Soup and Art Show

An array of the donated food that was available at the Soup and Art Show organized by F.A.A. members Clarice Moore, Mayumi Kiefer, and Steve Kiefer. The proceeds from the sale of the donated ceramic bowls are to be used to help feed hungry children in the Fairborn area. Ceramic bowls were made by potters led by F.A.A. Vice-President Dora Lawson. The bowls were sold at the event to generate funds to help feed the needy in the Fairborn area. Purchasers of the bowls could then help themselves to soup made from items donated by area retailers. The event was held in the Senior Apartment Building cafeteria next door to the F.A.A. Gallery. Photo by F.A.A. member Larry Hawkins.

An array of the donated food that was available at the Soup and Art Show organized by F.A.A. members Clarice Moore, Mayumi Kiefer, and Steve Kiefer. The proceeds from the sale of the donated ceramic bowls are to be used to help feed hungry children in the Fairborn area. Ceramic bowls were made by potters led by F.A.A. Vice-President Dora Lawson. The bowls were sold at the event to generate funds to help feed the needy in the Fairborn area. Purchasers of the bowls could then help themselves to soup made from items donated by area retailers. The event was held on Saturday, October 26, 2013, in the Senior Apartment Building cafeteria next door to the F.A.A. Gallery. Photo by F.A.A. member Larry Hawkins.

November 2013 Newsletter

To Print this Newsletter Click here: 

FAA 1113 Newsletter (Word File)

FAA 1113 Newsletter (PDF File)

Dear Members and Patrons:

How blessed we are with this colorful fall season of changing colors everywhere. You won’t want to miss the bubbling and colorful personality of our guest speaker, Trish McKinnney. She makes color alive and vibrant, just as she is.

Because we want to take advantage of our limited time, please use the form attached below for announcements and give them to me before the meeting. I will read them. It’s going to be a really exciting meeting, so come early, November 5th; 6:00 Board meets; 6:30 sign in; meeting begins at 7:00.

Sue Brezine




Trish McKinney will be our speaker and will be demonstrating her views on Layers Of Understanding – Creating Layers of Pattern & Meaning.” The art of storytelling is mastered by interweaving layers of understanding to create an emotional connection to the recipient. Telling a story through art is done the same way. Trish will demonstrate her way of telling a story through the technique of layering patterns over figurative compositions using mixed watermedia. Trish studied Graphic Design at Louisiana Tech University and Graphic Illustration at the U.S. Army Training Center, Denver, CO. She participated in professional workshops with Katherine Chang Lui, Mary Ann Beckwith, Mark Mehaffey, Carole Barnes, Cheng Kee Chee, Alex Powers, Stephanie Raynor, and Maxine Masterfield. She has conducted her own professional workshops with Rosie Huart: “Painting the Essence of France,” 2012, South of France; “Painting the Essence of Greece,” 2010, Santorini, Greece; and “Painting the Essence of Tuscany,” 2008, Florence, Italy. Trish has exhibited nationally and won awards in many shows, including the Ohio Watercolor Society, Watercolor Ohio 2011 and 2012, National Exhibition and Traveling Show;  Pennsylvania Watercolor Society International Exhibition, Lancaster Museum of Art, 2010 and 2007; Western Ohio Watercolor Society Winter Show, Springfield Art Museum, First Place 2009, Best of Show 2008; National Watercolor Society Members Show 2007; and many others. She has been included in publications such as Splash 12, “Artistic Vision,” Northlight Books, May 2011; Artistic Touch 4, by Christine Unwin, Creative Art Press, June 2010; Do Trees Nap?, by Trish McKinney, Claybridges Publishing, August 2009; and Exploring Color II, by Nita Leland, Northlight Books, August 2008. Trish is recognized locally as a member of the Town & Country Fine Art Gallery, Kettering, OH, but also is represented in other galleries in Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA; Springboro, Tipp City, and Mentor, OH. Her artwork is included in corporate collections locally and internationally.


