December 2015 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1215 Newsletter

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Dear Members, Patrons, and Friends,

We are heading toward the Holiday Fine Art and Craft Sale. I’m hoping that everyone will bring something to sell at the sale. Be sure to tell friends and relatives about the sale. The more the merrier. Be sure to come to our Annual Christmas Party at our meeting on December 1st and bring a friend if you like. We always have a cheerful time. Remember to bring a dish to share and if you want to participate in the Christmas Exchange bring a gift worth $10. We always have a lot of fun. You never know what you will end up with. Come early at 5:30 pm to look and shop. Our party will begin at 7:00 pm. Hope to see each of you there. Remember that we do not have a meeting in January. Merry Christmas!

Sandy Kinnamon, AWS

Time is right on us now to prepare for the Members Holiday Fine Art & Craft Show. Please call gayle Beireis if you are planning to participate in this year’s sale. This year you will have the same ID number as you had last year. The number must be included on each price tag. The date for setting up and decorating will be Monday, November 30, from 9 am to 12 noon. We will be receiving your priced artwork and crafts, with inventory sheets, Monday, November 30, from 1 pm to 3 pm, and Tuesday, December 1, from 10 am to 12 noon. We hope that you will help in getting your Members Holiday Show off to a good start this year by volunteering. As always we thank you for you help and hard work. There will be a pre-sale at the gallery December 1 at 5:30 pm before the FAA Holiday party. The Holiday Fine Art & Craft Sale will be open on two successive weekends, December 5 & 6 and December 12 & 13. The Gallery will be open on Saturdays from 10 am–4 pm and Sundays from 1–4 pm Each member may bring two large paintings (18 X 24 or larger, up to 30 X 40) and up to 10 smaller paintings (16 X 20 or smaller) and handcrafted items. Special art and/or craft demonstrations are encouraged during the sale. All members’ unsold artwork may be picked up on the last sale day, Sunday, Dec. 13 from 4–5 pm or Monday, December 14 from 10–12 noon. Remember, the FAA receives no commission from sales. This is quite a benefit to all participating members. This big sale will be publicized in area newspapers and there will be A-frame signs around town. However, the more that we all publicize the Holiday Sale, the better the sales will be! Let’s have a great Gallery show and make lots of sales! Inventory sheets are attached to this newsletter so you can get started on your lists. Please call gayle Beireis, 937-390-1992 for additional information.

Attachment 1: Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet1
Attachment 2: Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet2

Volunteers are still needed to help sit in the Gallery for the Members Fine Art and Craft Sale. Please call gayle Beireis at 937-390-1992 if you can help. Thank you.

The Fairborn Art Association is sponsoring a watercolor workshop with Tom Francesconi May 2 through May 5, 2016 (Monday through Thursday), 9 am to 4 pm daily. The workshop will be held at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N. Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH. Tom’s energetic teaching style and his passion for painting combine to create a workshop experience that is enjoyable and informative. Any artist looking to break free of a careful, timid painting process will find Tom’s direct and representational approach very inspirational. Utilizing his ability to clearly explain visual concepts, Tom will share his approach and methods for painting bold and interpretive watercolors. Within this process, students will learn how to create stronger, more effective visual statements. Each morning will begin with a discussion covering various topics and culminating in a demonstration that allows participants to see how Tom approaches a work from start to finish. Subject matter may include landscapes, street scenes with people, and the clothed figure. Ample opportunity is provided for everyone to paint with individual direction/guidance a priority. Each day will end with a class critique to afford students the opportunity to learn from the works of others. Tom welcomes all painters regardless of experience. For more information about Tom, visit his website at www.tomfrancesconi.com. The fee for this workshop is $230 for FAA members, $250 for non-members. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Yuki Hall, 206 E. Holmes St. Urbana, IL 61801. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. The final payment must be made by March 31, 2016. For questions or more information, Call Yuki at (937) 426-7229 or e-mail [email protected]. A flyer and registration form is attached.

Attachment: Tom Francesconi registration form

Libby Rudolf will have an exhibit at the Yellow Springs Brewery from December 23, 2015 through February 1, 2016, “ColorfuLibby – Watercolor Paintings.” The artist reception is Wednesday, December 30 from 5-7 pm. A portion of sales will be donated to ‘Community Food Initiatives’ of Athens, OH. CFI works to ensure that everyone has access to healthy local food. Donations also appreciated.

Village Artisans in Yellow Springs will have a lobby show “Holiday Memories” in various mediums during the month of December. Come on over and visit M-T 11-5 pm, F, Sat 11-6 pm and Sun 11-5 pm. Sue Brezine, Theresa Mayer, and Libby Rudolf are part of the 18-member artist-cooperative gallery.

Artists are always looking for information on how to sell their art. These and other subjects are addressed in a website created by Cassie Boorn called “Modern Thrive.” Cassie is organizing a series of live online workshops for professional artists to help modern professionals find alternative paths to building fulfilling careers. She has partnered with experts from all walks of life to create live online workshops with creative types in mind. Workshops are priced at $97, but she can create an exclusive discount code so our members can get access to any workshop for $47. She has offered to provide 2 complimentary passes for our members. Anyone interested, please contact her at [email protected] . She will answer any questions you may have. You can check out what she has planned at http://modernthrive.com/workshops/ (Please note: FAA includes this notice as information only and takes no responsibility for any error or misrepresentation on the part of the offerer. This is just one way we can help other artists in their endeavors.)

