May 2022 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0522 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0522 Newsletter (open document file)

Spring Greetings!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter weekend, despite the cold weather. Can you believe we had snow the day after, although it was beautiful. I know, if you live in Ohio…

Our Members’ Show will be one of the highlights of our May 3 meeting, along with David R. Smith’s demo. Since there is so much talent in our organization, I, for one, am looking forward to seeing everyone’s entries and the announcement of winners. I’m also anxious to see our guest artist’s presentation, which should be very informative and entertaining. Don’t forget that we start promptly at 7:00 pm so come early to see the show and claim your seat since we are expecting a large attendance.

The judging for the three $1000 scholarships has been finalized and letters sent to the winners and non-winners. We had nine entries this year and they all exhibited varying works and talents, which made it challenging for our judges. The winners will be presented with their scholarships at the June 7 meeting.

Speaking of our June 7 meeting, we will be serving a picnic style meal of hot dogs, baked beans, chips, etc., and voting for our People’s Choice Awards, which is always lots of fun, so please plan on attending. That will also be our last meeting until September.

Our Sweet Corn Festival will be here before you know it so PLEASE sign up to help us by filling out the volunteer sheets located in the Gallery. We need volunteers to help with setup on August 18–19 and with festival duties on August 20–21. Once again, this is our BIG money maker and much help is needed. Roger Browning will also be needing help at the Watermelon Booth so, when he contacts you, please help if you are able. And last, but not least, we still need a Sweet Corn Chair to assist Warren Brown and take over for 2023. I can’t stress enough how much we need someone to step into this position. This is Warren’s last year and, if no one volunteers, we will be out thousands of dollars that support our organization so please seriously consider helping us if that is your talent.

We are considering participating in the Garden Show in downtown Fairborn on Saturday, June 18, 10:00 am–3:00 pm, publicizing FAA and getting our name out into the community so we may need your help setting up or working the booth.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in May, so keep creating and enjoy Spring, no matter what the weather!

Linda Brandenburg


May 3 David R. Smith watercolor demo (workshop May 2–4)
June 7 Social
July 5 No meeting
August 2 No meeting
September 6 Jacqueline Sullivan, acrylic
October 4 Demo and Workshop TBD
November 1 Erica Kenner, pastel
December 6 Christmas party

With new CDC guidelines, we are no longer asking members to reserve a place at the Tuesday meeting/demos or requiring masks. Please only bring food or drink for yourself and clean up afterward.

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


Fairborn Art Association is pleased to welcome David R. Smith for our May demo and workshop. David enjoys the challenge of working in harmony with a fluid medium. By providing the proper environment, surrendering some control, and working with the medium, the most beautiful results oftentimes occur naturally. To keep the paintings from getting too precise, and instead, to convey a feeling of aliveness, David utilizes a number of techniques such as working wet into wet, glazing, pouring, spattering, and spraying. These techniques not only keep the painting fresh, but produce exciting interminglings and textures effortlessly.

David’s favorite subjects tend to be found in nature and he loves to travel abroad as well as explore state and national parks for inspiration. Depicting a subject in great light, capitalizing on the contrast developed by light and shadow, while showcasing the assortment of jewels that happen naturally through the fluid medium, keeps David eager to paint his next creation.

David has studied under numerous instructors in the states and in China. He has displayed his work in galleries and museums across the United States and his work has been awarded at the state and national level. David has received Signature Membership with the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, and others.

  …Submitted by Pat Dunker


FAA Members’ Show artwork will be accepted on Thursday, April 28, from noon to 5:00 pm. The show opens on Sunday, May 8, 2022.

Prizes awarded on Tuesday, May 3 at the FAA meeting.

Please bring your art ready to hang, and we do not accept saw tooth hangers or ring hangers. The prospectus has all the information needed to prepare your art for the show. The prospectus is available in our Gallery and on our website.

Note New Changes:  Photography will now be included in the show, however, maximum of two entries per member. Entry fee for each piece of artwork is $10; Size not to exceed 30 x 40 inches.

Registration: Thursday, April 28 from Noon to 5:00 pm

Show Opening: May 8, 2022 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Prizes Awarded: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 7:00 pm at our May meeting

Gallery Hours: Sundays, May 8, 15, and 22 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Note: The Members’ Show will end at the June 7, 2022 meeting and is now included with the People’s Choice. Artwork will be removed after the meeting.

Pick Up: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 after the FAA meeting and on Thursday, June 9 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

If you signed up to sit with the FAA gallery, please bring only food/drink for yourself because we will not furnish anything for the guests due to COVID-19. We will assign one person in your group to have access to the gallery so you can get in and lock up when you leave.

Please check with us when you register your art to make sure who will have gallery access. Feel free to bring your artwork to work on while you are there.

Please invite your friends and family to come see the show, and hopefully find a piece of art they would like to hang in their home or office. Remember to share this information with your friends on Social Media such as Facebook.

If you have questions or if you need to deliver or pick up your work at a different time, contact Connie Gifford at [email protected] or Carol Edsall at [email protected] .

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful art work!

…Submitted by Connie S. Gifford and Carol Edsall


I want to remind all members of the need for Sweet Corn Festival volunteers for the time period of August 18–21. See the sign-up sheet for volunteer positions!

…Submitted by Warren Brown, Sweet Corn Festival Chair


Our Sweet Corn Festival is August 20–21 this year. As always, we will need volunteers for the Watermelon Booth, as well as the other activities. I have put the Watermelon Booth Schedules in the gallery on a clipboard on the entrance desk. If you would prefer, you can email me at [email protected] and I will sign you up. Please sign up for this very important fund raiser early. I will also have the schedules at the May meeting for you.

…Submitted by Roger Browning


The annual membership fees are due by June 1. If you haven’t renewed yet, FAA Membership forms are available at the office.

…Submitted by Debbie Cosenza, Membership Chair


We have had a new member express an interest in starting an evening painting group at the gallery. Elizabeth Beecher does oil paintings and would be willing to help beginners get started; however, any medium would be welcome. If you would be interested in joining an evening painting group, please contact me at [email protected] .

…Submitted by Carol Collett, Gallery Coordinator


Yuki Hall will be presenting a painting and sketching vacation workshop, “Capturing the Magic of Tuscany
in Florence & Trequanda, Italy from September 22 to September 30, 2022. It is a trip of a lifetime for artists & art enthusiasts, combining Renaissance art, history, culture, watercolor painting, Tuscan cuisine and wine! We will be staying in a hotel in the Oltramo district in Florence for the first 2 nights, then the next 6 nights, in the 16th century renovated family owned farmhouse with its history and vineyard. The trip includes a private guided tour in Florence, entrance to Accademia, Uffizi gallery, a private guided tour in Siena with entrance to Siena cathedral, private excursions to Pienza and Bagno Vigoni, cooking class, vineyard and wine tour as well as watercolor painting and sketching instruction by Yuki throughout the trip. All the transportation during the trip and most meals are included. For more information, contact Yuki at [email protected] , 937-679-2464. The information about this trip is also on her website, www.yukihallfineart.com .


Village Artisans presents the 38th Annual Art On The Lawn on Saturday, August 13, 2022. This juried Fine Arts and Crafts Festival is held on the yard outside Mills Lawn Elementary School in Yellow Springs, Ohio. For more information, contact Village Artisans Gallery at 937-767-1209 or visit their website at www.villageartisans.blogspot.com .


FAA will have water and soft drinks available at the meetings. We will not be encouraging the sharing of food at our meetings, however, if someone wants to bring snacks to share, they must be individually prepackaged. You are welcome to bring your own personal snacks. Please be responsible for cleaning up after yourself.

…Submitted by Carol Collett, Galley Coordinator


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at https://www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the June Newsletter is Monday, May 16, 2022. Please email your articles to April Coppess.

Please note that for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will not post personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletter or on our website unless we have the respective member’s permission. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.

April 2022 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0422 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0422 Newsletter (open document file)

Hello Fellow Artists!

Well, we’ve had our usual Ohio weather, 70 degrees one day and snow the next, but Spring is just around the corner and soon we’ll have the arrival of crocus and daffodils. I’ve already observed and heard the robins in the tree behind my house and had the first fly in my house!

Debbie Cozensa has emailed members with a reminder about our annual membership fees being due. The board voted not to raise the amount so they will be the same as in years past… let’s hear it for no inflation in the FAA! We are also asking if the members would be interested in holding some of our winter meetings on a Saturday afternoon, which would eliminate night driving. Please respond to Debbie’s request in a timely manner.

Andi Sanders will be our speaker for our April 5 meeting, demonstrating alcohol inks, and, as the mask and reservation policies have been lifted, we hope to see you there!

I also want to remind you of the upcoming Members’ Fine Art Show, with drop off on Thursday, April 28 from noon to 5:00 pm. There is a limit of two entries per person, $10 each entry, and photography is included. Details are listed in the prospectus. Thank you to Carol Edsall and Connie Gifford for the fine job they’ve done organizing this event.

The board is kicking around some fun plans for our June meeting which includes our People’s Choice Awards. I will have more information on this next month.

Take care and keep creating, for art, like many things in life, is a process.