Misuk Goltz and her Thursday Group will present their watercolor paintings in the Gallery at the November meeting and on Sundays during the month of November. The Gallery is open from 12:00 noon to 4 pm, November 3, 10, 17, and 24. Please join them for an Open House and Reception on November 3 from 2 to 4 pm. Anyone who participated in painting or classes with Misuk since June 2013 (even if only once) is welcome to participate in the show. Please contact Misuk at [email protected]  before by October 31. We will be hanging the paintings on October 31. Pickup day is November 24.

invitation card 2013


Soup and an Art Show is just around the corner! Please don’t forget to sign up at the table Let’s make this event spectacular!!  Members, friends, don’t forget to support the FAA fundraiser to help feed the area’s hungry children! Please see Mayumi Kiefer or Clarice Moore about how you can help! Soup and an Art Show is October 26, 2013, from 5:00-8:00 pm at the Senior Apartments Cafeteria next door to our Gallery.  Clarice can be reached at [email protected] .    —Submitted by Clarice Moore


Dora Lawson gives her whole-hearted thank you to the bowl makers for adding their creativity to the bowl making process for the Soup and Art Show


Fairborn Art Association members will have the opportunity to have their artwork and handicrafts displayed  in the Gallery for sale the first two weekends in December and for the early shopping from 5:30–7: 00 pm before the Christmas party, which begins at 7:00 pm, Tuesday Dec. 3. The Holiday Fine Art and Craft sale will be open two successive weekends Dec 7 & 8 and Dec. 14 & 15. The Gallery will be open Saturdays from 10 am–4 pm and Sundays from 1–4 pm. We plan to set up the art racks and decorate the gallery with members help on Monday, December 2 from 9:00 am–noon. Members can bring their priced holiday art and craft items with inventory sheets to the Gallery on Monday, December 2 from 1–3 pm, or on Tuesday, December 3 from 10–12 noon.  Each participating member will be given an artist number which we will provide. This artist number must be included on each price tag. Each member may bring two large paintings (18×24) and up to 10 small paintings (16×20 or smaller) and handcrafted items. Please mark sale prices on each item along with your name and artist number. Special art or craft demonstrations are encouraged during the sale. All unsold items must be picked up on Sunday, December 15 from 4–5 pm, or on Monday, December 16 from 10–12 noon. Remember, FAA does not charge commission on any sales. This is quite a benefit to FAA members. Signup sheets for gallery sitting, gallery decoration, registration, and goodie donations will be passed around at the October and November meetings. Please sign up to help make the sale a success!  Inventory sheets will be sent with the November newsletter and will be available at the Gallery and on our website. Holiday Sale flyers will be available by the November meeting for members to distribute. This is our Big Sale; it will be publicized in area newspapers and on A-Frame signs around town. The more we publicize the sale the better the sales will be.  Contact gayle and Robert Beireis at [email protected] .

Click to print:  Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet1

Click to print:  Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet2


1. How to get your inventory sheets and prospectus – They will be available online and at the November meeting; be sure to pick yours up. They will be right next to our flyers so please take what you need and take some flyers to pass around. 2. How to get your Artist Number for your sales ticket and inventory sheet – Please read carefully:  we took the names in alphabetical order as listed in the 2013–2014 members directory. Please call or email us and we will assign your number to you. Note: your number will NOT be the same as last year!   —Submitted by gayle and Robert Beireis,  email [email protected]


We are having a Christmas party Dec. 3. Everybody  should bring a dish to share along with a  your gift of about $10.00 for the exchange if you want to participate. Don’t forget that we will have early shopping at the Holiday Fine Arts & Craft Show starting at 5:30 pm.


