary a break.  I know they would enjoy cards from their FAA friends. Charles & Mary Hart, 7907 Melody Road, Dayton, OH  45414.                                                                                                                         …Submitted by Billie Dickson

WOWS WORKSHOP with Vladislav Yeliseyev

The Western Ohio Watercolor Society is sponsoring “Urban Landscape Workshop” featuring Vladislav Yeliseyev. What is required to quit illustrative coloring which is a trademark of beginners and start painting like a pro? All of this and many other techniques will be the subject of this intensive workshop. This workshop will be October 6-7 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Vineyard Church, 4051 Indian Ripple Road, Beavercreek, Ohio. Registered artists will receive, via email, a suggested supply list, directions to the church, lodging suggestions, etc. Please send the registration form with your payment to: Robine Wright, 1515 N. Fountain Blvd., Springfield, OH 45504. Make checks payable to the Western Ohio Watercolor Society for the full amount due of $225. Cancellation and refund policy information can be found on WOWS website: www.westernohiowatercolorsociety.org.  A flyer including the submission form is attached:

Attachment:  Vladislav urban landscape


The Artery at Front Street will be hosting many exciting events in coming months. The Artery is a new co-op gallery located at 1001 E. 2nd St. in downtown Dayton. It is a part of Downtown Dayton First Friday and Third Sunday events.

October 24, from 2pm to 4pm, High Tea

– featuring four types of tea, exceptional pastries, and finger sandwiches. During this event, the guest speaker, Sally Struthers, Ph.D will present a talk on “Roman Art”.  Sally Struthers, Ph.D is an art historian, retired from Sinclair Community College, where she served as an art history professor, department chair and dean, and is now pursuing other interests, including still teaching at Sinclair, and also teaching at her alma mater, Wright State University. The price for this event is $25. For more information or to reserve a spot, please call Mary Clifford at 937-438-8712. Space is limited, so register early to secure your spot.

Nov. 3, from 5pm – 9pm, Annual The ARTery Holiday Season Gala

– with music, refreshments, treats and great art gift ideas.

Nov. 25, from 1pm to 4pm, HolidayWorkshop

The ARTery artists will show how to make your own cards, ornaments, and wrapping paper.


The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the October meeting:  Clarice Moore, Ed Vance, Connie Gifford, Yuki Hall, Billie Dickson, Linda Keller, Connie Weber, and Cheryl Miracle. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 7, 2017, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the November Newsletter is Monday, October 20, 2017.  Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.


September 2017 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 0917 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 0917 Newsletter (open document file)

Dear Members, Patrons, and Friends,

Greetings. Fall is just around the corner and already we are having cooler mornings and evenings. Before you know it, September 5th will be here for our first meeting after the summer off. As your new President, I invite you to attend this meeting to get back into the swing of things. The Board will meet at 6 pm and the members’ meeting will begin at 7 pm. Pat Dunker will be the demo artist as well as having her paintings on display in the Gallery. Refreshments will be provided by the Board members.

We have a lot on our plates for this year and we will get through it. If you have anything you would like the Board to discuss, please get it to me by the Friday before the meeting. Call 937-879-3238 or email my wife at [email protected].

Another Sweet Corn Festival behind us and we are already starting to work on next year’s! Thanks to all who helped in any way. Currently we are looking for someone to take over my job. I have written notes on what to do and when and how to do it. It is much easier than it has been in many past years. My wife and I have been involved for over 25 years and it is time someone younger took over. This brings in our money to run the art association. It pays our bills, scholarships, and artists that we bring in during the year. Preliminary figures show how successful this year’s show was:  9,000 ears of cooked corn were sold; 1,550 chicken halves were sold; 106 cases (2,544 bottles) of ICB root beer were sold; our booth – 198 watermelons (approximately 2,000 cups) were sold; kettle corn vendor went through 575 pounds of popcorn; several craft vendors reported 1-1/2 to 2 times the sales from the previous year.  Again, thanks to all who helped in any way.

Loren Red



Pat’s demo will be the use alcohol inks in art. Since Pat became an artist, she has become more “in tune” to the wonder and beauty of all God’s creations.  Although Pat started painting when her husband was in the Air Force, she didn’t pursue it rigorously until she and Kirk started going to Florida for the winter. There she met Frank Covino, a Master of oil painting and teaching others to paint like the Old Masters. It changed her painting and her life. Through Frank’s tutoring, she became proficient enough to be invited to paint in the Louvre in Paris in 2010. She painted “Madame Pasteur” by Baron Jean Baptiste Gross. Thousands paint in the Louvre each year but every 2 years about 130 people are invited to bring their paintings back to Paris for a special exhibition and Pat was invited to do this in 2012, one of the best experiences of her painting career. In 2016, she received a scholarship to paint plein aire oils in Southern France. Pat continued to develop and learn new techniques in oil, watercolor, acrylics, and alcohol inks with such well known artists as Frank Covino, David Leffell, Gayle Bennett in oil; plus Louise Jackson, Birgit O’Connor, Janet Rogers, Anne Abgott, Sterling Edwards, Fred Graff, Joe Fettingis, Mitchell Tolle, Suzanna Winton, and Jean Haines in watercolor; plus Cathy Taylor in alcohol inks. Pat has been involved in many art organizations and is currently Workshop Coordinator for Fairborn Art Association, Treasurer for Western Ohio Watercolor Society, plus is a member of Bonita Springs Art Association, Cape Coral Art League, and SW Florida Portrait Society in Florida.