Linda Brandenburg


April 5 Andi Sanders, alcohol ink
May 3 David R. Smith watercolor demo (workshop May 2–4)
June 7 Social
July 5 No meeting
August 2 No meeting
September 6 Jacqueline Sullivan, acrylic
October 4 demo and Workshop TBD
November 1 Erica Kenner, pastel
December 6 Christmas party

With new CDC guidelines, we are no longer asking members to reserve a place at the Tuesday meeting/demos or requiring masks. Please only bring food or drink for yourself and clean up afterward.

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


The Fairborn Art Association will host local artist Andi Sanders on April 5, 2022 at their gallery at 221 North Central Avenue, Fairborn. The gallery is located in the far corner, behind the former school building, now senior housing.

Andi will be demonstrating her alcohol ink art work, beginning at 7:00 pm.

She is a retired RN of over 40 years and, as an artist, is known for her fine art photography and alcohol ink artwork. She teaches alcohol ink techniques to the Dayton and surrounding communities. She is a part of the Bellbrook Artists Collective owned by artist John Landsiedel, and her work is displayed there also.

Please join us for this exciting demo which is open to the public.

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


Fairborn Art Association is pleased to welcome David R. Smith for our May 2–4, 2022 Workshop. David enjoys the challenge of working in harmony with a fluid medium. By providing the proper environment, surrendering some control, and working with the medium, the most beautiful results oftentimes occur naturally. To keep the paintings from getting too precise, and instead, to convey a feeling of aliveness, David utilizes a number of techniques such as working wet into wet, glazing, pouring, spattering, and spraying. These techniques not only keep the painting fresh, but produce exciting interminglings and textures effortlessly.

David’s favorite subjects tend to be found in nature and he loves to travel abroad as well as explore state and national parks for inspiration. Depicting a subject in great light, capitalizing on the contrast developed by light and shadow, while showcasing the assortment of jewels that happen naturally through the fluid medium, keeps David eager to paint his next creation.

David has studied under numerous instructors in the states and in China. He has displayed his work in galleries and museums across the United States and his work has been awarded at the state and national level. David has received Signature Membership with the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, and others. The registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached here.

FAA DAVID R SMITH Registration 2022

Only 3 openings are left for this workshop so register soon! If anyone needs or has not received the supply list or copies of the paintings we will be doing at the workshop, please contact Pat Dunker.

                                                                                                                                                       …Submitted by Pat Dunker


FAA members Billie Dickson, Carol Collett, Lucy Burns and Warren Brown participated in the Greene County Senior Artisan Show which was held in March at our FAA Gallery. Congratulations to Carol Collett and Lucy Burns who each sold a painting!

 …Submitted by Connie Gifford


Throughout the month of May, the Gallery at Lofino Plaza will feature the artwork of Joann Davenport. The Gallery is located at 3868 Dayton-Xenia Rd., Beavercreek, Ohio, 45432. The reception will be held on Saturday, May 7, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Lofino Center hours are Monday–Thursday 9:00 am–7:00 pm, Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm, and Saturday 9:00 am–12:00 pm.

…Submitted by Joann Davenport


Middletown Arts Center is currently exhibiting “The Art of Fiber” featuring a range of quilting and textile art completed by CQAFA – Contempory Quilt and Fiber Artists. This exhibit runs through May 5, 2022 during regular building hours and is free and open to the public. A Meet the Artists and Demo Day will be held on April 13, 2022 from 10:00 am–3:00 pm. Middletown Arts Center is located at 130 N. Verity Parkway, Middletown, OH 45042.


Village Artisans Gallery is holding an exhibit created by their members with the theme “It’s Not Easy Being Green” featuring art that is literally green or of an environmental nature. This exhibit will be open through May 16, 2022 in their Lobby Gallery, 100 Corry Street, Yellow Springs, OH during regular gallery hours and is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Village Artisans Gallery at 937-767-1209 or visit their website at www.villageartisans.blogspot.com .


Ohio Watercolor Society, in conjunction with Watercolor Ohio 2022, is offering a workshop by Pat Moseuk titled “Abstracts in Mixed Watermedia” on Tuesday, June 14 through Thursday, June 16, 2022 at the Broad Street Presbyterian Church, 760 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH.


The 12th Annual Maria Stein Shrine Art Show and Sale is inviting artists to participate in a juried show and sale to be held this summer at Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics, 2291 St. Johns Road, Maria Stein, OH 45860. Contact Diana Russell at 419-733-7569 or 419-925-4532.


K12 Gallery & TEJAS (Teen Educational and Joint Adult Studio), located at 341 South Jefferson Street in Dayton, offers Saturday art classes for Kindergarten age through adults, Kids Summer Art Camp and more. For additional information, visit their website at: https://k12tejasgallery.org

FAA will have water and soft drinks available at the meetings. We will not be encouraging the sharing of food at our meetings, however, if someone wants to bring snacks to share, they must be individually prepackaged. You are welcome to bring your own personal snacks. Please be responsible for cleaning up after yourself.

                                                                                                                                                  …Submitted by Carol Collet


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at https://www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the May Newsletter is Monday, April 18, 2022. Please email your articles to April Coppess.

Please note that for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will not post personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website unless we have the respective member’s permission. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.


March 2022 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0322 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0322 Newsletter (open document file)

Hello Fellow Artists!

Valentine’s Day is over and hopefully you spent it with loved ones (and maybe some chocolate was involved?). We seem to be plowing our way through the winter months, literally, and I hope everyone has remained safe and warm, using this time of indoor activity for productivity!

Our next meeting will be March 1 at 7:00 pm, when we will welcome Jane Halliwell Green, who will be demonstrating a botanical style of painting. Her works are beautiful and I am looking forward to learning her techniques. Masks will still be required and please give Debbie Cosenza your reservation.

I am happy to announce Evvie Moore as our new Sunshine chairperson. Jim Gifford, who volunteered to fill this position since it was vacated, has been doing a super job in this role but his hands are full with his other duties. Evvie graciously accepted and we couldn’t be happier! She will begin March 1 so if you know of someone who is sick, in the hospital, or has a death in the family, please contact Evvie.

Another change has to do with our website administrator. Jackie Albright, who has done an excellent job for twenty years, is turning over the reins to Sheryl Scott and April Coppess. We can’t thank Jackie enough for her dedication to the Fairborn Art Association as Corresponding Secretary, which included website administration, editing of the monthly newsletter, maintaining the membership database, preparation of the membership directory, and much more. She has spent endless hours of her time to promote our organization and I commend her loyalty and devotion. We also welcome Sheryl and April into their new positions and I look forward to working with these ladies. I would also ask for your patience as they will be learning the ropes, so we will be a work in progress.

Our spring show is fast approaching so let’s all keep “throwing paint,” as Connie Gifford says, and enter our finished masterpieces. Be aware that this year there will be allowed only TWO entries per artist, and photography is included. Details are covered in this newsletter.

There are still openings for the David R. Smith workshop in May so contact Pat Dunker if you would like to enroll…should be a fascinating class!

My personal congratulations to all of you who have had shows or are getting ready to appear in a show. What an accomplishment! I’m proud of each and every one of you.

Take care and keep creating!

Linda Brandenburg



March 1 Jane Halliwell, botanical watercolor      August 2 No meeting
April 5 Andi Sanders, alcohol ink                         September 6 Jacqueline Sullivan, acrylic
May 3 Workshop, David R. Smith, watercolor    October 4 Workshop, TBD
June 7 Social                                                           November 1 Erica Kenner, pastel
July 5 No meeting                                                   December 6 Christmas Party

We are currently requesting that attendees continue to reserve a space for all demos through Debbie Cosenza and all safety considerations will continue including distancing and masking.

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


The Fairborn Art Association meeting for March 1, 2022 features well known watercolor, color pencil and textile artist Jane Halliwell Green. She will be demonstrating her expertise in botanical watercolor. All current safety protocols will be in place for the meeting. Attendees must register their intent to attend by emailing Debbie Cosenza.

Jane’s interest in art began as a little girl watching her Irish grandmother hook rugs. She was fascinated by color and texture and loved to work with her hands. By 1992, Jane was a well-known textile designer and teacher. She was the first rug designer invited to teach at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D, C., and was affiliated with this institution for over 6 years. She is the author of three books on fiber-arts.
Jane used watercolors to design and plan rugs. She loved this medium so much she returned to school to study fine art. In May, 2005 she graduated from the Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. She has taught watercolor in the Portland, Maine schools, The Maine College of Art, Anne Arundel Community College, and The Art Academy in Easton, Maryland. She was an adjunct instructor at Anne Arundel Community College and an instructor at Maryland Hall for the Arts and the Kent Island Arts Association.
Jane is a current member of the Western Ohio Watercolor Society and the Miamisburg Art Gallery. She was a signature member of the Baltimore Watercolor Society before moving to Ohio. She was also a member of the Annapolis Watercolor Club and The Color Pencil Society of America. Her work in watercolor, color pencil, and fiber has been exhibited nationally.
Jane also holds a bachelor degree in Anthropology from Chatham College. She is also a spiritual medium working with clients all over the world. Visit her websites at: http://www.janehalliwell.com and http://www.janehalliwellart.com

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


Fairborn Art Association is pleased to welcome David R. Smith for our May 2–4, 2022 Workshop. David enjoys the challenge of working in harmony with a fluid medium. By providing the proper environment, surrendering some control, and working with the medium, the most beautiful results oftentimes occur naturally. To keep the paintings from getting too precise, and instead, to convey a feeling of aliveness, David utilizes a number of techniques such as working wet into wet, glazing, pouring, spattering, and spraying. These techniques not only keep the painting fresh, but produce exciting interminglings and textures effortlessly.