Our next meeting will be February 2, 2016, at 7:00 pm. We will have no meeting in January. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the February Newsletter is Monday, January 18, 2016. Meanwhile, if you have any news you would like to announce to our members, it can be posted on our website anytime. Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.

F.A.A. Meeting Tuesday November 3, 2015

Sandy discusses light values in her drawing, and how the values will determine her approach to to working on a particular subject.

Sandy discusses light values in her drawing, and how the values will determine her approach to to working on a particular subject.

Sandy demonstrates working from a photo she took, and the painting it inspired. She often uses photos as source material for a painting.

Sandy demonstrates working from a photo she took, and the painting it inspired. She often uses photos as source material for a painting.

Sandy is starting her first pour on a painting on Tuesday evening. In her studio, she often works on several paintings simultaneously. The painting must be thoroughly dry before any subsequent pours.

Sandy is starting her first pour on a painting on Tuesday evening. In her studio, she often works on several paintings simultaneously. The painting must be thoroughly dry before any subsequent pours.

Sandy used this painting in progress as an example of one of the steps in the pouring paint process.

Sandy used this painting in progress as an example of one of the steps in the pouring paint process.

A sample of a completed work by Sandy Kinnamon. The colors are obtained by the pouring paint method she demonstrated during her presentation.

A sample of a completed work by Sandy Kinnamon. The colors are obtained by the pouring paint method she demonstrated during her presentation.

Sandy shows a work that she has completed using the pouring paint technique she demonstrated for the F.A.A. members.

Sandy shows a work that she has completed using the pouring paint technique she demonstrated for the F.A.A. members.

F.A.A. held its monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, November 3rd. The speaker was F.A.A. President Sandy Kinnamon of Enon, Ohio. She is a signature member of American Watercolor Society, both the Pennsylvania and Ohio Watercolor Societies, the National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylics. In addition, she has received her ATM-Gold from Toastmasters International. Sandy is an artist, travel teacher, demonstrator, and author of two watercolor books, and has been published in a number of art and craft magazines. She particularly fond of travel teaching. “I love to travel and try to incorporate my travels in my paintings. Many of my adventures yield amazing rich ideas that inevitably become a painting”.

For her demonstration, Sandy showed the members techniques for pouring watercolors. It is a fun method of painting and can yield beautiful mingled colors as a result. She starts with a value study, proceeding from the lightest values to darkest. She uses 140# cold press Arches paper for her work. Her initial steps are to: 1. stretch the paper; 2. mount it on a board; 3. mask the appropriate areas.

When preparing to pour, the artist must first consider how the paint will flow on the paper. Sandy works with primary colors. Her advice: make the paint as smooth as possible – no lumps. For light values, a higher ratio of water to paint is needed, for darker values, more paint and less water. Wet the entire paper, the water will facilitate the flow of the paint. If the paint is too dark, a spray bottle can be used to lighten the paint. Sandy frequently works on multiple paintings in her studio simultaneously. Thoroughly dry the painting before a second pour. She said: “make it up as you go; there is no set directions or rules”.  For a finished work, she usually does 3 – 4 pours. Her goal: to strive for the “charmingly incorrect” in a completed work.

November 2015 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1115 Newsletter

Most of our attachments are saved as pdf files. You must have Adobe Reader to download pdf files.
To download and install Adobe Reader for pdf files, click here: https://get.adobe.com/reader/

Dear Members, Patrons and Friends,

Fall is in the air, but as I write this, it feels more like summer. The sunflowers are fading away and it is beginning to smell like pumpkin pie and cider. It is the perfect time to finish up craft projects and paintings for our Holiday Fine Art and Craft Sale. Our next meeting is November 3, Come a bit early and socialize with other artists. The meeting begins promptly at 7 pm. Hope to see you there. The Board will meet at 6 pm.

Sandy Kinnamon, AWS

Sandy Kinnamon will be our speaker for this month. Sandy Kinnamon is an artist, travel teacher, demonstrator, and author. In addition to writing two exclusive watercolor books, she has also been published in several art and craft magazines and books. Her big love is travel teaching. “I love to travel and try to incorporate my travels in my paintings. Many of my adventures yield amazing rich ideas that inevitably become a painting.”

She is a signature member of American Watercolor Society, and both the Ohio and Pennsylvania Watercolor Societies and the National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylics. Sandy has also received her ATM-Gold from Toastmasters International.

Sandy will show techniques for pouring watercolors. It is a fun way to paint and the results are beautiful mingled colors. You don’t want to miss this demo.

The FAA gallery for November features the work of Jean Lutz with friends, Linda Lock and Cass Barth. Much of the art is representational and for sale. The three artists will be demonstrating colored pencil drawing and watercolor painting throughout the month. The gallery will be open from 1 to 4 all Sundays in November beginning with the artists’ reception November 1st.