Thank you to the members who helped with the Members’ Photography show. It was a very beautiful show. Well done to all who participated. The judge, Sterling Edwards said that he looks not so much for technique, but for talent and originality. He also said that we had a lot of talent and very good show. Now for the  the winners of the show:  Judges Merit:  Barb Allen, “Nobody’s Perfect;” Karen Farrell Skirha, “Penny Lane Ride;” Robert Beireis, “This Is Right Side Up;” gayle Beireis, “Edith.” Honorable Mention:  Barb Arnold, “Italian  Hideaway;” Larry Hawkins, “Ireland # 1;” Ed Wilson, “Blue Water;” Kathy Goetz, “Pumpkins.” Third Place:  Barb Allen, “Checking Out Flight;” Second Place: Robert Beireis, “Statue of Liberty;” First Place:  Karen Farrell Skirha, “Sundrops.”  Best of show:  gayle Beireis, “After the Spring Rain.”  —Submitted by gayle and Robert Beireis


Please go to our new website at www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter. We are in the process of transferring the Members’ Gallery from our old website to our new website. Some artwork is now available for viewing. Be sure to answer the email we sent to obtain your permission to display your artwork and/or any photo of you (individually or in a group) on the website. We need this permission in writing before we can activate your artwork on the website. The Members’ gallery is a format for our members to share their artwork online for viewing and possibly interest to buyers.


At the Middletown Art Center’s (MAC) Area Art Show, Misuk Goltz received the 2013 President’s Award for her watercolor painting “Cafe Bottega Louie.” She also received an honorable mention for a pastel work, “Lone Visitor at Grand Canyon.” In conjunction with the President’s Award, the MAC will host a solo show by Misuk at the center’s gallery when the 2014 annual area show is held next year.

Update on Jake Red:  Jake has been moved from critical care to an ambulatory unit at St. Rita Hospital in Lima, OH. He is conscious, is able to move, and is responding to speakers although he is not yet able to speak. He was in an auto/truck accident on September 11, 2013. Jake is the son of member Jerry Red, grandson of members Sue and Loren Red, and nephew of member Lori (Red) Luckner.


The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the November meeting: Susan Davis, Clarice Moore, Robert Beireis, Cass Barth, and Jean Lutz. Thank you for volunteering. We welcome additional food prepared by anyone who wants to bring it to this meeting. We usually have 50–60 people at our meetings.

Our next meeting will be our Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 7:00 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the December Newsletter is Monday, November 18, 2013.  Please email your articles to Jackie Albright at [email protected] .





Member News October 2013

Misuk Goltz and Yuki Hall were among six Miami Valley artists chosen for the 36th Annual “Watercolor Ohio” show in Oberlin, Ohio. The juror for the show was Jean Grastorf, who chose 70 works of art from a field of 218 entries. Misuk and Yuki were also chosen to appear in the traveling show that will begin at the Middletown Fine Arts Center, 130 N. Verity Parkway, in January 2014. After stops in Mansfield and Van Wert, The exhibit will be at the Amos Library in Sidney in April.

Misuk’ painting, “Quilter,” is a colorful self-portrait of her sewing a quilt on her lap. Yuki’s painting, “Winter Day – Detroit,” is from a photo reference she took in Detroit at Christmas time. Congratulations to both for selection to an outstanding venue.

2013 FAA Members Photography Show Winners

2013 FAA Members Photography Show Winners






The awards for the Members Photography Show were presented at the FAA meeting on Tuesday evening, October 1, 2013. The awards were: Best Of Show: Gayle Beireis – “After The Spring Rain; 1st Place – Karen Farrell Skirha – “Sundrops”; 2nd Place – Robert Beireis “Statue Of Liberty”; 3rd Place – Barbara Allen – “Checking Out The Flight”. Honorable Mentions to: Larry Hawkins – “Ireland #2”; Barbara Arnold – “Italian Hideaway”; Ed Wilson – “Blue Water”.

2013 Photography Show winners holding their ribbons L-R: Karen Farrell Skirha, Larry Hawkins, Barbara Arnold, Robert Beireis, Gayle Beireis, and Barbara Rich Allen. Photo by Jackie Albright.