Come early to our September meeting for a chance to buy or sell second-hand art supplies, which will be displayed on the table by the window. The Gallery will open at 5:30 pm for you to bring your art supplies to sell or look over what is available to buy. Please, no artwork to be sold at this time. Each person will price his/her own products and conduct sales. The Fairborn Art Association does not charge a commission, so you keep any money you make on sales.


Exciting news!!!! Renowned Ohio/Indiana artist, Sandy Maudlin, will be presenting workshops at Fairborn Art Association, Nov. 6–8, Nov. 9–10, and/or all week, Nov. 6–10, 2017. She will be sharing many diverse methods which she uses to achieve great results on Yupo using all water media for all levels, even beginners. Sandy travels around the country and Europe teaching classes and has taught for 25 years. Sandy is also proficient in transparent watercolor and batik. She has a degree in Art Education from Indiana University in Bloomington and owns Greentree Studio where she also teaches classes. In addition, Sandy is a signature member of Ohio Watercolor Society and the Watercolor Society of Indiana. She is also a member of the Cincinnati Art Club, has been President of the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society, and has won many watercolor awards. Her passion is to paint and she loves to share. Cost for 3-day class, Introduction to Yupo, Nov. 6–8, member $250, non-member $275; for 2-day class, Advanced Techniques, member $150, non-member, $175; for 5-day class (3-day and 2-day class combined), member $300, non-member $325. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Pat Dunker, 30 Innisbrook Close, Xenia, OH 45385. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. Final payment must be made by September 25, 2017. For questions, call Pat Dunker at 937-562-3014 or cell 937-271-4798, or email [email protected]. Registration form/flyer is available in our Gallery and is attached.

Attachment:  Sandy Maudlin Workshop Registration

Pat Dunker, our Workshop Chair, asked Sandy Maudlin for a breakdown on her plans for the 5-day Yupo workshops. In Sandy’s words:

My plan is to introduce as many techniques and processes as possible in the 5 days. Below I’ve broken the workshop up with pictures to show the processes that I’ll be using during the workshop. I hope this helps give you some idea of what to explain to the artists.

Introduction to Yupo – 3-day workshop

We will be working with fluid acrylics and watercolors during this 3-day workshop.  Sandy will demo several of the processes she uses to create colorful paintings on Yupo. Each artist will create their own, one-of-a-kind painting as Sandy guides with suggestions on composition and technique. See examples of the processes to be demoed and taught below during the first 3 days.

Advanced techniques on YUPO – 2-day workshop

Excitement prevails as each artist develops paintings using many more advanced techniques on Yupo. Both watercolor and fluid acrylics as well gouache can be used. Sandy’s demos will provide a basis for exploration and development of your own painting, incorporating your style using new approaches. Experience using Yupo is recommended for this level. See examples below of possibilities.


You are invited to three all-day watercolor classes taught by Louise Jackson at Fairborn Art Association on three Mondays – September 11, 18 and 25.You may pick up a photo and more information in the gallery or contact Louise at 937-886-5238. Day one will be a Dramatic Sunflower. Day two will be Lace, Glass and a Rose. Day three will be a floral painting of Angel Trumpets. Time is 10 till 3:30. Cost is $40 per day or $115 for all three days. This includes photos, paint, written instructions, and a drawing. Registration is required. Form is available in the Gallery and is attached.

Attachment:  Louise Jackson Paint All Day Fall 2017


FAA Members’ Fine Art Show Prize Winners, May 2017

Judge: Suzanna Winton, (May Workshop Instructor). Best of Show:  Yuki Hall – Fourth Street (Sandy Kinnamon Memorial Award); First Place: M J White – Black Dog (Joan McCoy Memorial Award); Second Place: Jean Lutz – Art From the Past; Third Place: Patty Dorn – Out on the Town; Honorable Mentions: Rose Schultz – True Colors; Sue Seitz – Courage; Carylon Seger – Spring; Sheryl Scott – The Peaceful Road; Shirlee Bauer – Hello Grandma; Connie Gifford – Circus Fantasy; Tom Kinarney – Jenny; Patricia Dunker – Keylo Emerging; Judge’s Merit Award: Louise Jackson – Green Glass and Lace, Sue Brezine – Barn Owl; Deborah Dixon – Alchemy I; Babs Ney – Trumpet Flower; Dotty Crowley – Out West; Elizabeth Martin – American Indian; Peggy Bowman – Grand Canyon; Esther Grimm – Far Beyond Our Vision

B-W Greenway & FAA Landscape 2017 Prize Winners, July 2016

Judge: Jean Koeller, (Stivers School for the Arts Instructor). 1st Place Award: Shirlee Bauer – Golden Spring Fields; 2nd Place Award: Susie King – Wetlands 2; 3rd Place Award: Abigail Little – Mad Maple; Merit Awards: Anita Wilson – Estel Wenrick Wetlands; Kim Ceccarelli – A Certain Kinship; Elizabeth Beecher – Fireweed Dance; Rhonda Sloan – Daisyland; Patricia Dunker – Natures’s World; Ed Lehman – Wenrick, Early Spring; Shari Little – Wenrick Beauty; Diana Hoke – Beaverpond, Medway; Jim Little – Riffle