The Fairborn Art Association was represented by four members (and one husband) at the Grand Opening of the “Art of Manufacturing” exhibition at the Carillon Park Museum. Attendees were: Sheryl Scott, Recording Secretary; Carole Janning, former Recording Secretary; Jackie Albright, Corresponding Secretary; Sandy Kinnamon, President; and Jim Kinnamon, “Husband.” The Grand Opening was held at the Carillon Historical Park on Thursday, October 8, from 5 to 6:30 pm and was by invitation only. Our reason for receiving invitations? The Fairborn Art Association was the first organization to contribute toward the funding of this great new exhibit. The purpose of the exhibit is “…to recognize the dedicated artists that gave so lovingly of their time and talent to the city of Dayton through their artwork.” as Dawn Knorr put it. Her father, Gerald Page, is among those being exhibited, alongside many of his friends and mentors, for the next 10 years. Gerald is a former member and past president of the Fairborn Art Association and many of us knew him and miss him. Be sure to go to see this exhibit at the Carillon Park in the main building.

It’s that time again; to get ready for the Members Holiday Fine Art & Craft Show. This year you will have the same ID number as you had last year. The number must be included on each price tag. If you are new or can’t remember last year’s number, please let gayle know and she will get it for you. At the November meeting, we will be passing around signup sheets to help set-up and decorate the gallery, as well as for sitting in the gallery during the sale. If you cannot attend the meetings, you may call gayle. The date for setting up and decorating will be Monday, November 30, from 9 am to 12 noon. We will be receiving your priced artwork and crafts, with inventory sheets, Monday, November 30, from 1 pm to 3 pm, and Tuesday, December 1, from 10 am to 12 noon. We hope that you will help in getting your Members Holiday Show off to a good start this year by volunteering. As always we thank you for you help and hard work. There will be a pre-sale at the gallery December 1 at 5:30 pm before the FAA Holiday party. The Holiday Fine Art & Craft Sale will be open on two successive weekends, December 5 & 6 and December 12 & 13. The Gallery will be open on Saturdays from 10 am–4 pm and Sundays from 1–4 pm Each member may bring two large paintings (18 X 24 or larger, up to 30 X 40) and up to 10 smaller paintings (16 X 20 or smaller) and handcrafted items. Special art and/or craft demonstrations are encouraged during the sale. All members’ unsold artwork may be picked up on the last sale day, Sunday, Dec. 13 from 4–5 pm or Monday, December 14 from 10–12 noon. Remember, the FAA receives no commission from sales. This is quite a benefit to all participating members. This big sale will be publicized in area newspapers and there will be A-frame signs around town. However, the more that we all publicize the Holiday Sale, the better the sales will be! Let’s have a great Gallery show and make lots of sales! Inventory sheets are attached to this article so you can get started on your lists. Please call gayle Beireis, 937-390-1992 for additional information.

Attachment 1: Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet1
Attachment 2: Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet2


Tom Hock Art Display and Sale
Visit Tom Hock’s Art Display and Sale, Saturday, October 24, from 2 to 6 pm, at the Terri Lynn Art Studio & Gallery, 415 West Main Street, Fairborn, OH 45324; Studio Phone: 937-308-6955. Tom will be demo painting during this special afternoon that features only his work. Open to the public at no cost. Light refreshments served. Tom looks forward to seeing FAA members at this special gallery display and sale. For more information or special orders for pickup, contact Tom at 937-371-1489, [email protected]. Gallery: www.terrilynnartstudioandgallery.com (email: [email protected]). Work will be on display in the gallery for a short time after the 24th. If you miss the show, stop in soon to take a look.

Tom has also written a thank you for the FAA members who supported him during the time his wife, Rachel, and their daughter-in-law, Rosa, were undergoing surgeries in September. Both are doing well. His letter and a poem he wrote to express his thanks to God are attached to this article.

Attachment: Gods Mercy – dedicated to Rose

Country Workshop Artists Fine Art Sale
This biennial Fine Arts & Fine Crafts Sale will be held on Friday, October 30 from 9 am to 6 pm, and on Saturday, October 31 from 9 am to 4 pm. The location is the Staunton Grange Hall, 1530 N. Market St., Troy, OH. This is the 27th year for this sale. Both “inside” artists from the club and fine artists from all over will participate and they have been juried in. This year there will be a raffle and door prizes will be given out. Members of this group who also are active in FAA include Shirley Harbaugh, Bonnie Rashilla, Ellen Ditmer, Jan Lendino, Sandy Kraack, and Carole Groff. Yuki Hall will also be participating in the sale. For information, contact Ellen Ditmer at 937-339-8451.

Art at the Arnold is a 3-day drawing & painting competition, using athletes as models and The Arnold Sports Festival as a backdrop! Schedule: FRI – morning work session with models; SAT – all day work session; SUN – Jurying and Art Show (schedule subject to change) • Cash prizes will be awarded. Juror to be announced. Visit www.ArnoldSportsFestival.com and click Art At The Arnold for more information. Artist Registration Deadline – December 15, 2015. Location The Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH.