David’s favorite subjects tend to be found in nature and he loves to travel abroad as well as explore state and national parks for inspiration. Depicting a subject in great light, capitalizing on the contrast developed by light and shadow, while showcasing the assortment of jewels that happen naturally through the fluid medium, keeps David eager to paint his next creation.

David has studied under numerous instructors in the states and in China. He has displayed his work in galleries and museums across the United States and his work has been awarded at the state and national level. David has received Signature Membership with the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, and others. The registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached. Please register as soon as possible so we don’t have to cancel.

…Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment: FAA DAVID R SMITH Registration 2022


This year, six FAA members were accepted into the 32nd Annual Dayton-Area Works on Paper Exhibition. Congratulations to Shirlee Bauer, Lisa Becker, Billie Dickson, Shirley Harbaugh, Elizabeth A. Martin, and Rose Schultz.

There were 200 pieces submitted and only 54 artworks from 44 artists accepted by juror Willis Bing Davis. The exhibition runs through February 25, 2022. The artists’ reception, which is free and open to all, will take place on Saturday, February 26 from 1:003:00 pm. Rosewood Gallery is located in the Rosewood Arts Center at 2655 Olson Drive, Kettering, OH 45429. You don’t want to miss seeing this art show!

…Submitted by Connie S. Gifford


Congratulations to Clarice Moore who placed in a national competition to be included in the “Black Lives Through Visual Rhythms” juried exhibition at the Dayton Art Institute from February 26 to May 22, 2022, featuring art by nationally recognized and emerging African American artists from across the United States. For more information, visit their website at: https://www.daytonartinstitute.org

Clarice Moore is exhibiting in a “Black Art Showcase” now through March 14 at Grace United Methodist Church, 1001 Harvard Blvd. in Dayton. The gallery is open on Sundays from 9:00 am to noon, or you may contact the church office at 937-278-4731 to schedule a viewing time.

Clarice currently has a solo exhibition titled “Life in Color” at Central State West, Second Floor, 840 Germantown Street in Dayton through March 25. Everyone is invited to the Artist reception on March 5 from 2:00–4:00 pm.

Clarice Moore’s work is included, along with 18 other artists, in the African American Visual Artists Guild exhibit of “The Artist’s Life” at the Dayton Metro Library, Second Floor, in downtown Dayton now through March 26, 2022.

…Submitted by Clarice Moore


FAA Members’ Show paintings will be accepted on Thursday, April 29, from noon to 5:00 pm. The show opens on Sunday, May 8, 2022.

Prizes awarded on Tuesday, May 4 at the FAA meeting.

Please bring your art ready to hang, and we do not accept saw tooth hangers or ring hangers. The prospectus has all the information needed to prepare your art for the show. The prospectus is available in our Gallery and is attached.

 Note New Changes: Photography will now be included in the show, however, maximum of two entries per member. Entry fee for each piece of artwork is $10; Size not to exceed 30 x 40 inches.

Registration:  Thursday, April 28 from Noon to 5:00 pm

Show Opening: May 9, 2020 from 1:00 pm till 4:00 pm

Prizes Awarded:  Tuesday, May 2, 2022 at 7:00 pm at our May meeting

Gallery Hours:  Sundays, May 8, 15, and 22 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Note: The Members’ Show will end at the June 7, 2022 meeting and is now included with the People’s Choice. Paintings will be removed after the meeting.

Pick Up:  Tuesday, June 7, 2022 after the FAA meeting and on Thursday, June 9 from 10:00 am till 1:00 pm

If you signed up to sit with the FAA gallery, please bring only food/drink for yourself because we will not furnish anything for the guests due to COVID-19. We will assign one person in your group to have access to the gallery so you can get in and lock up when you leave.

Please check with us when you register your art to make sure who will have gallery access. Feel free to bring your artwork to work on while you are there.

Please invite your friends and family to come see the show, and hopefully find a piece of art they would like to hang in their home or office. Remember to share this information with your friends on Social Media such as Facebook.

If you have questions or if you need to deliver or pick up your work at a different time, contact Connie Gifford by email or phone or Carol Edsall by email.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful art work!

…Submitted by Connie S. Gifford and Carol Edsall

Attachment: FAA 2022 Spring Show Prospectus


The Contemporary Dayton is seeking artwork to be featured in the 2022 Silent Auction on Friday, April 29. Deadline is March 3-5, 2022. Donations must be 100% and participating artists receive 2 tickets to the event which is The Co’s signature fundraiser of the year! Visit codayton.org/events/call-for-entry to submit an entry online.


The Green County Senior Artisan Show will be held on Sunday, March 13 from 1:00–3:30 pm, Sunday, March 20 from 1:00–3:30 pm, and Wednesday, March 23 from 11:00 am–2:00 pm at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery with a Virtual Show on March 14–25. This show is co-sponsored by the Fairborn Art Association and the Greene County Council on Aging. For information, 937-376-5486 or [email protected] .


Village Artisans Gallery at 100 Corry Street in Yellow Springs, Ohio is holding an exhibit of art created by their members with the message “All You Need is Love” now through March 21, 2022 during regular gallery hours. This is a free exhibit that is open to the public. www.villageartisans.blogspot.com


K12 Gallery & TEJAS, located at 341 South Jefferson Street in Dayton, offers Saturday art classes and more. For additional information, visit their website at: https://k12tejasgallery.org


The Logan County Art League is calling for artists and craftspeople to participate in a fine arts festival to be held on June 25 and 26, 2022, at Oldfield Beach, Lakeview, Ohio. This is a juried show. For more information and vendor application, visit their website at: https://logancountyartleague.org

FAA will have water and soft drinks available at the meetings. We will not be encouraging the sharing of food at our meetings, however, if someone wants to bring snacks to share, they must be individually prepackaged. You are welcome to bring your own personal snacks. Please be responsible for cleaning up after yourself.

…Submitted by Carol Collett


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at https://www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 5, 2022. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the April Newsletter is Monday, March 14, 2022. Please email your articles to April Coppess.

Please note that for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will not post personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website unless we have the respective member’s permission. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.

February 2022 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA Newsletter 0222 (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA Newsletter 0222 (open document file)

Hello Fellow Artists and Happy New Year!

I can’t believe the holidays are over and we have begun a new year. Let’s hope 2022 is filled with a plethora of artistic creativity and learning from each other and those outside our association. Every year can be a new beginning, despite the pandemic, so I personally pray for a positive attitude and open spirit to attain new knowledge.

Our first meeting will be Tuesday, February 1, at 7:00 pm, and we will enforce the wearing of masks since the Covid numbers have risen again. Refreshments will still be grab and go snacks, bottled water, and canned pop. Our demo artist will be Marsha Pippenger, whose area of expertise is collage. Please read the article below for more details.

We are excited to have David R. Smith for our spring workshop, so please contact Pat Dunker to sign up.

Our annual Members Fine Art Show will be here before you know it so be on the lookout for details. We added photography this year, so be sure to read all the requirements for this show in the prospectus, which will be on your entry form.

Looking forward to seeing all who can attend in February. Take care and keep warm!

Linda Brandenburg



February 1 Marsha Pippenger, collage                August 2 No meeting
March 1 Jane Halliwell, botanical watercolor      September 6 Jacqueline Sullivan, acrylic
April 5 Andi Sanders, alcohol ink                          October 4 Workshop, TBD
May 3 Workshop, David R. Smith, watercolor     November 1 Erica Kenner, pastel
June 7 Social                                                            December 6 Christmas Party
July 5 No meeting

We are currently requesting that attendees continue to reserve a space for all demos through Debbie Cosenza and all safety considerations will continue including distancing and masking.

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


The Fairborn Art Association meeting for Tuesday night, February 1, 2022, at 7:00 pm features a colorful collage artist, Marsha Pippenger. The public is invited to attend and watch as Pippenger demonstrates her creative art techniques. All current safety protocols will be in place for the meeting. Attendees must register their intent to attend by contacting Debbie Cosenza. We will be set up in a workshop environment to allow attendee participation in working on a collage along with our artist.

Pippenger has been active in Dayton’s arts community for more than 30 years, creating and exhibiting her colorful collages and promoting the visual arts. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Ohio Northern University and a Master of Humanities from Wright State University. At Central State University, she completed independent coursework with local artist and educator, Bing Davis.

Pippenger has taught courses in art and art history at Wright State University and Kettering College and was a resident artist with Muse Machine. She is certified by the Kennedy Center to conduct workshops in arts integration. She has worked in graphic arts, taught art in the Dayton Public Schools, and served on the boards of local arts organizations. Her work can be found in local galleries and in a variety of public and private collections.

She states on her web site: “In my opinion, the best art is intuitive – one individual’s interior experiences outwardly expressed in artistic media. For me, this media is paper, combined with pencils, pastels and natural or found objects. For as long as I can remember, imagination has been my best friend, creating art as necessary as breathing. When I work in my studio I become totally immersed in a delightful universe of colors, textures and shapes. Time stands in limbo. Collage is perfectly suited to my philosophy of visual expression.”