2013 Photography Show winners holding their ribbons L-R: Karen Farrell Skirha, Larry Hawkins, Barbara Arnold, Robert Beireis, Gayle Beireis, and Barbara Rich Allen. Photo by Jackie Albright.

FAA October 2013 Meeting

FAA October 2013 Meeting

Sterling Edwards demonstrated his luminous watercolor landscape process for the members of FAA at the October meeting, on Tuesday, October 1, 2013. Mr. Edwards is a internationally known watercolor master. For his demonstration, he completed a full sheet watercolor painting from start to finish in approximately one hour. He was amazing!

Sterling Edwards demonstrated his luminous watercolor landscape process for the members of FAA at the October meeting, on Tuesday, October 1, 2013. Mr. Edwards is a internationally known watercolor master. For his demonstration, he completed a full sheet watercolor painting from start to finish in approximately one hour. He was amazing! See attached file for more information on his demonstration.









1 Attachment:  Sterling Edwards

October 2013 Newsletter

October 2013 Newsletter

To Print this Newsletter Click here: 

FAA 1013 Newsletter (Word File)

FAA 1013 Newsletter (PDF File)

Greetings to all Member and Patrons,

I hope you all have been enjoying the Fall colors appearing, the leaves falling, and the weather that has been incredibly beautiful. We have so many exciting things happening this coming meeting. There has been lots of activity taking place during this month with the generosity of our VP Dora Lawson providing all that’s needed to create wonderful hand-built bowls for our Soup and an Art Fundraiser taking  place this month. (See her note and pictures below, along with Clarice and Mayumi’s update on all the hard work they have been doing.) This is a huge undertaking and WE NEED YOU to make it a success.

Our October workshop with Sterling Edwards will be underway when we gather. The Photography Show will be hung and the awards given out. Reports on the successful Sweet Corn Festival are ready. All this is happening through the generous support of our member volunteers. A huge Thank You to all.

This will be a wonderful evening full of creativity and fun. Be sure to turn your calendar—we meet October 1st, 6:00 board meeting, 6:30 members gather, and 7:00 the meeting begins. There will be lots of food to share and excitement, meeting and learning from our guest, Sterling Edwards. Don’t miss this opportunity. Bring a friend or two or more—you’ll be glad you did!

Sue Brezine


Sterling Edwards, TWCA, CSPWC will be demonstrating on “Creating luminous watercolor landscapes four-step process.”  Sterling Edwards is a nationally known water media master.  He is a signature member of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America as well as Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor.   He is the author of the North Light book Creating Luminous Watercolor Landscapes, a Four Step Process.  He is also a contributing artist in numerous other magazines and books.  His instructional DVDs are marketed worldwide.  —Submitted by Yuki Hall


The Fairborn Art Association is sponsoring a 5-day watercolor workshop with Sterling Edwards from September 30 to October 4, 2013. The workshop will be held in the Fairborn Art Association Gallery located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N. Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH.  Sterling Edwards is a contemporary watermedia master. He is a signature member of Transparent Watercolor Society of America, as well as Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor, an international organization based in Toronto. He is also an author of the North Light Book, Creating Luminous Watercolor Landscapes, a Four Step Process. He is also a contributing artist to numerous other magazines and books. His instructional DVDs are marketed worldwide. The cost for this workshop is $260 for a FAA member, $280 for a non-member. This is a bargain compared to charges at other workshops taught by Sterling Edwards. There are several places left in the workshop. To register, send a registration form (available at the Gallery and on our website), along with a check, to Yuki Hall, 4136 Fox Fern Court, Beavercreek, OH 45432. Make check payable to the Fairborn Art Association. For additional information, contact Yuki Hall email [email protected]


The show will be in October this year. We need your help in setting up the show, as well as members to sit the show during its run. We need your help in order to have a successful show. Please volunteer. The prospectus is available on our website.  Registration will be on Monday, September 23, from 10–12 and from 1–3, and also on Wednesday September 25, from 1–3. The show will be on Sundays, October  6, 13, and 20, from 1–4. Pickup will be on the 20th from 4–5 pm and Monday the 21st from 10–12. The judge this year is Sterling Edwards who will be doing our October workshop also. Awards will include Best of Show $100, 1st Place $75, 2nd Place $50, 3rd Place $35, 4 Honorable Mentions at $25 each, and 4 Judges Merit Ribbons. We have added more and larger amounts of prizes this year.