The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the November meeting: Sally Lee, Cass Barth, Billie Dickson, Tricia Burke, Rose Schultz, Bette Martin, Babs Ney, Sue Seitz, Connie Gifford, Shirlee Bauer, and Bonnie Kuntz. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be our Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, at 7 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the December Newsletter is Monday, November 16, 2015. Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-753.

F.A.A. October Meeting

Gregory Dearth spoke to the F.A.A. members on Tuesday, October 6, 2015.

Gregory Dearth spoke to the F.A.A. members on Tuesday, October 6, 2015.

Gregory Dearth demonstrating his drawing technique to the members. Model: Patricia Tallman

Gregory Dearth demonstrating his drawing technique to the members. Model: Patricia Tallman

Greg Dearth answers questions from the audience during his presentation.

Greg Dearth answers questions from the audience during his presentation.

Greg Dearth demonstrates and discusses his portrait techniques with a second individual. Model: Tom Hock

Greg Dearth demonstrates and discusses his portrait techniques with a second individual. Model: Tom Hock

F.A.A. met on Tuesday the 6th. The featured speaker for the meeting was Greg Dearth. Mr. Dearth graduated with a BFA from Ohio University. He has worked as a designer, illustrator and photographer. He has worked for a number of Fortune 500 companies as a member of Scott Hull Associates. Late in the 1990’s he started full time fine art painting, specializing in portraits. He has studied with K.C. Wells, Judith Carducci, and the renowned Nelson Shanks at Studio Incamminati in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He focuses on the genres of Figurative Art, Still Lifes, and Landscapes. For the past ten years he has taught portrait painting at Rosewood Art Center in Kettering, Ohio.

His presentation on Tuesday evening was “Direct Painting and the Power of Line, How to start a painting on the right foot and avoid popular mistakes”. He worked in oil, but related observations to all media, and encouraged questions from all present.

He began his remarks by noting that people are afraid of making mistakes; that drawing is a construct of the human mind, and that there are no lines in nature. “The beginning of a painting is in the drawing. If you don’t get life into the drawing at the beginning, it won’t come at the end”. The first job is to show what is in the light, and what is in the shadow.

Greg then went on to discuss the qualities the light: 1. Light, 2. Shadow, 3. Half tones, 4. Cast shadow, 5. Reflective light, and 6. Highlights. His advice: pay attention to angles and structure, don’t get hung up on details. Draw first, and measure second. The artist is “painting the effects of light on the subject”.

October 2015 Newsletter

To print this Newsletter, click here: FAA 1015 Newsletter

Dear Members and Patrons,

Fall is upon us again. How did summer fly by so quickly? Don’t let Fall get away from you! It’s time to look forward to pumpkins, the turning of the leaves, and the rainbow of reds, browns and golds that accompany this delicious time of year. Get your paint brushes ready to capture the glory of the season! There is so much beauty to look forward to!

Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 7 pm. Hope to see you there! The Board will meet at 6 pm.

Sandy Kinnamon

Gregory M. Dearth was born in Dayton, Ohio, 1949. After graduating with a BFA from Ohio University in 1971, he went on to work as a designer and illustrator and photographer. As a freelance illustrator, he worked for many Fortune 500 companies as a member of Scott Hull Associates. In the late 1990’s he moved full time into fine art painting. Portrait painting became his main focus, going on to study with K. C. Wells, Judith Carducci, and the notable Nelson Shanks at Studio Incamminati in Philadelphia. Figurative art, Still Life and Landscapes are all genres he participates in. For the past 10 years he has taught portrait and figure drawing at Rosewood Art Center in Kettering. His presentation at the Fairborn Art Association will be “Direct Painting and the Power of Line. How to start a painting on the right foot and avoid popular mistakes.” Greg will demonstrate in oil, but will try to relate observations to all mediums. Questions are welcomed.

Monday Watercolor Class and Thursday Paint In Group will have their art exhibition for the month of October. Artists who will show their work are: Shirlee Bauer, Peggy Bowman, Marti Davenport, Pat Dunker, Mary Foreman, Doriann Fusco, Connie Gifford, Misuk Goltz, Carole Janning, Theresa Meyer, Barbara Olekas, Susie Scott, Pat Tallman, and more. Gallery will be open for the public on Sundays, October 4, 11, 18, and 25 from 1-4 pm. Reception for the opening is TBA.

The 2015 FAIRBORN SWEET CORN FESTIVAL is history and early reports indicate it was a successful event. Our many craft and food vendors and advertisers who provide the event financial support left feeling good about their participation. Boy Scout Troop #72 from the First Presbyterian Church handled raising of the flag of the United States of America and the Fairborn High School Marching Band and Color Guard led the opening ceremonies, playing our national anthem, and managed the trash generated by the event and supported the Lions Club food concession; The Rona Missionary Church in Fairborn managed the parking; Steve Hess managed the Ohio Volkssport Association Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival Volkswalk; Upper Valley Amateur Radio Club communicated internationally about the festival; Gary Johnson managed the entertainment for the festival; Bill Gazzerro and the Fairborn Knights of Columbus managed the sweet corn eating contest – Kroger donated the gift cards given to the contestants; Loren Red guided the volunteers who marked the field; Sue Red and Lori Luckner handled the vendor registration and sweet corn festival website; Roger Browning handled the highly successful watermelon booth along with a group of FAA volunteers; Dora Lawson managed the sweet corn festival information booklet along with FAA volunteer sales associates; Robert Beireis managed the publicity for the event throughout the year; Cheryl Miracle as committee secretary kept track of our formal meetings throughout the year. The ribbon cutting was done by Queen Ellen Sloane-Farthing and King Leroy Farthing among other duties.