…Submitted by James M. Gifford, Publicity Chair


Fairborn Art Association is pleased to welcome David R. Smith for our May 2–4, 2022 Workshop. David enjoys the challenge of working in harmony with a fluid medium. By providing the proper environment, surrendering some control, and working with the medium, the most beautiful results oftentimes occur naturally. To keep the paintings from getting too precise, and instead, to convey a feeling of aliveness, David utilizes a number of techniques such as working wet into wet, glazing, pouring, spattering, and spraying. These techniques not only keep the painting fresh, but produce exciting interminglings and textures effortlessly.

David’s favorite subjects tend to be found in nature and he loves to travel abroad as well as explore state and national parks for inspiration. Depicting a subject in great light, capitalizing on the contrast developed by light and shadow, while showcasing the assortment of jewels that happen naturally through the fluid medium, keeps David eager to paint his next creation.

David has studied under numerous instructors in the states and in China. He has displayed his work in galleries and museums across the United States and his work has been awarded at the state and national level. David has received Signature Membership with the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, and others. The registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached to this article. Please register as soon as possible so we don’t have to cancel.

…Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment: FAA DAVID R SMITH Registration 2022


The Gallery at Lofino Plaza will feature photography and watercolor from James M. and Connie S. Gifford from February 1 to 28, 2022. The Gallery will be open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am–7:00 pm, Fridays from 9:00 am–4:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am–Noon. A reception will be held on February 2, 2022 from 1:00 pm–3:00 pm and is open to the public. The Gallery at Lofino Plaza is located at 3868 Dayton Xenia Road. Beavercreek, Ohio 45432.

Jim’s interest in photography began in childhood and has continued throughout his adult life. He serves as the FAA Photographer and Publicity Chair. Connie has won many awards and many of her paintings are in private collections. She co-chairs the FAA Members Fine Art Show Committee, is a signature member of the Ohio Watercolor Society, and is the current President and a signature member of Western Ohio Watercolor Society.

…Submitted by Connie Gifford


Middletown Arts Center is hosting a 2-day watercolor workshop with Yuki Hall on March 5–6, 2022. For more information and/or to register, contact the Arts Center at (513) 424-2417. The center is also hosting a lobby Exhibit for Yuki during the months of February and March, 2022. Twelve paintings created in the time range of 2013 to 2021, mostly cityscapes, will be exhibited.


Yuki Hall is offering a 2-day workshop “Expressive Pen & Wash” on March 21–22, 2022, 9:30 am–4:00 pm at Fairborn Art Association Gallery. Pen & Wash is a wonderful method to capture an essence of the scene quickly with a minimal amount of supply. In this 2-day workshop, you will learn about different types of pens and their usages. You will also learn how to avoid rigid coloring-in style of painting, but to instead, execute it with expressive lines with confident brush marks which reflect humanness and finesse. Method of blending colors on the paper to keep freshness will also be discussed. The cost for this 2-day workshop is $150. The fee includes 3 different types of permanent pens and 1 blend-able pen, plus 6 sheets of 11×7.5 and 1 sheet of 15×11 watercolor paper (Arche’s rough and Saunders rough, 140 LB).  To register, please send the payment and the registration form directly to Yuki Hall. The registration form is available in the Gallery and on the website. For any questions regarding this workshop, please call, text or e-mail Yuki.

…Submitted by Yuki Hall

Attachment: Yuki Hall Expressive Pen & Wash Registration Form


The B-W Greenway Community Land Trust & the Fairborn Art Association’s Landscape 2022 juried art competition is underway. It has been held for the past 11 years to heighten public awareness of preserving local greenspaces through art.

Annually, a different location which has been preserved is selected. The 2022 location for the competition is Spangler Nature Preserve, one of the newest parks for the Clark County Park District. The Spangler Nature Preserve encompasses property acquired on both sides of Spangler Road by B-W Greenway.

The juried competition is open to all artists 16 years and older, living within 200 miles of Fairborn, OH. A 2-D work may be oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor, print, drawing, mixed media, or photography. A 2-D art may not exceed 30 x 40 inches. 3D art, less than 60 lbs. in weight. 3-D sculpture, must fit through a standard doorway.

All entries will be received at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, 221 North Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH (in the rear of the building) on Saturday, June 25, and Sunday, June 26, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

A non-refundable entry fee of $20 for a total of 3 works must accompany all entry forms. Artwork may be offered for sale by the artist; 20% of each sale will be taken as a donation to B-W Greenway Community Land Trust.

The judge for Landscapes2022 is Eve Fleck. She served as Director of Marketing and Communications for the Springfield Museum of Art. Eve worked as a studio ceramicist operating Eve Fleck Porcelain for 30 years. Her work is included in several museum collections and art publications. Eve received her B.A. in Visual Arts from Goddard College with additional study at the San Francisco Art Institute, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts and the Penland School of Crafts.

The Opening Reception will be held at the Fairborn Art Gallery on Sunday, July 10, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The art will be on display at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery and open to the public on July 17 and July 24.

For additional information, visit the B-W Greenway webpage: www.bwgreenway.org or contact Pat Higgins.

Submitted by Pat Higgins


B-W Greenway Community Land Trust is seeking volunteers from the membership of the Fairborn Art Association to help with the 2022 Landscape Juried Art Competition. Since the start of the juried art competition, B-W Greenway and the Fairborn Art Association have worked together to sponsor the annual competition. The Fairborn Art Association has provided their beautiful gallery space and the ribbons for the winners. Each year the number of entries has increased and the attendees at the opening reception and the Sunday gallery visiting hours has grown. As a result, we need some additional helpers with the competition. Below is a list of areas in which we could use some help. Please review and let Pat Higgins know if you could donate a few hours if possible.

2022 Landscape Juried Art Competition – Tasks To Be Performed and Number of Volunteers Needed

Distribution of Brochures – Various Locations                                                          3 Volunteers
Parks, Libraries, Art Galleries/Studios, School Art Departments,
Montgomery County, Greene County and Clark County (Private and Public),
University of Dayton, Wright State University, High School Art Departments
Press Releases and Webpage Stories/Updates on All Social Media Sites              2 Volunteers
Collect Art and Fees – Saturday, June 25 1:004:00 pm                                              2 Volunteers
Judging the Art – Date to be determined – 3 hours                                                    1 Volunteer
Assist Juror as needed, Record the names and places of the winners
Hanging the Art – Date to be determined – 23 hours                                                1 Volunteer
Opening Reception – July 10 Noon to 4:00 pm                                                              5 Volunteers
Food and Beverages, Award Ceremony
Gallery – Sunday, July 17 12:30 – 3:30 pm                                                                       2 Volunteers
Welcome Visitors
Artist Pick-up Pieces – July 24 1:00 4:00 pm                                                                  2 Volunteers
Artist information entered into Database                                                                     1 Volunteer

…Submitted by Pat Higgins


Carol Collett’s contact information has changed. Her new phone number is 326-467-0578. Please use this new number and not the phone number in the directory. Her new phone number is posted here with her permission.

…Submitted by Carol Collett, Gallery Coordinator

Sue Ann Red passed away November 14, 2021 at the age of 79. Sue was FAA President from 1996 to 1999. She served as FAA Treasurer for many years. Her funeral was November 22, 2021.

Sue Brezine served as FAA President from 2011 to 2014. She was a gifted artist and taught watercolor classes to many of our members. Sue passed away peacefully on Sunday, November 30 at the age of 84. A celebration of her life was held on December 18, 2021.

Charles W. Janning, known as Charlie to many of us, he was born on April 15, 1936 and passed away on December 9, 2021. His funeral was December 21, 2021. Charlie was the husband of FAA member Carole Janning, who held the office of FAA President from 1999 to 2002. She also served as Recording Secretary for many years. Charlie was an attorney who helped FAA by giving his legal advice on several issues.

Judy Mason, Her daughter, Beth Daugherty, posted on FaceBook on December 31, 2021 about her death. Her funeral was January 2, 2022.

…Submitted by Jackie Albright


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at https://www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the March Newsletter is Monday, February 14, 2022. Please email your articles to April Coppess.

Please note that for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will not post personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website unless we have the respective member’s permission. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.

Obituaries for Two Former FAA Presidents

The Fairborn Art Association has lost two members who have held the office of president of our organization: Sue Red and Sue Brezine. Their obituaries follow below. Sue Red was our president from 1996 to 1999, served as our treasurer for over 20 years, and worked with the Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival for over 28 years and was crowned Sweet Corn Festival Queen in 2013. Sue Brezine was our president from 2011 to 2014 and taught many watercolor classes throughout her years with our organization. Our condolences go to all family and friends of these two outstanding women.