Members, we are still looking for someone to use the Gallery to show their artwork for February of 2014. All other months are being used at this time. Contact gayle Beireis.


A special person or persons are needed to chair the Watermelon Booth for next year. Most F.A.A. members do not realize the importance of continuing the Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival, the booklet, and the Watermelon Booth. How much did we make in net profit this year? What if the F.A.A. makes no profit next year? What would happen to the F.A.A.?  It would only be a matter of time before the savings account would be depleted. There would be no more F.A.A. We have to have income to make everything possible. Jane Trame, current chairperson, will help to make the changeover successful.  Please say you’ll help. Thank you!


Soup and an Art Show is just around the corner! Please don’t forget to sign up at the table Let’s make this event spectacular!!  Members, friends, don’t forget to support the FAA fundraiser to help feed the area’s hungry children! Please see Mayumi Kiefer or Clarice Moore about how you can help! Soup and an Art Show is October 26, 2013, from 5:00-8:00 pm at the Senior Apartments Cafeteria next door to our Gallery. —Submitted by Clarice Moore


During the week of September 8, 12 people came to the FAA gallery to hand-build clay bowls for the October 26th Soup and an Art Show fundraiser supporting a local food in a backpack program for needy school children. During the 2 days, 32 bowls were made. They are slowly drying and will be fired. The 12 people will return to the gallery on Thursday, October 10, at 4:00 pm or Saturday, October 12, at 10:00 am to glaze the bowls. They will be fired again and will be ready for the fundraiser at the end of October. I would like to thank the participants:  Barbara Allen, Pat Baker, Cass Barth, Sue Brezine, Linda Keller, Sharon Lynch, Mary Peirano, and Jim Scherer. I would also like to thank the three non- members who helped with the project:  Linda Keller’s classmate here from W. Virginia for a Belmont HS reunion, Judy Moore; and Tina and Cheyanne Lauer, who read about the event in the Fairborn Herald. Connie Weber had planned to help but her recent bicycle accident changed her plans. Photos are available on our website. The first 3 photos show some of the bowls in the drying state, the fourth shows the bowls packed safely in my car for the move to my garage, and the final photo is all of the materials available to make the event fun and successful returning home as well.  I think everyone had fun, especially me.  —Submitted by Dora Lawson

Pottery fall 2013 008          Pottery fall 2013 011

Pottery fall 2013 012          Pottery fall 2013 013

Pottery fall 2013 014


Fairborn Art Association members will have the opportunity to have their artwork and handicrafts displayed  in the Gallery for sale the first two weekends in December and for the early shopping from 5:30–7: 00 pm before the Christmas party, which begins at 7:00 pm, Tuesday Dec. 3. The Holiday Fine Art and Craft sale will be open two successive weekends Dec 7 & 8 and Dec. 14 & 15. The Gallery will be open Saturdays from 10 am–4 pm and Sundays from 1–4 pm. We plan to set up the art racks and   decorate the gallery with members help on Monday, December 2 from  9:00 am–noon. Members can bring their priced holiday art and craft items with inventory sheets to the Gallery on Monday, December 2 from 1–3 pm, or on Tuesday, December 3 from 10–12 noon.  Each participating member will be given an artist number which we will provide. This artist number must be included on each price tag. Each member may bring two large paintings (18×24) and up to 10 small paintings (16×20 or smaller) and handcrafted items. Please mark sale prices on each item along with your name and artist number. Special art or craft demonstrations are encouraged during the sale. All unsold items must be picked up on Sunday, December 15 from 4–5 pm, or on Monday, December 16 from 10–12 noon. Remember, FAA does not charge commission on any sales. This is quite a benefit to FAA members. Signup sheets for gallery sitting, gallery decoration, registration, and goodie donations will be passed around at the October and November meetings. Please sign up to help make the sale a success!  Inventory sheets will be sent with the November newsletter and will be available on our website. Holiday Sale flyers will be available by the November meeting for members to distribute. This is our Big Sale; it will be publicized in area newspapers and on A-Frame signs around town. The more we publicize the sale the better the sales will be.   Contact gayle and Robert Beireis.