Ohio Watercolor Society (OWS)

Several of our members were selected to participate in “Watercolor Ohio 2017,” the 40th Annual Juried Exhibition of the Ohio Watercolor Society. Juror for the show was Mary Whyte, well-known watercolor artist. Chosen for the exhibition were 77 paintings from 265 entries submitted by 165 artists. Our members selected included Shirlee Bauer – Overlooking Brighton Pier; Aileen Cave – Tangle; Billie Dickson – Little Beavercreek; Connie Gifford – Point Reyes Lighthouse; Yuki Hall – Fourth Street; Diana Hoke – Stocken; and Rose Schultz – True Colors. Aileen Cave and Diana Hoke received awards for their paintings. Aileen Cave, Connie Gifford, and Diana Hoke were selected to participate in the Ohio 2017 Travel Exhibition. The main exhibition is open to the public starting June 30, 2017 through September 10, 2017, at the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio. The travel show includes 40 works, including all award winners, and will be exhibited in museums, art centers, and galleries throughout the state in 2017 (destinations to be announced later). Congratulations to all our members selected for this prestigious honor.

CALLING ALL ARTISTS!  Enter Our Calendar Contest

Montgomery County students will show off their creative skills and learn about the environment during the annual Environmental Calendar Drawing and Poetry Contest, which challenges students to create artwork and poems about environmental topics. Winning artwork and poems will be featured in the 2018 Montgomery County Environmental Services Calendar. Additional prizes will be awarded to winning participants during an awards reception in the fall. To participate, fill out an entry form at www.mcswd.org. Deadline is September 29, 2017.  For more information, contact Lorelei Hagans at 937-781-3065. (Entry form is attached.)

Attachment: 2018 Calendar Brochure


Refreshments for the September meeting will be provided by our Board Members. Please come and enjoy good food and good company.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 3, 2017, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the October Newsletter is Monday, October 18, 2017. Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.

Louise Jackson Watercolor Classes

You are invited to three all day watercolor classes taught by Louise Jackson at Fairborn Art Association on three Mondays on September 11, 18 and 25. For more information, contact Louise at 937-886-5238. Day one will be a Dramatic Sunflower. Day two will be Lace, Glass and a Rose. Day three will be a floral painting of Angel Trumpets. Time is 10 till 3:30. Cost is $40 per day or $115 for all three days. This includes photos, paint and written instructions and a drawing. Registration is required.

Registration Form Attached:  Louise Jackson Paint All Day Fall 2017


Landscapes2017 is a juried art exhibition presented as a collaboration between B-W Greenway

Community Land Trust & Fairborn Art Association. It was established to heighten public awareness

of our local greenspaces and the need to preserve them, as well as to foster an interest in nature as

inspiration for art.

Each year since 2010 a different location in the Fairborn, OH, area has been chosen as the subject

for artwork. The 2017 locations are Estel Wenrick Wetlands and Cantrel property. See map and

directions to these sites inside the brochure. (Attached)

The judge for Landscapes2017 is Ms. Jean Koeller. Jean teaches painting at Stivers School for Arts.

She received her BFA from Wright State University, and  she also attended Skowhegan School of

Painting and Sculpture as an undergraduate. Her MFA in painting was granted by Parsons School

of Art and Design where she studied with Leland Bell and Paul Resika.


Until June 30, 2017- Painting in Estel Wenrick Wetlands or the Mad River Entrance

July 2, 1-3 pm & 5-7 pm – Work accepted at Fairborn Art Assn.

July 9, 2-4 pm – Opening Reception with prizes awarded at 3pm –

Cash prizes total $300

Exhibition open to the public

Sundays, July 9, 16, & 23

July 23, 4-5pm – Artists to pick up work at Fairborn Art Assn.

For more information, please contact:

Bob Coates, 937-689-4855, [email protected]

Marti Riddle, 9337-879-4855, [email protected]


Attachment:  Landscape2017_flyer (pdf file. To print, make sure your printer is set for landscape


June 2017 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 0617 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 0617 Newsletter (open document file)

Dear Members and Patrons,

It has been my pleasure to serve you for 3 years, 1 year and ½ as Vice President and 1 year and ½ as your President. I want to thank the many volunteers that helped make these 3 years a success. Your Board does a fabulous job to make everything go smoothly. Special thanks to all of the Corn Festival chair people and volunteers which is our great financial support system. Thanks also to the committee chair people that are willing to take on the responsibility of making our art shows and workshops go smoothly. Thanks to the people that keep up with publicity and our web site and archive our photos. Thanks also to the people that set up our room for meetings and serve our snacks and repair and renew our equipment. Thanks also to all of you that help clean up after our events and participate in them. We all serve in one way or another. It does take a village to make FAA what it is. I wish the new Board and committee members a very pleasant and successful year as well as a fun year to all of our members. Our next meeting is June 6th at 7 pm and our board meeting is at 6 pm.