Sue Ann Red, age 79 of Fairborn, passed away Monday November 15, 2021 at the Soin Medical Center. She was born November 2, 1942 in Waynesfield, Ohio, the daughter of the late Harley Otto and Frances A. (Griebling) Thrush.
While residing in Fairborn, Sue was an Apartment Manager for Red Deer Apartments and retired from Evergreene Apartments. She volunteered with the Fairborn Art Association, serving as the past treasurer for over 20 years and a past president; and also with the Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival for 28 years, serving as Treasurer for most of them. Sue was named the Sweet Corn Festival Queen in 2013. She was a member of the Fairborn Senior Center, the Red Hat Society, and Abiding Christ Lutheran Church, where she had been very involved as a volunteer greeter, usher, counter, and Christmas In Action. Sue was a devoted 50+ year member of the Order of the Eastern Star, serving as Past Matron, secretary, and organist of Aero Chapter #536, and was Past President of the District 18 Association. She loved to volunteer, play cards, read, and spend time with family and friends.
Survivors include her husband, Loren, whom she married on November 10, 1963; two children, Jerry, Lori (Mike) Luckner; three grandsons, Jake, Dallas, Chris (Stacy) Luckner; a granddaughter, Jenn (Chad) Meier; five great-grandsons, Colt Red, Owen Meier, Damon Luckner, Connor Luckner, Felix Luckner; as well as numerous nieces, nephews, other extended family, and many friends. She was preceded in death by two half-brothers, Paul “Hap” Thrush and Carl Kent and a half-sister, Meredith Brown.
A memorial gathering will be held on Saturday December 11, 2021 from 9:00 until 10:45 AM at the Abiding Christ Lutheran Church, 326 E. Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd., Fairborn. An Eastern Star service will begin at 10:45 A.M., immediately followed by the funeral service, Pastor Craig Fourman officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Abiding Christ Lutheran Church -or- Aero Chapter #536 OES. Arrangements in care of Belton-Stroup Funeral Home, Fairborn.


February 5 1937 – November 28, 2021

Sue passed away peacefully on Sunday November 30 at the age of 84. She was a native of Dayton but her favorite home was Yellow Springs with her late husband, Don.

Sue focused her entire career developing her gift of art. She was a recognized artist and received numerous awards and honors for her work as well as becoming a local instructor. Sue’s favorite children’s book is ‘The Giving Tree’ She faithfully gave of her time, energy, love and finances to all that her life encountered. Sue bountifully shared her love of God, life, beauty, and nature with all closest to her! Sue was a Member of Fairborn Art Assoc., past Pres of Western OH Watercolor, Dayton Society of Painters and Sculptures and recently a Member of the Village Artisians in Yellow Springs.

She is survived by her daughter, Cathy (Brad), grandchildren Adam and Aaron, son, Chris (Lynne), grandchildren Gabrielle, Rachel, Joshua, Laurel, Daniel, and her great-grandson, Liam.

A Celebration of Sue’s life will be at St. Leonard’s, 8100 Clyo Road, Centerville, December 18, 2021, at 11am.

… Written by Sue’s daughter, Cathy Clauss


December 2021 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA Newsletter 1221 (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA Newsletter 1221 (open document file)

Happy Holidays!!!

Hard to believe that 2021 is almost over! I hope all your holiday preparations are underway, and you remain stress-free and enjoy this wondrous time of year… maybe painting stark trees against a snowy backdrop, or birds gathering seeds, or perhaps a full moon shining on an icy pond. Let your imagination go wild!

Speaking of holidays, our annual Christmas party will be held on Tuesday, December 7, at 6:30 pm. Please note the time change! The doors will open at 6:00 pm and we will eat a simple catered meal of sandwiches, pickles, chips and dessert at 6:30 pm. Drinks and paper products will be provided. If you are planning to attend (unaccompanied or with a guest), you MUST contact Debbie Cosenza by Tuesday, November 30 so we can get a count for the caterer. If you want to be included in the gift exchange, please bring a $10–$15 gift. Masks will not be required.

I learned of the passing of Sue Red recently. This is a very sad occasion for FAA and the Fairborn community. She served many years volunteering her time and talents as treasurer to FAA and spent countless hours heading up the Sweet Corn Festival with her husband, Loren and daughter, Lori. Her friendly smile and warm-hearted nature will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Red family.

We are still in need of a chairperson for the Sweet Corn Festival. I know summer seems like it’s far away, but it will soon be time to start work on all the pre-festival duties. Warren Brown will head the 2022 festival, but we need someone to train under him for the future. PLEASE consider volunteering for this position. It is SO IMPORTANT to this organization and there is a super team of supporters to help with this excellent endeavor.

I’d like to thank Roger for replacing the dirty, dingy rug at the entrance of our gallery. What a difference!

Looking forward to seeing everyone at our party… should be lots of fun!

Keep on painting!

Linda Brandenburg



We have closed the books on the 2021 Sweet Corn Festival. The final tally for this year’s festival is $18,293.33. This year’s festival was a great success. Thanks to all who volunteered.

…Submitted by Roger Browning


January 4 No meeting                                             July 5 No meeting
February 1 Marsha Pippenger, collage                August 2 No meeting
March 1 Jane Halliwell, botanical watercolor      September 6 Jacqueline Sullivan, acrylic
April 5 Andi Sanders, alcohol ink                          October 4 Workshop, TBD
May 3 Workshop, David R. Smith, watercolor    November 1 Erica Kenner, pastel
June 7 Social                                                             December 6 Christmas Party

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


Please join us for our annual Christmas Party on December 7. FAA will cater the food but you MUST make a reservation for yourself and your guest with our greeter, Debbie Cosenza, by November 30. Doors open at 6:00 pm and the party starts at 6:30 pm. If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped item, $10–$15 value. Masks are optional. We hope to see you there.

…Submitted by Carol Collett


I wish to share the wonderful news that I received a Purchase Award in the 123rd Annual ‘Exhibition of Indiana and Ohio Artists’ at the Richmond Art Museum in Indiana. The juried exhibit is open November 5, 2021 through January 8, 2021 at the museum. I was delighted to receive one of the ‘Chip and Marcia Foster’ Purchase awards for my watercolor painting “Snowy Steps.”  The piece was painted after a particularly heavy snowfall during the long winter of 2020. The setting is John Bryan State Park which is near my hometown of Yellow Springs. Yippee!

…Submitted by Libby Rudolf

Watermedia First Place – Yuki Hall for “In Milan” (In Honor of Pat Brewer sponsored by her family, Pat was an amazing Watercolorist known for her downtown Middletown scenes)
Accepted into the show:
Rose Schultz – “Mezquita Marvel” and “Beyond the Bridge”
Shirlee Bauer – “Chalk One Up for Art”
Sherry Cai  “Light and Shadow” and “Wild Field Flowers”
Yuki Hall – “Street View from Victor Emmanuel Monument,” “In Milan,” and “In Rome”
Congratulations to those accepted into this beautiful show!

…Submitted by Connie Gifford


Yuki Hall will be offering a 2-day Pen & Watercolor workshop titled, “Expressive Pen & Wash” on March 21–22, 2022 at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery. Pen & Wash is a wonderful method to capture an essence of the scene quickly with a minimal amount of supplies. In this 2-day workshop, students will learn about different types of pens and their usages. Students will also learn how to avoid rigid coloring-in style of painting, but to instead, execute it with expressive lines with confident brush marks which reflect humanness and finesse. Method of blending colors on the paper to keep freshness will also be discussed. For more information and/or to register, contact Yuki Hall. The registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached.

Attachment:  Yuki Hall Expressive Pen & Wash Registration Form


Fairborn Art Association is pleased to welcome David R. Smith for our May 2–4, 2022 Workshop. David enjoys the challenge of working in harmony with a fluid medium. By providing the proper environment, surrendering some control, and working with the medium, the most beautiful results oftentimes occur naturally. To keep the paintings from getting too precise, and instead, to convey a feeling of aliveness, David utilizes a number of techniques such as working wet into wet, glazing, pouring, spattering, and spraying. These techniques not only keep the painting fresh, but produce exciting interminglings and textures effortlessly.

David’s favorite subjects tend to be found in nature and he loves to travel abroad as well as explore state and national parks for inspiration. Depicting a subject in great light, capitalizing on the contrast developed by light and shadow, while showcasing the assortment of jewels that happen naturally through the fluid medium keeps David eager to paint his next creation.

David has studied under numerous instructors in the states and in China. He has displayed his work in galleries and museums across the United States and his work has been awarded at the state and national level. David has received Signature Membership with the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, and others. The registration form is available in the Gallery, on our website, and is also included at the end of this newsletter.

…Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment:  FAA DAVID R SMITH Registration 2022

Jacqueline Sullivan, a popular demo artist at FAA, is currently exhibiting through November 30, 2021 in the Creative Catalyst Studio Gallery Show with Marion Corbin-Mayer and Nancy G. Turner at Haehnle Gallery, St John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, 320 Resor Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220. For more information, refer to their website at www.creativecatalyststudio.com .


The Dayton Art Institute is currently open 11:00 am–8:00 pm on Thursdays, 11:00 am–5:00 pm on Fridays and Saturdays, noon–5:00 pm on Sundays. Masks and social distancing are required. They ask that you check often for updates. For more information, visit their website at https://www.daytonartinstitute.org or call 937-223-4ART (4278).


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at https://www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 1, 2022. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the February Newsletter is Monday, January 17, 2022. Please email your articles to April Coppess.

Please note that for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will no longer be posting personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.

November 2021 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1121 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1121 Newsletter (open document file)

Hello Everyone!

Well, can you believe it is Halloween time and Fairborn is in its Foy’s glory! Soon we will be planning our Thanksgiving feasts and putting up Christmas decorations… where does the time go?