Jake Red is in critical condition at St. Rita Hospital in Lima, OH.  He was in an auto/truck accident on September 11, 2013. Jake is the son of member Jerry Red, grandson of members Sue and Loren Red, and nephew of member Lori (Red) Luckner. At present, he is in an induced coma due to head injuries, plus many other injuries.  Their family are asking that we pray for his recovery.

Connie Weber was injured in a bicycle accident on the bike path in Beavercreek, on Sunday, September 8. She suffered a fractured arm and lots of “road rash.” She will require physical therapy and lots of encouragement from friends.

Lori Ballentine wrote to us about her daughter, Emily Ballentine, who was one of the scholarship winners this year. Emily had displayed one of her paintings (a pointillism picture of an old man) the night of the meeting. She entered this in the Clark County Fair and won first place and was sent on to the Ohio State Fair where she also won first place. Congratulations to Emily. It is gratifying to know that we were right in selecting this girl for one of our scholarships.


The Fairborn Art Association is sponsoring a workshop with Frederick C. Graff, AWS, NWS, TWS, Monday through Thursday, May 5–May 8, 2014, from 9 am to 4 pm. In this workshop, students will learn both innovative and traditional watercolor approaches that will further develop and enhance their own personal style of painting. Fred Graff is one of the foremost watercolorists of today. He is among a select group of watercolorists who are Signature Members of all three major watercolor societies:  American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, and Transparent Watercolor Society of America “Master Status.”  You can obtain more information about Fred by visiting his website at www.fredgraff.com . The cost for this workshop is $260 for members; $280 for nonmembers. Look for more extensive articles on this workshop in future newsletters and on our website.


This article was received from Jodi O’Dell <JO’[email protected]> :  The mission for Just Paint remains:  To inform and empower artists in the realization and preservation of their creative vision! In this latest issue of Just Paint we share our new High Flow Acrylics with you! High Flow Acrylics, our thinnest product line, dramatically extends the range of possibilities beyond Airbrush. Sarah Sands shares innovations that allowed our Technical Director, Jim Hayes, to develop this paint, while Amy McKinnon and Mike Townsend detail the many applications this new addition to our acrylic system offers. We know for sure that as artists begin to use these paints, even more options will be discovered! In Just Paint # 28, we committed to dedicating the next several issues to explore various substrates used by artists in their work. In issue # 29 we asked two materials specialists to share their insights and years of research into understanding solid and hardboard panels. Elaine Salazar, President of Ampersand Art Supply has provided us a thoughtful technical examination of these supports. Noted author and educator, Mark D. Gottsegen provides expertise gained over 3 decades of teaching, writing and lecturing on art materials. Lastly, we introduce readers to ‘Made in Paint,’ an exhibition of works by the Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts’ 2012 Artists in Residence. To read these articles and much more, go to http://www.goldenpaints.com/justpaint/index.php or you can visit www.justpaint.org, a website dedicated to housing all past issues of the Just Paint newsletter and so much more. Sign up to receive Just Paint electronically: http://www.goldenpaints.com/justpaint/signup/index.php.


The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the October meeting: Carol Strayer, Karen Fahey, Mary Peirano, Susan Bertke, Mary Cargas, Mary Hart, Cheryl Miracle, Roger Browning, Sandy Kinnamon. Thank you for volunteering. We welcome additional food prepared by anyone who wants to bring it to this meeting. We usually have 70-80 people show up when we have a workshop instructor demo.