Louise Jackson



Get ready to party–lots of food and fun. Also, lots of last minute business. We will have Skip Hoyt returning to play guitar and sing oldies and goodies, plus anything you request. We will present three scholarships to students this year due to a contribution and fund matching by FAA. Scholarship winners are Callie Smith, Yellow Springs High School;  Elisha Harney, Yellow Springs High School; and Kimberlee Newland, Northwestern/Clark Tech Center. We will have installation of our new Board members, introduction of the King and Queen of the Sweet Corn Festival, and voting and awards for the Popular Choice selections of the paintings on display in the Gallery. Please bring a covered dish, snack, or dessert for the group to enjoy.


Each member may bring one or two paintings or other artwork for the Popular Choice Judging. Registration will be from 6 to 7 pm. As members arrive, each piece of artwork will be given a number. At break time, everyone present may vote for his/her favorite three pieces of artwork. Ribbons and cash prizes will be awarded for the artwork receiving the most votes. Awards to be given for First Place – $50, Second Place – $40, Third Place – $30, Six Honorable Mention Awards at $20 and Six Merit Awards at $10. You must be present to win a Popular Choice award. Please take your artwork home with you after the meeting; there will be a show in the gallery in July and classes as well.


The following officers were elected at the May meeting to serve on the 2017/2018 Board of Directors of the Fairborn Art Association:

President:  Loren Red                        Vice President:  Fran Watson

Treasurer:  Sue Red                            Recording Secretary:  Sheryl Scott

Corresponding Secretary:  Jackie Albright

Installation of Officers will take place at the June meeting.


Fairborn Art Association Membership dues for 2017/2018 are due by June 1, 2017 for you to be able to participate in our activities for the coming year. Our membership year begins on June 1 and runs until May 31 of the following year. Please complete a membership form to allow us to have the latest information about you. This helps us to schedule speakers, workshops, and other activities. We would also like to have your email address to enable us to reach you quickly in case of weather emergencies, etc. Also, someone must hand-stuff regular mail and take it to the post office and this takes a lot of time and effort. Our membership has grown quite a bit since we first started with mailing out newsletters and announcements. Please send your membership form and a check to Fairborn Art Association, P.O. Box 1231, Fairborn, OH 45324. The membership form may be obtained at the Gallery or is attached. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the form. Please go to https://get.adobe.com/reader/ to download the software. It is free and easy to install. You may need it for many of the websites you visit. You may bring the membership form and your check (or cash) to the June meeting and submit them as you sign in at the door. All members who pay by the June 6th meeting will be included in the new Directory.

Attachment:  FAA Membership Form (pdf file)


Exciting news!!!! Renowned Ohio/Indiana artist, Sandy Maudlin, will be presenting workshops at Fairborn Art Association, Nov. 6–8, Nov. 9–10, and/or all week, Nov. 6–10, 2017. She will be sharing many diverse methods which she uses to achieve great results on Yupo using all water media for all levels, even beginners. Sandy travels around the country and Europe teaching classes and has taught for 25 years. Sandy is also proficient in transparent watercolor and batik. She has a degree in Art Education from Indiana University in Bloomington and owns Greentree Studio where she also teaches classes. In addition, Sandy is a signature member of Ohio Watercolor Society and the Watercolor Society of Indiana. She is also a member of the Cincinnati Art Club, has been President of the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society, and has won many watercolor awards. Her passion is to paint and she loves to share. Cost for 3-day class, Introduction to Yupo, Nov. 6–8, members $250, non-members $275; for 2-day class, Advanced Techniques, member $150, non-member, $175; for 5-day class (3-day and 2-day class combined), member $300, non-member $325. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Pat Dunker, 30 Innisbrook Close, Xenia, OH 45385. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. Final payment must be made by September 25, 2017. For questions, call Pat Dunker at 937-562-3014 or cell 937-271-4798, or email [email protected]. Registration form/flyer is available in our Gallery or on our website www.fairbornart.org.

Attachment:  Sandy Maudlin Workshop Registration (pdf file)


Our Members Spring Fine Art Show was so beautiful this year! And our members are showing their great talents as never before. We have all learned so much from our instructors and from each other over the years. Some of the paintings will still be in the Gallery for the June meeting. Don’t miss it!

2017 FAA Prize Winners, Suzanna Winton, Juror

Best of Show                Yuki Hall – Fourth Street  (Sandy Kinnamon Memorial Award)

First Place                    M J White – Black Dog (Joan McCoy Memorial Award)

Second Place                Jean Lutz – Art From the Past

Third Place                   Patty Dorn – Out on the Town

Honorable Mentions:                                                     Judges Merit Awards:

Rose Schultz – True Colors                                           Louise Jackson – Green Glass and Lace

Sue Seitz – Courage                                                      Sue Brezine – Barn Owl

Carylon Seger – Spring                                                 Deborah Dixon – Alchemy I

Sheryl Scott – The Peaceful Road                                  Babs Ney – Trumpet Flower

Shirlee Bauer – Hello Grandma                                     Dotty Crowley – Out West

Connie Gifford – Circus Fantasy                                    Elizabeth Martin – American Indian

Tom Kinarney – Jenny                                                  Peggy Bowman – Grand Canyon

Patricia Dunker – Keylo Emerging                                 Esther Grimm – Far Beyond Our Vision


Time is getting short! The Sweet Corn Festival is August 19 and 20, 2017. Help is still needed to make a success of this event which provides funding to our Association to pay our rent, award the scholarships, buy needed supplies for the kitchen and repair or replace items in the Gallery. The SCF committee will meet June 13 at 7 pm. If you are interested in helping out, please attend this meeting. Signup sheets will be available for the various jobs that need volunteers:  Information Booth, Watermelon Booth, Vendors Gate, and Setup Field on Thursday.