At last month’s meeting, we enjoyed a watercolor demo by Shirley DeLaet, who was very entertaining and gave us new ways to view creating our masterpieces… I will never look at distilled water in the same way again! Our next meeting, which is Tuesday, November 2 at 7:00 pm, will showcase our very own Yuki Hall, and I, for one, am looking forward to ‘soaking in’ her watercolor talents. Hope to see many of you there, and don’t forget to wear your masks.

We are still deciding how to approach our December meeting due to Covid. A potluck will be out of the question, but hopefully we can have some sort of refreshments and gift exchange. Stay tuned for further updates.

We are still looking for someone to step up and commandeer the 2022 Sweet Corn Festival with Warren Brown, and then take the helm. This festival is our BIG money maker for the year and intrinsic to the financial future of our group, and Warren has promised he doesn’t ‘bite’, I think.  Also, Jackie Albright still needs someone to help with the photographs for our website, so please consider volunteering for these positions.

Dream big and keep creating!

Linda Brandenburg



November 2 Yuki Hall, cityscape watercolor
December 7 Christmas Party

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


January 4 No meeting                                             July 5 No meeting
February 1 Marsha Pippenger, collage                August 2 No meeting
March 1 Jane Halliwell, botanical watercolor      September 6 Jacqueline Sullivan, acrylic
April 5 Andi Sanders, alcohol ink                           October 4 Workshop, TBD
May 3 Workshop, David R. Smith, watercolor      November 1 Erica Kenner, pastel
June 7 Social                                                              December 6 Christmas Party

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


We are pleased to add Yuki Hall as demo artist to our November 2nd meeting (as our scheduled workshop had to be cancelled). Yuki will be demonstrating a watercolor cityscape. This should be a well-attended event so please continue to practice distancing and wear a mask while inside the gallery.

Yuki Hall is an award-winning watercolor artist known for her loose style and spontaneous approach to working with the medium. She holds a signature membership to the Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Ohio Watercolor Society, and Whiskey Painters of America. Her work has been accepted into prestigious national & international level watercolor juried competitions including the National Juried Exhibition of Transparent Watercolor Society of America, National Watercolor Society, all member’s exhibition, and Watercolor West International Juried Exhibition.

Yuki’s works have been published by highly competitive national art/watercolor publications: Watercolor Artist Magazine Water Media Showcase, 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2020; and The Best of Watercolor “Splash 14”, “Splash 20”, Splash 21” & “Splash 22”, 2015 ~ 2021 by North Light Books and Golden Peak Media Fine Art Group.

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


As announced in last month’s newsletter, Yuki Hall is offering a 1-day workshop for Holiday watercolor painting on November 16, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm. This workshop is a casual and fun-filled “Make them – Take them home” type workshop that students of all levels can enjoy. Students will be making 2 framed mini watercolor paintings with a Holiday theme. They will also be painting and making Holiday cards which can be framed later in 5X7 frame if so wished. These adorable mini paintings make one-of-a-kind Holiday gifts for special friends and family members. While having lots of fun, students will learn many important watercolor painting concepts and techniques which can be later applied to larger paintings. The cost for this workshop is $60 which includes two miniature 3×3 wooden frames with matting, card making supplies, and watercolor paper. To register, send the payment and the registration form to Yuki Hall. For any questions regarding this class, please call, text, or e-mail Yuki. The registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached below.

Attachment: Yuki Hall Holiday miniature painting


Fairborn Art Association is pleased to welcome David R. Smith for our May 2-4, 2022 Workshop. David enjoys the challenge of working in harmony with a fluid medium. By providing the proper environment, surrendering some control, and working with the medium, the most beautiful results oftentimes occur naturally. To keep the paintings from getting too precise, and instead, to convey a feeling of aliveness, David utilizes a number of techniques such as working wet into wet, glazing, pouring, spattering, and spraying. These techniques not only keep the painting fresh, but produce exciting interminglings and textures effortlessly.

David’s favorite subjects tend to be found in nature and he loves to travel abroad as well as explore state and national parks for inspiration. Depicting a subject in great light, capitalizing on the contrast developed by light and shadow, while showcasing the assortment of jewels that happen naturally through the fluid medium keeps David eager to paint his next creation.

David has studied under numerous instructors in the states and in China. He has displayed his work in galleries and museums across the United States and his work has been awarded at the state and national level. David has received Signature Membership with the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, and others. The registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached below.

…Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment: FAA DAVID R SMITH Registration 2022


B-W Greenway and the Fairborn Art Association, for the tenth year, sponsored a juried art competition to heighten public awareness of local greenspaces and the need to preserve these assets. Each year, a different location within the greenway is selected for the artists to inspire their artwork. The 2021 location was Pearl’s Fen, the newest park in the Greene County Park District. This year, the competition attracted 39 artists and 84 pieces of artwork. The judge for Landscapes2021 was Mr. Michael Roediger, Director & CEO of the Dayton Art Institute. On July 11, the opening reception was held at the Fairborn Art Association gallery and awards were presented to the following artists:

First Place – Rose Schultz – Boardwalk in the Fen and The Fen
Second Place – Liz Beecher – Peaceful Walk
Third Place – Pat Robinow – Pearl’s Fen Early Spring, #2

Honorable Mention, nine artists received ribbons: Carol Edsall, Kim Ceccarelli, Joann Davenport, Brendan Higgins, Susie King, Team Janet Lasley & Yufeng Wang; Phillip Reed, Sally Struthers, and Ryan Taylor

…Submitted by Pat Higgins


The B-W Greenway Community Land Trust & the Fairborn Art Association announce the Landscapes2022 juried art exhibition. It has been held for the past 11 years to heighten public awareness of preserving local greenspaces through art.

Annually, a different location which has been preserved with the assistance of B-W Greenway Community Land Trust. The 2022 location for the competition is Spangler Nature Preserve, one of the newest parks for the Clark County Park District. The Spangler Nature Preserve encompasses property acquired on both sides of Spangler Road by B-W Greenway.

The juried competition is open to all artists 16 years and older, living within 200 miles of Fairborn, OH. A 2D work may be oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor, print, drawing, mixed media, or photography. A 2D art may not exceed 30 x 40 inches. 3D art, less than 60 lbs. in weight. 3D sculpture, must fit through a standard doorway.

All entries will be received at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery, 221 North Central Avenue, Fairborn, OH (in the rear of the building) on Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26, from 1:00-3:00 pm.

A non-refundable entry fee of $20 total for up to 3 works must accompany all entry forms. Artwork may be offered for sale by the artist; 20% of each sale will be taken as a donation to B-W Greenway Community Land Trust.

The judge for Landscapes2022 is Eve Fleck. Eve worked as a studio ceramicist operating Eve Fleck Porcelain for 30 years. Her work is included in several museum collections and art publications. Eve received her B.A. in Visual Arts from Goddard College with additional study at the San Francisco Art Institute, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, and the Penland School of Crafts.

The Opening Reception will be held at the Fairborn Art Gallery on Sunday, July 10, from 1:00-3:00 pm.  The art will be on display at the Fairborn Art Association Gallery and open to the public on July 17 and July 24.

For additional information visit the B-W Greenway webpage: www.bwgreenway.org or please contact Pat Higgins.

…Submitted by Pat Higgins


Middletown Arts Center presents the annual Area Art Exhibition 2021, November 12, 2021 – January 13, 2022. The Middletown Arts Center is located at 130 N. Verity Parkway, Middletown, OH  45042.


PleinAir Magazine is celebrating their 10th Anniversary by showcasing ten of their favorite paintings from the last decade in their December/January 2022 issue.


Various art mediums are represented at the Front Street Art Gallery’s 1st Friday Art Hops in Dayton, Ohio. This year’s remaining Art Hops will be held on November 5 and December 3. Check out their website www.frontstreet.art for more information.

FAA will have water and soft drinks available at the meetings. We will not be encouraging the sharing of food at our meetings, however, if someone wants to bring snacks to share, they must be individually prepackaged. You are welcome to bring your own personal snacks. Please be responsible for cleaning up after yourself.

…Submitted by Carol Collett


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at https://www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


Our next meeting will be our Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the December Newsletter is Monday, November 15, 2021. Please email your articles to April Coppess.

Please note that for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will no longer be posting personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.


Lian Quan Zhen Workshop Is Cancelled


The Lian Quan Zhen workshop Nov. 1-4, 2021, has been canceled.  Lian is having surgery and can’t travel for 6 months.  We wish him all the best with his surgery and hope to have him back another time.

FAA will not have a workshop until May 2022 featuring David R Smith, watercolor artist.  Check out his website.  He is an amazing artist and teacher.  I took a class from him in Florida and really learned a lot.

Our own award winning member, Yuki Hall will do the demo for November’s meeting.

… Submitted by Pat Dunker

October 2021 Newsletter

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1021 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 1021 Newsletter (open document file)

Hello Everyone!

I can hardly believe fall is here…didn’t summer just begin? I hope you have all recovered and rested up from the Sweet Corn festival; speaking of which, we are in SERIOUS need of someone or ‘someones’ to be Warren Brown’s understudy next year, and to eventually take over the position of chairperson of the Sweet Corn festival. As it has been said repeatedly, this is our MAIN money maker so we can pay rent on our gallery, pay our demo artists, general upkeep, etc. Warren, who has generously said he would help anyone learn ‘the ropes’, will not be able to do it after the 2022 festival. Please seriously consider volunteering to help….WE NEED YOU!!!