Finally we thank President Sandy Kinnamon and her FAA Board along with all the FAA members who volunteered to help make the event the success it is! Submitted by Warren K Brown, Chair, Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival Committee

This watercolor workshop, presented by the Fairborn Art Association, will be Monday through Thursday, November 2 to 5, 2015, from 9 am to 4 pm daily. The workshop will be held at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N. Central Ave., Fairborn, OH. In this 4-day workshop, participants will create paintings using the elements of shape, line, value, and color to simplify subject and use a variety of color plans to create emotion and mood. Discussion of content, the importance of color schemes and line quality will also be discussed. Participants will also work intuitively with shape, color, line, and especially texture to produce an abstraction with a personal focus and a representational work based on personal reference choices. All levels are welcome as long as everyone is comfortable with their materials. Nationally and internationally recognized artist Mark Mehaffey is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, DF, National Watercolor Society, Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Master, and the Watercolor West. Mark has won many major awards in juried exhibitions across the world, including Beverly Green Memorial Purchase Award from the National Watercolor Society, the Silver Medal of Honor and the Arches Paper Co. Award from American Watercolor Society. He is also an author of Creative Watercolor Workshop, published by North Light Books, and many instructional DVDs by Creative Catalyst Productions, as well as Artists Network Productions. Fees for this workshop are $230 for FAA member; $250 for non-member. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Yuki Hall, 206 E. Holmes St., Urbana, IL 61801. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. The final payment must be made by October 1, 2015. For questions or more information, call or text Yuki at 937-679-2464, or email [email protected]. A flyer with the registration form is available at the Gallery or on our website www.fairbornart.org .

Attachment: Mark Meheffey workshop registration form II

It’s that time again; to get ready for the Members Holiday Fine Art & Craft Show. This year you will have the same ID number as you had last year. The number must be included on each price tag. If you are new or can’t remember last year’s number, please let me know and I’ll get it for you. At the October and November meetings, we will be passing around signup sheets to help set-up and decorate the gallery, as well as for sitting in the gallery during the sale. If you cannot attend the meetings, you may call me. The date for setting up and decorating will be Monday, November 30, from 9 am to 12 noon. We will be receiving your priced artwork and crafts, with inventory sheets, Monday, November 30, from 1 pm to 3 pm, and Tuesday, December 1, from 10 am to 12 noon. We hope that you will help in getting your Members Holiday Show off to a good start this year by volunteering. As always we thank you for you help and hard work. There will be a pre-sale at the gallery December 1 at 5:30 pm before the FAA Holiday party. The Holiday Fine Art & Craft Sale will be open on two successive weekends, December 5 & 6 and December 12 & 13. The Gallery will be open on Saturdays from 10 am–4 pm and Sundays from 1–4 pm Each member may bring two large paintings (18 X 24 or larger, up to 30 X 40) and up to 10 smaller paintings (16 X 20 or smaller) and handcrafted items. Special art and/or craft demonstrations are encouraged during the sale. All members’ unsold artwork may be picked up on the last sale day, Sunday, Dec. 13 from 4–5 pm or Monday, December 14 from 10–12 noon. Remember, the FAA receives no commission from sales. This is quite a benefit to all participating members. This big sale will be publicized in area newspapers and there will be A-frame signs around town. However, the more that we all publicize the Holiday Sale, the better the sales will be! Let’s have a great Gallery show and make lots of sales! Inventory sheets are attached to this newsletter and will be available on our website so you can get started on your lists. Please call gayle Beireis, 937-390-1992 for additional information.

Attachment No. 1: Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet1

Attachment No. 2: Holiday Sale Inventory Sheet2

One of Misuk Goltz’s painting, “Tim, Storyteller,” was accepted into the International Watercolor Annual Exhibition this year, hosted by the National Watercolor Society. The opening of the show is on October 24 at San Pedro NWS gallery in California. NWS invited Misuk to be juried in for their signature membership. Three extra paintings were shipped to NWS and they are being juried now. Misuk needs a ton of well wishes.

Some sad news. Ros Nichols passed away on May 17, 2015, in Springfield, OH. Roz and her husband Del are long-time members of the Fairborn Art Association and active participants in the Holiday Fine Art & Craft Sale. Del said that he will miss Roz greatly. We send our condolences to Del.

The following people signed up to bring refreshments to the October meeting: Sheryl Scott, Ginni Roche, Mary Cargan, Jean Lutz, Clarice Moore, Judy Belvo, Bonnie Kuntz, Shirlee Bauer, Connie Gifford, and Linda Owen. Thank you for volunteering.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, at 7 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the November Newsletter is Monday, October 19, 2015. Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.