Accepted entries for Watercolor Ohio 2017 (the Ohio Watercolor Society Show) were announced. Four of the accepted pieces are included in our beautiful FAA show, and another FAA artist had a painting accepted in the OWS show that was not included in our FAA show. The accepted paintings and artists are:  Fourth Street by Yuki Hall (our Best of Show); True Colors by Rose Schultz (our Honorable Mention); Overlooking Brighton Pier by Shirlee Bauer; Point Reyes Lighthouse by Connie Gifford (not in our show); Little Beavercreek by Billie Dickson. Congratulations to all. The OWS show, Watercolor Ohio 2017, runs June 30–September 10, 2017 at the Columbus Museum of Art.  There were 265 entries submitted by 165 artists. Of these, 77 works were selected for the show. Other FAA artists in the OWS show are Aileen Cave and Diana Hoke.    …Submitted by Billie Dickson


Yuki Hall will be offering a series of 1-day workshops in June at the Fairborn Art Association gallery.  The hours are from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm.  Each workshop is independent and will focus on a different concept and different subject matter.  The workshop on June 28 will be FAA benefit workshop and all proceeds from this workshop will go to support FAA.  The cost is $38 for each workshop.  To register or for any questions, please contact Yuki at [email protected], (937) 679-2464.

Attachment:  Yuki Hall Summer 2017 Workshops (pdf file)


You are invited to 3 all day watercolor classes taught by Louise Jackson at Fairborn Art Association on three Mondays on September 11, 18 and 25th.. You may pick up a photo and more information in the gallery or contact Louise at 937-886-5238. Day one will be a Dramatic Sunflower. Day two will be Lace, Glass and a Rose. Day three will be a floral painting of Angel Trumpets. Time is 10 till 3:30. Cost is $40 per day or $115 for all three days. This includes photos, paint and written instructions and a drawing. Registration is required.


Thursday Paint-In group meets each Thursday from 9:30 till 12:30 for watercolor painting. Connie Gifford and Shirlee Bauer coordinate the group and send out an email each week confirming the meeting. New members are welcome. Because we are using the FAA Gallery, we collect a fee to pay for the use of the Gallery, but all things considered, a few dollars for each 8-week session is well worth it for gathering together with watercolor to share ideas and get inspired. And the fee also pays for the wonderful brunch we have each week. We all have a wonderful time and enjoy watercolor painting together. If you have questions, please contact Connie Gifford or Shirlee Bauer by phone or email.

Friday Artists meet at 10 am and paint until 1 or 2 pm each week, with a break at noon for lunch. We meet each week continuously unless there is something else scheduled in the FAA Gallery. Billie Dickson coordinates the group and we don’t paint if only two of us will be there, but anyone can contact Billie to find out if we are on schedule for that week. We expect people who come regularly to be FAA members and pay a fee each week (pays for lights, etc.). It is basically an open work session for artists in any medium and we would love to have others join us. If you have questions, you can contact Billie Dickson by email or phone.


The World Organization of China Painters Convention will be held at the Yankee Trace Golf Course in Centerville, OH on August 15, 16, and 17. It is free and open to the public. Stop in and see all the beautiful china paintings. A flyer is available in our Gallery and on our website. For information, call Barb Allen, 937-233-4779.

Attachment:  China Painting 1 (pdf file)

Attachment:  China Painting 2 (pdf file)


I think the Fairborn Art Association members and their friends will enjoy seeing the Airstream Fine Art Invitational, May 30 to June 3, 8 am–4 pm. It’s a gathering of the work of some of the greatest landscape artists in the country.. names that you are used to seeing in all the art collectors magazines and in major galleries. The show is free and open to the public. Make the trip up 75 to exit 102 (Jackson Center, OH) and stop in and view the work. Go to their website https://www.airstream.com/artshow/ for additional information.

…Submitted by Dan Knepper


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter. Be sure we have your written permission (check boxes on membership form) to display your artwork and/or any photo of you (individually or in a group) on the website.


The Fairborn Art Association will not hold meetings in July and August. However, we will be quite busy with plans for and the event of the Sweet Corn Festival the weekend of August 19 and 20. Enjoy your summer!

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 5, 2017, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the September Newsletter is Monday, August 21, 2017. Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.





May 2017 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 0517 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 0517 Newsletter (open document file)

Dear FAA Members, Patrons, and Friends,

We hope you  have been enjoying this nice spring weather. Perhaps you have been out with your camera. My tulips and iris’ have been beautiful. Plus I seem to have some flowers that I can’t identify. Spring is always hopeful with surprises. Take pictures and share them with flower painting artists even if you are not one. To most artists their camera is as important as their brushes. Sometimes I take many photos to get a few really good ones to paint. Then they almost paint themselves. It is much easier to compose and light with a camera than just starting with a sketch. This gives you a map to follow. Both ways work but it is less time consuming to see if you like a composition on a photo as opposed to doing a drawing. Enjoy the flowers and the sunshine, Join us for our meeting on May 2, 2017 at 7:00; Board meets at 6:00. See you soon.