I will now get off my soapbox, and remind you that our next meeting is Tuesday, October 5, at 7:00 pm, with Shirley DeLaet as our guest artist, and includes our annual art supply sale which starts at 5:30. This should be a fun evening and, once again, if you want snacks they must be prepackaged, and pop and water will be provided. Masks will be required until further notice.

If anyone would be willing to help with some photographs for our website, please contact Jackie Albright.

The new directories look fabulous and are available now for pick up in the gallery. Kudos to Deb Cosenza for doing such a super job!

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 5th!

Linda Brandenburg



I, on behalf of the Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival Committee, would again like to thank all of you who volunteered to help with the 2021 Sweet Corn Festival. The festival simply couldn’t happen without your annual support! We need an understudy for me this year because my current plan is to retire after the 2022, 40th Annual Sweet Corn Festival, barring earlier potential health related issues. We need someone to step up and work with the committee as we plan for the 2022 Sweet Corn Festival. There are guidelines for the elements that make up the various festival duties. So come join us and we will guide you to accomplish a successful event!

…Submitted by Warren K. Brown, Current Chair, Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival Committee


Time to go through your studio, basement, garage! Fairborn Art Association members will again have the opportunity to recycle their over-bought, no longer used, or unloved Art and Craft supplies. You can reserve a table for your sale prior to our October 5th meeting. Set up and all sales transactions are your responsibility, so make sure you bring enough money to make change. Final cleanup of unsold items is also yours to do; nothing is to be left in the gallery.
WHEN:  October 5, 5:30-6:30 pm (board meeting will be held at this time also)
HOW:  If you wish to participate, reserve a table by 9/28 by emailing or texting (only) Carol Edsall. The doors will be open and a table will be set up for you with plastic cover by 5:00 pm. If weather permits, some tables may be set up outside.
REMINDER:  While inside the gallery, masks are required. And only bring food for personal consumption.

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


We have several great events coming up through the remainder of this year:

  • October 5 features Shirley DeLaet, with watercolor
  • November 2 workshop features Lian Quan Zhen, a watercolor and Chinese painting artist who again has taught previously at FAA and was very well received.
  • December 7 Christmas Party

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


February 1 Marsha Pippenger, collage                August 2 No meeting
March 1 Jane Halliwell, botanical watercolor      September 6 Jacqueline Sullivan, acrylic
April 5 Andi Sanders, alcohol ink                          October 4 Workshop, TBD
May 3 Workshop, David R. Smith, watercolor    November 1 Erica Kenner, pastel
June 7 Social                                                             December 6 Christmas Party
July 5 No meeting

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


Our guest watercolor demo artist for Fairborn Art Association’s October 5, 2021 meeting will be Shirley DeLaet. Meeting will commence at 7:00 pm at the FAA Art Gallery located at 221 N. Central Ave. in Fairborn. All participants are required to wear masks at this time and distancing is encouraged.

Art became Shirley DeLaet’s life desire at a very early age. She was determined to be an artist, so when the time came to make adult choices, she chose to enter the world of commercial art as an illustrator and designer. Shirley said, “It was a good choice,” as it led to a 30-year career in the business of creating for others. Upon retiring from her career, she picked up her brushes again to continue the creative process, but this time it was to paint for the pure pleasure of painting. She starts her process by studying her subjects so she can get to know them well. Telling their story on canvas or paper is a big, and important, part of her creative process. She paints in either watercolor or oil paint so she can select what’s best for a particular subject matter. Both still life and landscape paintings, along with an occasional off-subject, can be found in her portfolio.

Shirley says, “Beauty guides my subject choices because I have always found beauty everywhere, even in the simplest, or strangest, of things. But it’s the story behind the beauty that guides me through my painting process. Art is still my life’s desire. And, I still find beauty everywhere. So I paint.”

Shirley continues to fulfill her life’s desire from her home studio in Troy, Ohio.

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


Fairborn Art Association is excited to have Lian Zhen returning to teach a 4-day workshop (November 1-4, 2021): 2 days of Chinese watercolor and 2 days of his own technique. Lian will bring the materials needed for Chinese painting at the low cost of $35. It includes brushes, paints, paper, etc. Lian is a truly inspired watercolorist and teacher plus he is full of enthusiasm and lots of fun so you are certain to enjoy his teaching style. There are still some spaces left but they are filling up so please send your registration and deposit to Pat Dunker. The full payment is due October 25, 2021. The registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached..

…Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment: LIAN QUAN ZHEN Registration 2021

Attachment: Lian Quan Zhen Workshop material List


Please note that, due to an oversight, the September newsletter did not mention the name of one of our members who won an award in this exhibition.

Congratulations on the Honorable Mention: “Out on a Limb” by JoAnn Davenport

…Submitted by Connie Gifford


Honorable Mention: Marsha Elliott
Honorable Mention: Connie Gifford

And Marsha Elliott sold her painting during the wet paint sale at the event – way to go! We had several other FAA members in this plein air event – congratulations to all.

…Submitted by Connie Gifford


Drawing: Sheryl Scott– 1st Place
Water Media Awards: Diana Hoke– 3rd Place

And we had many other of our FAA members that have participated in this show. Congratulations to all.

…Submitted by Connie Gifford


Yuki Hall

Yuki Hall is offering a 1-day workshop for Holiday watercolor painting on November 16, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm. This workshop is a casual and fun-filled “Make them – Take them home” type workshop that students of all levels can enjoy. Students will be making 2 framed mini watercolor paintings with a Holiday theme. They will also be painting and making Holiday cards which can be framed later in 5X7 frame if so wished. These adorable mini paintings make one-of-a-kind Holiday gifts for special friends and family members. While having lots of fun, students will learn many important watercolor painting concepts and techniques which can be later applied to larger paintings. The cost for this workshop is $60 which includes two miniature 3×3 wooden frames with matting, card making supply and watercolor paper. To register, send the payment and the registration to Yuki Hall. For any questions regarding this class, please call, text or e-mail Yuki. The registration form is available in the Gallery, is also included at the end of this newsletter, and is attached.

Attachment: Yuki Hall Holiday miniature painting


Please pick up your FAA directory at the October meeting. The directories will be mailed out to those members who are not able to attend.

…Submitted by Debbie Cosenza

FAA will have water and soft drinks available at the meetings. We will not be encouraging the sharing of food at our meetings, however, if someone wants to bring snacks to share, they must be individually prepackaged. You are welcome to bring your own personal snacks. Please be responsible for cleaning up after yourself.

…Submitted by Carol Collett


The Yellow Springs Textile Art Group is currently exhibiting at the Winds Cafe, 215 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, OH 45387 to October 30, 2021.

MEDIA CONTACT: Pam Geisel, 937-767-8013, [email protected]

PUBLIC CONTACT: Winds Cafe, 937-767-1144, www.WindsCafe.com


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at https://fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the November Newsletter is Monday, October 18, 2021. Please email your articles to April Coppess.

Please note that for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will no longer be posting personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.


To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0921 Newsletter (pdf file)

To Print this newsletter, click here: FAA 0921 Newsletter (open document file)

Hello Everyone!

The 2021 Sweet Corn Festival is history, and I couldn’t be more proud of all the hard work our organization provided to make this event a HUGE success…everyone was OUTSTANDING! A special thanks to Warren Brown for chairing this extravaganza and to Cheryl Miracle for being his right-hand ‘woman’. Our watermelon booth sold out, so Kudos to Roger Browning, his family, and all those that stood for hours cutting watermelon. Sheryl Scott kept all the vendors in order and didn’t stop moving the whole weekend! I can’t mention everyone’s name or this letter would go on forever, but just know I am very grateful for the marvelous job you all did, despite the hot and humid weather.

We are starting a new season this fall and our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 7, at 7:00 pm, with Nita Leland as our guest speaker. Since she is such a popular ‘attraction’ and Covid-19 numbers are on the rise, we are requiring everyone to wear a mask, although we won’t be limiting the number of attendees. I look forward to seeing everyone and having a great year!

April Coppess agreed to accept the position of Corresponding Secretary after Lisa Becker had to step down. She has been hard at work learning all the ‘ins and outs’, so a BIG thank you, April!

Be aware of two changes: 1) Our new or used art supplies sale is moved back to October and 2) Our refreshments will remain grab and go prepackaged items. Water is provided.

See you in September, (feel free to add your own music….)

Linda Brandenburg



The Sweet Corn Festival Committee is happy to report that attendance at the festival was steady with Saturday appearing to be the bigger day. The high afternoon temperatures no doubt slowed down attendance, but our parking crew reported that every available space all the way to the back of the high school was full mid-afternoon on Saturday. Vendors reported brisk sales and the Lions sold out of chicken on Saturday afternoon. The Committee thanks all the FAA volunteers that committed to help at the vendors gate, information booth and watermelon booth. Without your assistance a successful event would not happen! Remember that next year is going to be our 40th anniversary event so begin thinking about the task you are going to volunteer for next August 20 and 21!

…Submitted by Warren Brown, Chair


The watermelon booth this year was another success. We sold 200 watermelons, cut and diced and served in 1,796 cups of delicious fruit for our customers. We made about $2,050 for the Fairborn Art Association. Thanks to all who supported the watermelon booth by volunteering to work and endure the heat.