Our next meeting will be November 5, 2013. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the November Newsletter is Monday, October 21, 2013. Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright.


Sterling Edwards workshop registration form

2013 Photo Show Prospectus2

Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet1

Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet2








Member News September 2013

Misuk Goltz received 2nd Place in the Miamisberg Art Guild annual show for her painting, “Medlyn, All American Girl.” The same painting received the Readmore Hallmark Award  from the  21st Annual Piqua Art Show; “Summer at Oakwood” won the Eagle Printing Award in the Piqua show also. “Should I, Could I, Would I,”  a self- portrait won 3rd place at the DSPS Annual Fall Art Show.

Yuki Hall won the Polusource Award from 21st Annual Piqua Art Show for her piece entitled  “Greektown.”

Libby Rudolf extends an invitation to the FAA members and friends to come to the Yellow Springs Art Studio Tour Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19 and 20.  Visit www.ysarts.org for more information. Libby will have her watercolors and other art at the studio/home of Pam Geisel – Studio 5. Libby is now a member of Village Artisans CoOp in Yellow Springs.

September 2013 FAA Meeting

September 2013 FAA Meeting

Christina Addison, wife of longtime FAA member David Addison, accepted a certificate of appreciation from FAA at the meeting on Tuesday September 3, 2013. She received the certificate from Vice President Dora Lawson and President Sue Brezine.

Christina, Dora, & Sue

Don Franklin of Kettering, Ohio demonstrated his wildlife wood carving skills at the September meeting. He discussed tools, techniques, and competition among his peers at the September meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2013. He showed some of his completed works and his tools that he uses to complete his works. Photos & text: R. Beireis

Don F.





Welcome to the New Website!

As you may have noticed, Fairborn Art Association has a new look! The website has all the same features, but in a new package that should be easier for everyone. Here is what’s going on:

  • New Articles and News: will continue to show up on the home page. If you are on another page, just click the header image and you’ll be taken to the home page!
  • New Calendar: An easier to use Events Calendar that you can print out! If you already use Google Calendar, you can also subscribe to it.
  • About Us: Same great info as ever. Send your friends to this page if they want to know more about the FAA.
  • Newsletters: Just what it sounds like, all the recent newsletters with the same content as the ones you get by mail.
  • Member Galleries: Currently being worked on, we have all your artwork and information saved, so don’t worry that it has gone away, it’s safe and sound.
  • Join FAA: Access to the membership form and all the great benefits of membership.
  • Help: Frequently Asked Questions about the Newsletter, lots of great information on how copyrights work and how social media works, as well as resources to protect your computer from viruses.
  • Search Bar: Just what it sounds like, you can use the Search bar in the top right side to look for specific articles, key words, or artists on the website.

This new site is designed to be as close to the old one  as possible. You no longer have to sign in for any reason, so no more passwords! 

Please remember, this website is being worked on all the time, so you’ll see more and more content arriving, especially with the Member Galleries. Please check your email soon for updates concerning your gallery. All artwork that is posted is now being stamped with a Copyright watermark that has YOUR name on it, so the world will never have any doubt about whose art they are looking at!

If you have any questions about this website, please email [email protected]

FAA Calendar of Events 2024

Events are held in the FAA Gallery unless otherwise indicated

July 14 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition (Opening Reception)

July 21 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

July 28 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

August 17–18 Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival (Community Park)

September 3 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist Shirlee Bauer

October 8 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist David R. Smith

October 7–9 9:30 am–4:30 pm Watercolor Workshop with David R. Smith

November 5 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Collage demo by guest artist Rosemary Nick

December 7 3:00 pm5:00 pm Christmas Party

Weekly Paint-Ins (not held during Workshops):

Thursdays 9:00 am–1:00 pm Watercolor only

Fridays 10:00 am–1:00 pm All mediums

Forms (click on printable form below):

FAA 2024-2025 Membership Form (pdf)