2015 Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival

Fairborn High School Marching Band at the opening ceremonies of the 2015 Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival. They played a selection of songs including our National Anthem during the flag raising.

Fairborn High School Marching Band at the opening ceremonies of the 2015 Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival. They played a selection of songs including our National Anthem during the flag raising.

Local Boy Scouts raising the Flag during the opening ceremonies Saturday August 15, 2015. Photo by Gayle Beireis

Local Boy Scouts raising the Flag during the opening ceremonies Saturday August 15, 2015. Photo by Gayle Beireis

Fairborn High School Marching Band Color Guard at the opening ceremonies.

Fairborn High School Marching Band Color Guard at the opening ceremonies.

Warren Brown, Festival Chairman, introduces the Festival King and Queen, Leroy Farthing and Ellen Slone Farthing at the opening ceremonies. (L-R): Kernal Shucks, Festival Mascot, Queen Ellen Slone Farthing, Chairman Warren Brown, King Leroy Farthing. Photo by Gayle Beireis.

Warren Brown, Festival Chairman, introduces the Festival King and Queen, Leroy Farthing and Ellen Slone Farthing at the opening ceremonies. (L-R): Kernal Shucks, Festival Mascot, Queen Ellen Slone Farthing, Chairman Warren Brown, King Leroy Farthing. Photo by Gayle Beireis.

F.A.A. members Lori Luckner and Sue Red "womanning" the Information Booth during the Festival.

F.A.A. members Lori Luckner and Sue Red “womanning” the Information Booth during the Festival.

F.A.A. Member Terri Lynn at her booth during the Festival. The Festival strives to emphasize education to the public.

F.A.A. Member Terri Lynn at her booth during the Festival. The Festival strives to emphasize education to the public.

On August 15 & 16, the 34th Annual Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival was held at Fairborn Community Park. The Festival is the fundraiser for Fairborn Art Association and the Fairborn Lion’s Club. Both non-profit organizations use the proceeds of the Festival to fund their charitable activities. F.A.A. funds scholarships for college bound high school seniors who intend to pursue an art major, as well as its ongoing operations.

The Festival is a highlight for the Fairborn Community. There were 120+ booths from local and regional vendors who brought their handmade craft and art items for sale.  A variety of food items were available including fresh cut cold watermelon and fresh sweet corn steamed with steam supplied by a 1918 steam engine.  Free admission and free entertainment are among the reasons to attend. Numerous children’s activities including pony rides, face painting, the Big Bounce and games keep kids entertained. A Volksmarch and the Corn Eating Contest are also popular events held during the Festival. The Festival website :www.fairbornsweetcornfestival.org

September 2015 Meeting

F.A.A. member Misuk Goltz was the featured speaker at our September meeting on Tuesday the 1st, at which she demonstrated her methods and skills in watercolor portraiture. Misuk is originally from South Korea. She studied psychology and art history as well as art therapy and mental health counseling at Wright State University. She worked as an outpatient psychiatric counselor at Good Samaritan Hospital until her retirement in 2007. After retirement, she began painting and watercolor became her passion after a class with Nita Leland in 2008.  She has also studied with a number of internationally known artists in recent years.  Misuk enjoys painting a variety of subjects, but she is best known and most inspired when her subject is a portrait of an individual. Each person is intriguing and unique; capturing the subject’s attitude and mood at the moment of the portrait is her goal. She enjoys understanding her subject to create a story in her painting.

Misuk loves teaching and the unique learning environment in the current group setting of her fellow artists. She has taught at the Hithergreen Center, Sinclair Community College, and at F.A.A., in addition to other regional locations. She was awarded signature status in the Ohio Watercolor Society in 2010, and  her work as juried into the National Watercolor Society in 2013.  She has also won numerous awards in various juried shows since 2008. She intends to relocate to California at the end of the year to be closer to her family. Her website can be found by googling “misuk’s gallery”.

During her presentation, Misuk talked about learning calligraphy from her grandfather, and that she discovered similarities between calligraphy and watercolor. Her advice to artists is to “paint what attracts you; choose a reference you love”.  She originally started working in pastels, but switched to watercolor. She began painting portraits by using family members as subjects. She creates movement in her portraits by the posture of her subjects, striving to create diagonal lines within her painting. She suggested using value studies as a beginning step, then proceeding to a color study before starting the actual painting. In her work, she will sketch onto tracing paper, then transfer a tracing to watercolor paper. She also discussed her preferred materials, techniques, and brush types; stressing simplicity in the approach to the work.

Misuk Goltz at F.A.A., September 1, 2015.

Misuk Goltz at F.A.A., September 1, 2015.

Misuk discussing her work in portraiture for F.A.A members and guests.

Misuk discussing her work in portraiture for F.A.A members and guests.

Misuk smiling for the members.

Misuk smiling for the members.

Two examples of Misuk's watercolors. She pointed out to the audience that not all her paintings are portraits.