…Submitted by Roger Browning, Chair


We have several great events coming up in September through the remainder of this year:

  • September 7 will feature Nita Leland, talking about collage. She is a well published artist who has provided demos and taught at FAA in the past. This promises to be another well attended meeting.
  • October 5 features Shirley De Lait, with watercolor
  • November 2 workshop features Liam Quan Zhen, a watercolor and Chinese painting artist who again has taught previously at FAA and was very well received.
  • December 7 Christmas Party

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


February 1 Marsha Pippenger, collage                August 2 No meeting
March 1 Jane Halliwell, botanical watercolor      September 6 Jacqueline Sullivan, acrylic
April 5 Andi Sanders, alcohol ink                          October 4 Workshop, TBD
May 3 Workshop, TBD                                            November 1 Erica Kenner, pastel
June 7 Social                                                            December 6 Christmas Party
July 5 No meeting

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


At the September meeting, FAA member Nita Leland will give a collage demo and book talk about her recently released memoir, Born Creative: Paint, Passion & Purpose. Nita is an experienced artist, teacher, and author. Since 1985, she has written several best-selling art-instruction books on color, creativity, and collage/mixed media. Revised editions and translations of her books and DVDs are still in print, along with early YouTube watercolor lessons.

Smack in the middle of the carpool years, Nita was a frazzled housewife with four kids. Her husband Bob decided she needed a hobby and gave her a set of watercolors. Every attempt to teach herself ended in disaster. When she enrolled in a YMCA class, she became obsessed with watercolor.

Trapped in a tug-of-war between her family and an art career, Nita invented strategies to balance her life and triumphed over a multitude of domestic conflicts, gender bias, and lingering self-doubt to emerge as a professional watercolor and collage artist, international workshop instructor, and author.

Nita’s books and talks reflect with directness and humor how one woman successfully turned challenges into opportunities and fulfilled her life’s purpose as a teacher.

Signed copies of Nita’s books will be available at a special price at this event. Email Nita for more information: [email protected] .

…Submitted by Carol Edsall


Fairborn Art Association is excited to have Lian Zhen returning to teach a 4-day workshop (November 1-4, 2021): 2 days of Chinese watercolor and 2 days of his own technique. Lian will bring the materials needed for Chinese painting at the low cost of $35. It includes brushes, paints, paper, etc. Lian is a truly inspired watercolorist and teacher, plus he is full of enthusiasm and lots of fun, so you are certain to enjoy his teaching style. There are still some spaces left but they are filling up, so please send your registration and deposit to Pat Dunker. The full payment is due October 25, 2021. The registration form is available in the Gallery and is attached.

…Submitted by Pat Dunker

Attachment:  LIAN QUAN ZHEN Registration 2021


Yuki Hall

Yuki Hall will offer a 3-day watercolor painting workshop, “Capturing the Light in Watercolor” at Fairborn Art Association Gallery, 221 North Central Avenue, Fairborn, Ohio from October 18 to October 20, 2021. In this 3-day workshop, you will learn how to fully exploit the various kinds of light effects to create a watercolor painting with a powerful visual and emotional impact. Yuki’s highly-organized, friendly, and non-intimidating teaching style has been well received for years by students of all levels. The cost is $200. More information is attached.

Yuki Hall received the Rae & Associates Award at the Ohio Watercolor Society Annual Juried Exhibition, 2021. Yuki also has her Watercolor Exhibition titled “Moments in Time” currently running at the Canton Museum of Art in Canton, OH. The exhibition runs until October 24.

Attachment:  Yuki Hall Flyer

Pat Dunker

Beavercreek artist, Patricia Dunker, will exhibit her work at the Gallery at Lofino Plaza during the month of September.

Studying the techniques of the old masters with Frank Covino from 2005 to 2016, Pat became adept enough to be invited to paint in Paris at the Louvre. At the end of 2 weeks, Pat’s drawings were approved and she was invited to return in 2 years and exhibit her work in the Louvre. This was an honor of a lifetime. Pat’s painting experience has also extended to watercolor. She is a member of the Fairborn Art Association, Western Ohio Watercolor Society, Ohio Watercolor Society, and Bonita Springs Art Association and has received multiple awards for both watercolor and oil paintings. Pat will be hosting a reception at the Gallery on Friday, September 10 from 2-4. The Gallery is located at 3868 Dayton-Xenia Rd., Beavercreek, Ohio 45432.  Hours are Monday through Friday 9-4. Beginning September 6, hours will extend to Monday-Thursday 9-7, Friday 9-4, and Sat. 9-12.


Congratulations to several of our FAA members who are award winners in this show held now to October 3, 2021 at the Troy Hayner Cultural Center. Please invite people to come and see this beautiful show in person. It is one of the best shows – watercolor at its best!

Yuki Hall – 1st Place for “Street View from Victor Emanuel Monument II”
Rosie Huart – 3rd Place for “Spirit Symphony”
Carol Edsall – Honorable Mention for “Tahoe Dreaming”
Elizabeth Martin – Honorable Mention for “Onions Again”
Shirley Harbaugh – Honorable Mention for “Spring Garden”

…Submitted by Connie Gifford


Congratulations to our FAA members who won awards in this exhibition.

Water Media

Leonard Williams – 1st Place for “Afternoon Shadows”
Carol Edsall – 2nd Place for “Faded Beauty”
Mary J. White– 3rd Place for “Porzoi Puppy”
Shirlee Bauer – Honorable Mention for “Front Street Glassblower”
Connie S. Gifford – Honorable Mention for “Sunflower in Morning Light”

Mixed Media

Rose Schultz – 1st Place for “Beyond the Bridge”

Oil and Acrylic

Bonnie Kuntz – Honorable Mention for “Sedona”


Barb Olekas – Honorable Mention for “The Path Hibiscus”

…Submitted by Connie Gifford


Our annual “garage sale” of no longer wanted art supplies will be moved to October 5 from 5:30-6:30 pm, due to September’s busy venue. So you have time to go through your garage, studio and collect all those supplies you’d like to sell. More information on how to reserve your table will be coming in the October newsletter.

…Submitted by Carol Collett


I would like to inform or remind all members that the gallery is here for you to use. I would really like to see art on our walls. Please consider having your own show; if you can’t fill the gallery why not get together with a few artist friends. During the month of September we will have paintings on display from our Thursday and Friday morning gallery painters. (You are invited to join us and paint at any time.) Can we see your paintings in October or November? Please contact me with questions or to sign up. Also, the gallery is available if you would like to lead a workshop. The gallery is here for the use of all members. Give it some thought.

…Submitted by Carol Collett

FAA will have water and soft drinks available at the meetings. We will not be encouraging the sharing of food at our meetings, however, if someone wants to bring snacks to share, they must be individually prepackaged. You are welcome to bring your own personal snacks. Please be responsible for cleaning up after yourself.

…Submitted by Carol Collett


We would like to offer your organization the opportunity to attend both the monthly art hops/and also to set up a pop up tent advertising your organization free of charge to sign up members on First Fridays! For more info, please contact [email protected]

…Submitted by Clarice Moore


Yellow Springs Textile Art Group will exhibit at the Winds Cafe, 215 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, OH 45387 on September 7–October 30, 2021; Artists’ Reception –TBA
Media Contact: Pam Geisel, 937-767-8013, [email protected]
Public Contact: Winds Cafe, 937-767-1144, www.WindsCafe.com


The Piqua Arts Council will hold its 29th Annual Fine Art Exhibit on September 10 to October 1, 2021, at the Apple Tree Gallery, 405 N. Main St., Piqua, OH 45356 during normal gallery hours. Several of our members have artwork in this exhibit.


Art classes for children and adults are back in session at K12 Gallery & TEJAS (Teen Educational & Joint Adult Studio), 341 S. Jefferson St., Dayton, OH 45402


If you have access to the internet, please go to our website at https://www.fairbornart.org for additional articles throughout the month. We also post photographs of meetings and other events that we are unable to publish in the printed version of this newsletter.


Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 5, 2021. The deadline for submitting articles to be included in the October Newsletter is Monday, September 20, 2021. Please email your articles to April Coppess.

Please note that for privacy reasons, the Fairborn Art Association will no longer be posting personal email addresses or phone numbers in the newsletters or on our website. Consult your FAA Directory for contact information for members. For non-members, we will provide the contact information we are given for them.

FAA Calendar of Events 2024

Events are held in the FAA Gallery unless otherwise indicated

July 14 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition (Opening Reception)

July 21 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

July 28 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Landscapes2024 Art Exhibition

August 17–18 Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival (Community Park)

September 3 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist Shirlee Bauer

October 8 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Watercolor demo by guest artist David R. Smith

October 7–9 9:30 am–4:30 pm Watercolor Workshop with David R. Smith

November 5 7:00 pm–8:30 pm Collage demo by guest artist Rosemary Nick

December 7 3:00 pm5:00 pm Christmas Party

Weekly Paint-Ins (not held during Workshops):

Thursdays 9:00 am–1:00 pm Watercolor only

Fridays 10:00 am–1:00 pm All mediums

Forms (click on printable form below):

FAA 2024-2025 Membership Form (pdf)