Louise Jackson



Suzanna Winton will be the speaker at our May 2017 meeting. Applications are still being accepted for Suzanna’s workshop to be held May 1–4, 2017 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. For more than 18 years, Suzanna Winton has captured the essence of the human soul through her watercolor portraits. She is the recipient of over 30 awards and has been featured in many national publications. These publications include Splash 6, The Artist’s Magazine, American Artist, Watercolor Magic, Watercolor Basics, and Watercolor Artist. The staff of The Artist’s Magazine lists her as “an artist on the rise and one of 20 artists who we believe are destined to be master painters of the future” (01/04). Suzanna is a signature member of the Florida Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, and Watercolor West. Suzanna has become nationally known for her informative watercolor portrait workshops. Through these workshops and encouragement from her students, colleagues, friends, and family, Suzanna was lead to write Realistic Watercolor Portraits. It is her desire that this book will help all artists paint portraits with ease by unlocking the secrets to portrait painting. Suzanna Winton’s watercolor paintings capture the personality and “Human” history of each of her carefully chosen subjects. Children’s portrait commissions are also one of Suzanna’s specialties. Visit her website at www.suzannawintonwatercolors.com.  Additional information and a registration form for Suzanna’s workshop is available in the Gallery and is attached.                                                                     …Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment:  Suzanna Winton Registration Form (pdf file)

Attachment:  Suzanna Winton Registration Form (open document file)

FAA MEMBERS’ FINE ART SHOW is coming up in May. Time to get your artwork ready and let your family and friends know to come on Sundays in May to see the beautiful artwork. May 14 is Mother’s Day. Take your mother to lunch or dinner and stop in so she can see your artwork!

Registration:  Tuesday, April 25, 10 am to 2 pm and Wednesday, April 26 from 1 to 3 pm

Show Opening and Prizes Awarded:  Tuesday, May 2, 7 pm at our May meeting

Gallery Hours:  Sundays, May 7, 14, and 21 from 1 pm to 4 pm

Pick Up:  Sunday, May 21 from 4 to 5 pm and Monday, May 22 from noon to 1:30 pm

Just a friendly reminder that if you signed up to sit with the FAA gallery and bring light snacks, I will see that one person in your group has a key to the gallery so you can get in and lock up when you leave.  Please check with me when you register your art to make sure who has the key. Light snacks could be cookies or cheese & crackers, or chips & salsa, and a punch or lemonade or something similar. Feel free to bring your artwork to work on while you are there. The Prospectus is available in the Gallery and is attached.

The following people signed up to sit in the Gallery:

Sunday May 7, 12:45 to 4 pm: Jackie Albright, Judy Mason, Deborah Dixon

Sunday May 14, 12:45 to 4 pm: Sally Lee, Mike Snyder, Linda Keller

Sunday, May 21, 12:45 to 4 pm: Terri Caprio, Jean Lutz

Sunday, May 21, 4 pm to 5 pm: Roger Browning, Billie Dickson

The show ends May 21 at 4 pm and members may pick up their paintings after 4 pm, but not before. Roger Browning and I will be there for pick up.                     …Submitted by Billie Dickson

Attachment:  Spring prospectus 2017 (pdf file)


Election of Board Members will be held at the May 2017 meeting. Please again think about the leadership of our Art Association. These are all volunteer positions. If you are interested in running for a position, please contact Lori Luckner at [email protected] or 937-235-2513.

Slate of Officers:

President – Loren Red

Vice President – Need a volunteer yet

Recording Secretary – Sheryl Scott

Corresponding Secretary – Jackie Albright

Treasurer – Sue Red

Note: Without a Vice President, we will not have any artists for demonstrations at the meetings. We need someone to step up and volunteer. Please consider running for the Vice President position.


We will be accepting your membership fee for the 2017-2018 year at the May and June meetings or you may mail it in. The Membership Form is available in our Gallery and is attached.  Please use the form to send your dues to Fairborn Art Association, P.O. Box 1231, Fairborn, OH 45324. Please check any of the blocks that apply to you so we can update your record. This helps us in scheduling programs and workshops. Also, please check the blocks regarding inclusion of your email address in the Directory, permission to use pictures of your artwork, and permission to use pictures of you, according to your wishes. It is important to consider these permissions. If you do not give permission and you win a prize, we cannot take a picture of you or your artwork; if you are included in a group photo at a meeting or in a class, we cannot use that photo. Thank you. If you think you have paid your dues, please call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532 or Sue Red at 937-879-3238.

Attachment:  FAA Membership Form (pdf file)

Attachment:  FAA Membership Form (open document file)


Many, many thanks to Louise Jackson for stepping up with a one-day notice to present a demo at our April 2017 meeting when the scheduled artist was unable to attend. Jennifer Rooks Wenker was planning to do a demo of pastel artwork, but her sister was seriously injured in an accident requiring Jennifer to travel to Georgia to attend to her. We will attempt to schedule Jennifer at a future date.