Two examples of Misuk’s watercolors. She pointed out to the audience that not all her paintings are portraits.

An outstanding example of a portrait by Misuk, of her art instructor Nita Leland.

An outstanding example of a portrait by Misuk, of her art instructor Nita Leland.


Misuk displayed these two value studies of a portrait subject as she discussed her approach to executing a portrait.

Misuk displayed these two value studies of a portrait subject as she discussed her approach to executing a portrait.


Misuk discusses her subject, a young girl she met at a wedding. She obtained permission to photograph and paint the child from her parents. She used this child as an example of finding a connection to the subject of a portrait during the course of her presentation to the F.A.A.

Misuk discusses her subject, a young girl she met at a wedding. She obtained permission to photograph and paint the child from her parents. She used this child as an example of finding a connection to the subject of a portrait during the course of her presentation to the F.A.A.

These are two completed portraits of the same child as done by Misuk. The left portrait was executed by her during her demonstration on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at the F.A.A Meeting.

These are two completed portraits of the same child as done by Misuk. The left portrait was executed by her during her demonstration on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at the F.A.A Meeting.

One of Misuk's portraits, of a Haitian girl.

One of Misuk’s portraits, of a Haitian girl.


Art Show Featuring Tom Kinarney and Sue Seitz

The Featured Artists in our Gallery for the month of September are Tom Kinarney and Sue Seitz. Their paintings were hung in time for members attending our meeting on September 1 to view. Tom and Sue will have an Opening Reception on Sunday, September 6, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. To see their their beautiful award winning works in pencil, watercolor, and pen & ink, plan to attend the Opening Reception or come on one of the following Sundays in September. from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

September 2015 Newsletter

To print, click here  FAA 0915 Newsletter

Dear Fellow FAA Members and Friends,

We hope your summer has been wonderful. Summer is such a great time for inspiration. Sometimes we get to see new places and take great photos. With all of the flowers blooming there are many new ideas for painting flowers and beautiful small corners that are colored with flowers. If you like to paint people, festivals are a good source. Hopefully you are inspired with lots of new material to paint.

Our president, Sandy Kinnamon is recovering from double knee surgery. It was done to remove an infection as opposed to typical knee surgery. None the less there is a similar recovery period and she is doing pretty well. Sandy has more to come because she will have to have chemo and radiation for pancreatic cancer. She has a need for our prayers and positive thoughts and energy. She will continue to be part of our FAA community as president and is anxious to be with all of us. Please hold her in your prayers.  Hopefully she will be back with us soon.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 1, 2015, at 7 pm. We will have a second-hand art supplies sale before the meeting, so come early. (See article below.) The Board will meet at 6 pm.

In your service,

Louise Jackson,

Vice President


Come early to our September 1st meeting for a chance to buy or sell second-hand art supplies, which will be displayed on the table by the window. The Gallery will open at 6:00 pm for you to bring your art supplies to sell or look over what is available to buy. Please, no artwork to be sold at this time. Each person will price his/her own products and conduct sales. The Fairborn Art Association does not charge a commission, so you keep any money you make on sales.


Misuk Goltz will demonstrate her portrait painting methods and skills in a watercolor demonstration at our September meeting. Misuk grew up in South Korea and studied art history and psychology. She also studied art therapy and mental health counseling at Wright State University. Misuk worked as an outpatient psychiatric counselor at Good Samaritan Hospital until she retired in 2007. She began painting after her retirement and watercolor painting became her passion after her first class with Nita Leland in 2008. Misuk has also studied with many nationally and internationally known artists over the last few years. She enjoys painting different subjects, but she is most inspired when people are her subjects. Each individual is unique and intriguing; capturing their attitude and mood at a particular moment in the way she understands them is a story she likes to create for her painting. Misuk loves teaching and she enjoys the unique learning environment she has with her fellow artists in the current group setting. She has taught at Sinclair Community College, Hithergreen Center, and the Fairborn Art Association, in addition to out-of-town locations. Misuk was awarded signature membership from the Ohio Watercolor Society in 2010 and her painting was juried into the National Watercolor Society members Show in 2013. She has also won numerous awards in various juried shows since 2008. She is now preparing to relocate to California at the end of this year to be close to family. Google “misuk’s gallery” for her website.


The Board members will provide the refreshments for the September meeting and will set up the table before the FAA meeting. We need one or two volunteers to handle our refreshments at each meeting thereafter. You can work together or split the times when you will be responsible. Members attending the meeting usually help out, but we need someone to “Take Charge.” The Board cannot continue to set up the table and serve refreshments. This is usually done at the time the Board is holding their official meeting. If we do not have volunteers to handle refreshments, we will be forced to discontinue having this popular interlude from our meetings. Please someone, come forward.