Studio 14 Gallery in Tipp City is offering a series of summer art classes for children starting in June and running through August. Sampling of classes offered include 3D Sculpture, Mixed Media, Strawberry Festival and Craft Camp, 4-Day Visual Art Camp, 4-Day Stippling Art Camp, and 4-Day Photography and Scrapbooking Camp.  Please go to their website at www.studio14gallery.com and click on the Art Classes and Workshops tab for information.


The Logan County Art League is sponsoring the 10th annual Art on the Beach held at Oldfield Beach at Indian Lake, Lakeview, Ohio on August 5-6, 2017. They are searching for art vendors and fine craftsmen. There will be fine art exhibits, beautiful crafts from experienced craftspeople, live entertainment sponsored by their local radio station Shine FM, food vendors of all types, 1000+ attendees plus much more. The Art on the Beach application form is available in our Gallery and on our website www.fairbornart.org. for those interested in participating.  If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Earick, [email protected] or 937-602-3032.

The Logan County Art League is also sponsoring a watercolor/acrylic workshop in September with Chris Leeper. Chris is a graduate of Youngstown State University, teaches at Youngstown State University, and was the president of the Ohio Watercolor Society (2008-2012). This workshop will be held at the First United Presbyterian Church in Bellefontaine, Ohio. Brochures for both LCAL events are available in our Gallery and are attached.

Attachment:  AOTB Artist Registration 2017 (pdf file)

Attachment:  Chris Leeper Brochure (pdf file)


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter. Be sure we have your written permission (check boxes on membership form) to display your artwork and/or any photo of you (individually or in a group) on the website.


The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the May meeting:  Judy Bellevoix, Clarice Moore, Jim & Margaret Brooks, JoAnne Rumple, Billie Dickson, Yuki Hall, Barb Olekas, Marti Davenport, Sheryl Scott, Roger Browning, Pat Sager, Judy Belvo, Anita Wilson, Carol Collett, Eiko Calvert, Esther Morris(?), Shirlee Bauer, Jean Lutz, and Cass Barth. Plan on at least 60 attendees since we will have an outstanding demo that night by our workshop instructor. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be our Social on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the June Newsletter is Monday, May 22, 2017.  Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.


April 2017 Newsletter

To print this newsletter, click here:  FAA 0417 Newsletter (Word document)

To print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0417 Newsletter (pdf document)

Dear FAA Members, Patrons, and Friends,

Spring is upon us and our snowbirds are returning. If you are one of them we welcome you back. I do hope you are all planning on entering our spring show. It is always inspiring to see the talent in our group. News of our demo and workshop is in this letter so we hope you will join us at these events. Lori Luckner and Sue Red are on our nominating committee. If you have suggestions or are willing to offer your services, please let them know. Our organization is run for you by volunteers. Our Board will meet at 6:00 and our regular meeting and demo starts at 7:00 on April 4th. Hope to see you there.

Louise Jackson



Start planning for our spring workshop. Suzanna Winton will be the instructor for our spring workshop to be held May 1–4, 2017 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. For more than 18 years, Suzanna Winton has captured the essence of the human soul through her watercolor portraits. She is the recipient of over 30 awards and has been featured in many national publications. These publications include Splash 6, The Artist’s Magazine, American Artist, Watercolor Magic, Watercolor Basics, and Watercolor Artist. The staff of The Artist’s Magazine lists her as “an artist on the rise and one of 20 artists who we believe are destined to be master painters of the future” (01/04). Suzanna is a signature member of the Florida Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, and Watercolor West. Suzanna has become nationally known for her informative watercolor portrait workshops. Through these workshops and encouragement from her students, colleagues, friends, and family, Suzanna was lead to write Realistic Watercolor Portraits. It is her desire that this book will help all artists paint portraits with ease by unlocking the secrets to portrait painting. Suzanna Winton’s watercolor paintings capture the personality and “Human” history of each of her carefully chosen subjects. Children’s portrait commissions are also one of Suzanna’s specialties. Visit her website at www.suzannawintonwatercolors.com.  Additional information and a registration form for Suzanna’s workshop is available in the Gallery and is attached.           …Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment: Suzanna Winton Registration Form  (pdf form)

Attachment: Suzanna Winton Registration Form  (xps form)


Jennifer is a conceptual eco-artist and academic art gallery curator living in the Appalachian foothills of southern Ohio.  Born during the era of the civil rights movement, the environmental movement, and the feminist movement, Jennifer was brought up at a time of both peace and protest, echoing her family’s Quaker heritage of social justice and non-violence.  Intellectually and spiritually, her works reside in that in-between space, negotiating conflicting points of view and drawing connections.

Her home, the edge of Appalachia, a financially impoverished area rich in scrappy resourcefulness, is often reflected in her work’s thrifty DIY sensibility.  Jennifer’s work is infused with a natural ecological awareness—of cycles—interrelatedness and interdependence.  Her work is smart and spare in form, ripe with conceptual content and poetry, deftly moving among photography, sculpture, dust paintings, mud and manure seed bombs, video, installation, community art actions and dialogical engagement.

Jennifer is the creative director of the Herndon Gallery at Antioch College in the progressive local arts mecca of Yellow Springs, Ohio. She has served as an adjunct assistant professor of art teaching foundations drawing courses as well as a dual-level course of her own design on Art & Activism, at the University of Cincinnati’s renowned College of Design, Art, Architecture and Planning, and painting and arts survey courses at Southern State Community College.