This watercolor workshop, presented by the Fairborn Art Association, will be Monday through Thursday,  November 2 to 5, 2015, from 9 am to 4 pm daily. The workshop will be held at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, located in the rear of the Fairborn Senior Apartment Building, 221 N. Central Ave., Fairborn, OH. In this 4-day workshop, participants will create paintings using the elements of shape, line, value, and color to simplify subject and use a variety of color plans to create emotion and mood. Discussion of content, the importance of color schemes and line quality will also be discussed. Participants will also work intuitively with shape, color, line, and especially texture to produce an abstraction with a personal focus and a representational work based on personal reference choices. All levels are welcome as long as everyone is comfortable with their materials. Nationally and internationally recognized artist Mark Mehaffey is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, DF, National Watercolor Society, Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Master, and the Watercolor West. Mark has won many major awards in juried exhibitions across the world, including Beverly Green Memorial Purchase Award from the National Watercolor Society, the Silver Medal of Honor and the Arches Paper Co. Award from American Watercolor Society. He is also an author of Creative Watercolor Workshop, published by North Light Books, and many instructional DVDs by Creative Catalyst Productions, as well as Artists Network Productions. Fees for this workshop are $230 for FAA member; $250 for non-member. To register, please send a non-refundable deposit of $40 along with the registration form to Yuki Hall, 206 E. Holmes St., Urbana, IL 61801. Make checks payable to Fairborn Art Association. The final payment must be made by October 1, 2015. For questions or more information, call or text Yuki at 937-679-2464, or email [email protected].  A flyer with the registration form is attached and is available at the Gallery.

Attachment:  Mark Meheffey workshop registration form II

COLORED PENCIL / PEN & INK with Tom Kinarney
Explore a couple of mediums that might surprise you with their ease of use & dramatic, beautiful results. Experiment with either or both & see how they can be combined with watercolor & other mediums. This 8-week session begins Tues. Sept. 22 from 9:30-12 noon. Cost is $70. Tom also teaches at Rosewood in Kettering & at the Vandalia Senior Ctr. if that location is more convenient. If any questions call Tom at 236-1959.


Sue Sietz and Tom Kinarney are the featured artists in our Gallery for the month of September. Be sure to stop by to see their artwork.

Tom Kinarney won a First Place award at the Miamisburg Art Guild in August, and Misuk Goltz won Best of Show. Congratulations to both.

Yuki Hall has moved to Urbana, II, temporarily due to her husband’s sabbatical to U of IL. She will be there for 10 months and will return to her Beavercreek, home in May, 2016. She will continue to serve as FAA workshop chair until May 2016. She will be returning to Beavercreek in late October to prepare for Mark Mehaffy’s workshop (Nov. 2–5). For any questions about the workshop, please use her new contact info as follows: Yuki Hall, 206 E Holmes St., Urbana, IL 61801, [email protected], 937-426-7229 (home, internet phone), 937-679-2464 (cell & text).

Bob Coates is showing his sculptures along with Marsha Pippenger and her collages at the Bear’s Mill Clark Gallery from August 28 to October 11, 2015. An opening reception is scheduled for Friday, August 28 from 6 to 9 pm, with an Artist’s Talk at 7 pm. On September 26, Marsha Pippenger will hold a papermaking workshop. Register for the workshop by calling 937-548-5112.


Several people have requested information about beginning art classes recently. Most of our classes are taught in such a way that you will receive individual attention, which helps tremendously. But we do not currently offer classes that are strictly classified as beginning. You can check out the class offerings at Studio 14 Gallery & Fine Art Center, located in downtown Tipp City at 115 W. Main Street. They offer several types of beginning art classes for both adults and children. Their website is http://www.studio14gallery.com . Hint: Use Google Chrome for better access to their website. You can also contact Leslie Trimbach at [email protected].


Our next meeting will be our on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, at 7 pm. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the October Newsletter is Monday, September 21, 2015.  Please email your articles to [email protected] or call Jackie Albright at 937-233-7532.


Misuk Goltz Class in August 2015

An 8-week class, “Watercolor Painting with Misuk” will begin August 17 and run through October 5.  The class will meet on Mondays from 9:30am – 12:30pm at the Fairborn Art Gallery, 221 North Central Ave, Fairborn.  We will cover the principles and elements of watercolor painting while practicing a few different subjects: landscape, flowers, portraits, and figures. This class will be ideal for a painter who has been working with water media and has studied the basics of watercolor painting. Misuk will work with you individually if you plan to paint from your own reference to complete an expressive painting. The tuition for the 8-week class, including the gallery fee, is $95 for Fairborn Art Association members and $105 for non-members. To ensure your place, please send your name, phone number, and email address along with tuition to Misuk Goltz, 2489 Sherbourne Way, Xenia, OH 45385.

FAA Calendar of Events 2024

Events are held in the FAA Gallery unless otherwise indicated

July 14 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition (Opening Reception)

July 21 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

July 28 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

August 17–18 Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival (Community Park)

September 3 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist Shirlee Bauer

October 8 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist David R. Smith

October 7–9 9:30 am–4:30 pm Watercolor Workshop with David R. Smith

November 5 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Collage demo by guest artist Rosemary Nick

December 7 3:00 pm5:00 pm Christmas Party

Weekly Paint-Ins (not held during Workshops):

Thursdays 9:00 am–1:00 pm Watercolor only

Fridays 10:00 am–1:00 pm All mediums

Forms (click on printable form below):

FAA 2024-2025 Membership Form (pdf)