She earned her Master of Fine Arts Degree in 2012 from the University of Cincinnati, College of DAAP and her Bachelor of Arts degree from Morehead State University. She was awarded the Isabel Meta Wolfstein Travel Fellowship in 2011 for a self-designed residency at the Sitka Center for Art & Ecology in Oregon.  Her eco sculptures first received critical attention at the Phyllis Weston Gallery in Cincinnati, Ohio and at WOCA Art Projects by the juror from the Dallas Contemporary. She has been active locally with the Marianist Environmental Education Center gallery in Dayton, Ohio, SPARK! Creative Artspace in Greenfield, Ohio and SOS Art: Sociopolitical Expressions for Peace and Justice in Cincinnati, Ohio.


Fairborn’s Art Association will host a gallery showing by local artist Tina Hatfield during the month of April. An award-winning photographer, Hatfield is a native of Springfield, Ohio; a 1989 graduate of Shawnee High School and alumnus of Clark State Community College.

A broad range of interests led her to studies in the medical field as well as photography, though photography won out.  “As a child,” she said, “I always loved spending summers outside and would use my grandma’s old Polaroid camera to take pictures of nature scenes. I always had hundreds of photos at the end of the season.”  She added that she’s always loved landscape and nature photography.

In 2016 she joined Focus Photography Group in Dayton, where she’s won several awards including first, second and third place awards and several Honorable Mentions.  She took first place In February this year in a black-and-white-themed competition with her photo “The Woods.”

She said she loves taking photos and printing them out as a raw photos and then as black-and-white prints.  “A photo tells a story,” she said, “any type of photo.   It reminds us that, sometimes, we need to stop being so ‘busy’ and get outside to enjoy all the beauty of nature.”

Her work, including “The Woods,” will be on display in her show titled “Nature Inspiration” at the FAA Gallery Sundays in April, from 1–4 pm.  The gallery is located at 221 North Central, Fairborn, Ohio.

SAVE THE DATES!  Our FAA Members Fine Art Show is coming up in May. We will need all hands on deck to help take in artwork, hang the show, sit with the Gallery and provide refreshments on Sundays, and be available on pick up dates, as well as someone to place our signs around Fairborn advertising the show. We’ll pass around sign-up sheets to help out at the March and April meetings. The Prospectus is available in the Gallery and on our website. Here are some dates to keep in mind:

Registration:  Tuesday, April 25, 10 am to 2 pm and Wednesday, April 26 from 1 to 3 pm

Show Opening and Prizes Awarded:  Tuesday, May 2, 7 pm at our May meeting

Gallery Hours:  Sundays, May 7, 14, and 21 from 1 pm to 4 pm

Pick Up:  Sunday, May 21 from 4 to 5 pm and Monday, May 22 from noon to 1:30 pm

Time to get your artwork ready and let your family and friends know to come on Sundays in May to see the beautiful artwork.  May 14 is Mother’s Day. Take your mother to lunch or dinner and stop in so she can see your art work!                                                                                                                    …Submitted by Billie Dickson


It is that time of year again to think about the leadership of Art Association. If you are interested in running for a position, please contact Lori Luckner at [email protected] or 937-235-2513.


Just a reminder that the deadline for the scholarships is April 10, 2017.


Just a short note that this past Sunday, March 12, the Toledo Museum of Art featured a new anthology of poetry, “A Rustling and Waking Within” which focuses on the dynamic relationship between Art and Poetry. My poem “Spellbound” and my painting of the same title were highlighted, as well as the works of other Ohio Artists.
…Submitted by Jim Moore

Western Ohio Watercolor Society is hosting its 43rd Annual Members show, “Watercolor Works” from March 4 through September 24 at Springfield Museum of Art in Springfield, OH. An artist reception was held on March 12,  including an awards ceremony. Yuki Hall was awarded 3rd place; Shirlee Bauer received a Merit award and the James Investment Research Inc, Select Merit Award; and Connie Gifford received a Merit award. Congratulations to all.


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter. Be sure we have your written permission (check boxes on membership form) to display your artwork and/or any photo of you (individually or in a group) on the website.


The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the April meeting:  Cheryl Miracle, Jim and Margaret Brooks, Deborah Dixon, Sally Lee, Shirlee Bauer, Pat Sager, Sheryl Scott, and Roger Browning. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 2, 2017, at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the May Newsletter is Monday, April 17, 2017.  Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.

FAA Calendar of Events 2024

Events are held in the FAA Gallery unless otherwise indicated

July 14 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition (Opening Reception)

July 21 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

July 28 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

August 17–18 Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival (Community Park)

September 3 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist Shirlee Bauer

October 8 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist David R. Smith

October 7–9 9:30 am–4:30 pm Watercolor Workshop with David R. Smith

November 5 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Collage demo by guest artist Rosemary Nick

December 7 3:00 pm5:00 pm Christmas Party

Weekly Paint-Ins (not held during Workshops):

Thursdays 9:00 am–1:00 pm Watercolor only

Fridays 10:00 am–1:00 pm All mediums

Forms (click on printable form below):

FAA 2024-2025 Membership Form (pdf)